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Everything posted by robmcg

  1. Is it too late to vote for a Thompson O1 as the most worthy engine and model which was never saved? Narrowly ahead of the LNER 02. I'm a bit slow, you know....
  2. Brilliant photo David and I think the green is just about right. We easily become obsessive about colours and I subscribe to the school of thought which accommodates the huge variation on colours on real railways in the steam age, the effects of light, shade, weather, season, rain, ash, smoke, dust, and fading. What I try to aim for in my editing is an overall pleasing effect, and with in mind messed around with your 60501 turntable shot, as shown in the Hornby A2 thread, and with your generous invitation repeat here. I wonder how practical it would be to make an A2/1 60507, 9, 10, from one of these outstanding new Hornby A2/2s? In any event, please note my picture is edited, though nothing has been done to the model except tone and so on. Cheers
  3. robmcg

    Preorder email

    Ah well I simply don't know. Apologies.
  4. You are very kind. Mostly I adapt photos I take and add backgrounds and so on. I may find some in your collection which I would love to mess around with, Here is my version of 64B ... I have a book entitled 'Steam Days at Haymarket' which is the same size as a typical Irwell 'Book of..' and I recall greatly enjoying it some years ago, I must take another look, but in the meantime here is a version of your photo with a bit more contrast and the addition of the kind of thing of which Tony Wright would not approve... Most enjoyable and quite a challenge to do much with Hornby livery... I've made the light a bit more harsh than is common that far north! May I say what a pleasure it is to see such a lovely model, any production faults notwithstanding, which can look so good. Your shed modelling is clearly top-notch, and I am aware that the shed environs were generally kept very tidy by BR standards. I wonder how the Haymarket drivers and firemen felt if they ever got landed with an A2/2? I know they had three A2/1s for many years, not sure about A2/3s. edit; I am not supposed to put edited pictures in product threads so if anyone complains it could be put perhaps in your Haymarket thread?
  5. Looking good and I think weathering will improve the boiler no end. Thanks for your comments re my picture-making... I use every trick I can find to get the look I like, essentially I use two lap tops and two phones to look at pictures, an Acer (rather bluish by default) an Asus (rather yellow by default) and each has been made as neutral as possible in advanced display settings, an iPhone 6 and an Android phone, these are all slightly different when viewed one after another. I use Paintshop Pro 6 for most post-exposure editing (it is about US$12.95 ), but also Picasa photo editor (free) . My camera is a Canon EOS-M half frame with 18-55mm kit lens. I usually have a mix of natural light and a little tungsten reading lamp light and I use F29-32 and exposures typically 8-12 seconds, ISO 100. No filters. PSP6 allows a lot of tricks, but I do most things manually, even focussing of various exposures when I graft several together, can't get my head around stacking, I care a lot about perspective, distortion, shading, highlighting, saturation, all the usual things, and try to simply enjoy myself. It has taken 10 years and thousands of photos and still learning. Cheers and good luck with weathering, beautiful model, can't wait to see mine! edit, while I wait for my deliveries from England would you mind if I messed around with your picture?
  6. robmcg

    Preorder email

    That suggests to me miscommunication between Hattons and Hornby, I doubt we will ever know which side was culpable if indeed there is any sensible way to lay blame. My suspicion is that Hornby did not make it clear to Hattons that their share of the 500 would be small.
  7. I agree that 15 years ago we were receiving such as the blue Princess class 4-6-2 which although easy to criticize for it's crude trailing truck was typical of products of the day and my 46206 is the smoothest quietest 00 engine I have ever known. We are getting very smooth running from the new A2s, it appears to be the extreme detail and assembly errors which are fouling the nest.... but I will hope for the best and I'd still rather have the stunning detail and the odd repair job than the 2006 standard. Without doing the sums the retail vs incomes hasn't changed much over this last 15 years? As to the livery issue, there is a photo of a TMC-weathered 60505 in today's 'Wright Writes' and the green looks as good as any I've seen, the lining too... even though on pristine models it's too black, in each case to my eyes, at least, within the limits of photography.
  8. I have Sun Castle on order and paid-for with Kernow, and I read that Tony Wright is expecting to see an example in the not too distant future. On the subject of minor or major detail assembly issues, I have yet to see aa A2/2 model by Hornby with the handrail above the front footrests not squashed. It was not always (or ever?) vertical on the prototype, being angled outwards a bit , so I might be simply nit-picking, shows what an idle sod I am! Thus I fully expect to be doing a bit of detail work on my A2s when they arrive here in NZ. Actually I am quite excited and full of optimism. Fully expecting some repair work .... One wonders about the costs and difficulties in finding assembly contractors in China.
  9. I am so pleased that it looks so good, I have one en route from TMC also weathered, and I am expecting the possibility of one or two assembly issues which appear to be common if the thread in products is accurate. Given that this thread is about modellering, I like to remember the wise words of Tony when he compares RTR to anything one might make for oneself, the relevant costs in time and energy, and of course the relative satisfaction. Thus the re-attachment or bending of parts is not always too onerous. I took the liberty of softening the colour in your photo, doesn't she (he) look good! Will remove if asked. I must say TMC have done a lovely job, a hint of rust on tender frames, nice motion near the cylinders, may I ask which TMC weathering 'type' you had specified?
  10. That will be interesting in view of the planned second wave advertised for Summer 2021.... I must offer thanks to all who have commented on the new A2/2s and shown photos, I expect a few assembly issues are quite likely in any I receive, but the model still looks to me to be very desirable. RMweb is excellent in that people so kindly offer their cures for such as A3 ski-jumps and A2 wavy footplates. I still subscribe to the view that we are lucky to have a Hornby company prepared to manufacture and sell models of such astonishing detail even if sometimes with imperfect assembly.
  11. Yes I am aware of the difficulty in language here. The incorrect lion was when it was reversed by BR to make both sides face forwards, a correct design in heraldry should not be reversed. Thus the forward facing lion on the fireman's side was incorrect, and a rearward facing lio on that side was/is correct, as modelled, but it is not as 60505 actually was. The real 60505 went to the scrapper with an 'incorrect' forward facing lion on the fireman's side... even though the rendition on the model was in heraldry 'correct', it was incorrect in terms of reproducing the actual engine. . Amusing really, given the lengths we go to to enjoy accurate models. Cheers.
  12. I noticed the wavy running plate and squashed front step handrails, and mis-fitting of the frames, more for me to look for when I receive my two!
  13. Your input into the details of the A2s has been much appreciated by many, Tony. On the subject of detail, details, details, did you know that 60505 'Thane of Fife' went to her grave with the late crest with the Lion incorrectly reversed on the fireman's side, unless I mis-read Yeadons LNER Vol.3 p.82. For what it's worth 60501 and the other 5 A2/2s were initially changed post-1957 to the late crest, two were correct, four were 'tidied up' on one side to forward-face but only two of these were corrected. It made me laugh because of recent discussion of the art and philosophy of details... these RTR models really are astounding. Is it 'late crest' and 'early emblem' ? I always become confused! Nomenclature and heraldry are not my forte!
  14. I'm very pleased for you Ollie, it shows that it is quite common for bits which have fallen off to be hiding somewhere in the packaging or engine itself, congratulations on your repair. I await with a mix of trepidation and hope for a complete 60501 and 60505 when they arrive here!
  15. Back to arcane facts about A2 Pacifics, Yeadons states on p82 of Vol 3 of LNER Pacifics that from July 1957 all six A2/2s changed from emblem to crest and 60501 and 60502 received correct-facing lions, while the others had the BR attempt at tidiness with the lion forward-facing on both sides, and 60504 and 60506 were corrected during repairs and 60503 and 60505 went to their graves with a reversed lion on one side. I haven't looked at photos of Hornby's 60505. Yet. edit; have looked now, oh dear, from a recent photo of the actual model... that looks like a rearward-facing lion as it should be. Is there no end to your errors, Hornby? Or have Yeadons got it wrong....
  16. Actually the Thomson A2s were brilliant at heavy loads at highish speeds up to 75mph, and that what they were built for. 50sq ft grate, free-steaming, lots of cylinder capacity, 600 + tons up hill and down dale, well, it was a good theory... What could possibly go wrong? Pity about the ride and the frames and the leaks.
  17. robmcg

    Preorder email

    Interesting reply Mike, possibly you underestimate the number of people who pre-order with little intention of actually buying, but just to keep their buying options open. Secondly many buyers do not have trusted friend as part of the pre-order system.
  18. In looking at my A2/2 photos alas all concocted from ads and edited I could not help but notice how the livery assessment models were rather richer than the production models in their rendition of green... I look forward to receipt of my pristine CotN and weathered ToF in the next week or two.... not only to see if they are intact but also to see the green for myself...
  19. As you say there is no way to measure the number of faults and errors in RTR models, many go unnoticed, unreported, or fixed without anyone but the buyer knowing. This forum allows an outlet for the many faulty items sold to be noted, and at times it's quite unnerving! I'm sure Hornby's business model accepts a certain number of returns, as does the retailer.
  20. Just lovely! I have feeling that this engine might have been better than its reputation, why else would BR have genen it a general overhaul in 1961? I mean, they knew what they were doing, didn't they? and in case it escaped anyone's notice here is my mis-mash edited creation... with CotN boiler colour a la Hornby. And black cylinders!
  21. Yes I don't know why I thought it was near Edinburgh, shame on me, my apologies. Bill Hoole was the driver anyway. Curiously I have read much on the accident and viewed the many photos and it never once occurred to me that it was near London... how weird is that? I guess I made an assumption associating Thompsons engine with Scotland, very lazy of me. I'll take more medication...
  22. presumably so operators can measure coal and water consumption without a weighbridge? Essential part of engine testing.
  23. robmcg

    Preorder email

    Seems to me that if you want to pre-order a Hornby item with no money up front and minimal risk you have to buy off Hornby directly. You'll pay more eventually than many retailers who will offer less certainty with pre-orders but often lower prices. Those retailers will generally require a deposit or full refundable payment on pre-orders, you takes your choice. That's how I see it.
  24. Often I have read tales of woe here on RMweb and expected the worst, but I have had only a few irredeemably faulty models in the last 15 years, from hundreds. It's refreshing to read of a model arriving intact and undamaged. That said , I have a few models which would be hard to fix; a Duchess of Montrose with a bit of cab droop and worse, angled cab lining, once seen it's hard to ignore. I will be expecting a possibility of parts detached or poorly-fitted on the A2s , but I will probably attempt to fix any faults rather than return the model with all the export paperwork and cost involved. To me the possibility of imperfection is part of the hobby, part of buying at a good price, and as Tony Wright often points out, could you make one yourself? I think are spoiled with the quality of 00 RTR these days, the odd return or repair notwithstanding. Thanks for your positive, realistic and uplifting post.
  25. robmcg

    Preorder email

    I think by default Hornby will get pre-orders , rather than general Hornby retailers, unless confidence can be restored in the latter . Something is happening with batch numbers and availability these days which makes pre-ordering a bit risky, if money is paid at least. As I understand it Hattons didn't require payment of any money at all to pre-order? I still remember the 34001 Wc Exeter shortfall... I found two or three and then watched Ebay prices go up. A similar thing happened with the diecast Atholl, I see it's still up over UKP500 on Ebay... but I was the fool with that one, I bought one at Eay prices in a fit of irrational avarice... Now I wait until there is news of the product being 'imminent' before doing anything. I'd consider a refundable deposit or payment for a must have model pre-order.
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