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Everything posted by Axlebox

  1. So, after months of deliberation and planning I finally plucked up the courage to scrounge some cardboard boxes from my local library (remember therm!) and even more daring (and not without expense) invest in a box load of hot melt glue... The intention was to make a mock up of Garmondsway so I could get a real feel for what it would look like, how the woodworks would go together, would it fit in the back of the car...and, and, and What follows is my exploration in cardboard... I have yet to mock up the loco shed, either of the bridges, or the electrical sub station (it sits behind the loco shed) I've also got to finalize the spoil heap that forms the back bone to most of the railway...
  2. Googley maps says Aylesbury Station is closer...whatever did we do before google and its maps?...just tell it where you going and it tells you how and when and where to catch the bus, the train, the tram, the metro, etc If you want to walk then use street view to check your route, also really good when driving to a town you've never been to before, you can check out the road junctions in the comfort of your own home, with you slippers on and a cup of tea in your hand... On a serious note though, I don't think transport is a dampener on attendance at Scalefourm, does Railex suffer?...having said that the car park at Railex does get rather full...
  3. Hi Mark Its a scan from a BR official appendix and the chapter before was all about changes to signalboxes (alphabetically?) with Saltburn as the last entry... If there is a NE connection Uncle Poursea will know! Duncan
  4. Tetra Ethyl Lead? Your old mate Porsee Miane turns out to be the world authority on the stuff...
  5. Great photograph Ruston, there were still 2 Rustons here, locked in their shed, in the early 1980s...also a late surviving exNER diagram R5 coke hopper at the far end...
  6. ...also the earliest known use of a uPVC door
  7. The crumble has landed, more tomorrow apparently, oh and the show is damn fine aswell...Uncle P is happy, he’s got a half if Guinness in front of him, or at least he had...
  8. Crumble count down approaching zero hour, I can confirm uncle Poursea has been arranging his crumble with the sisters this evening...no flies on our Uncle P. The rest of the South Pelaw team are in the pub...
  9. ...don't you just love a good product announcement, the anticipation, the excitement, the buzz and then the inevitable let down that it isn't your favourite loco, coach, wagon, lamp post, buffer* (*delete as appropriate)...still there are the dancing girls to look forward too... ...cue the dancing girls someone. ...PS any chance of a webbed NER buffer?
  10. Great little show, great little venue...and lots of peoples through the door. If we as a hobby want to make it into the next generation we have to start with the grass roots, good local events that get families through the door and show just how much fun can be had. Well done Uncle Poursea who had a good dozen families operating Croft Depot over the weekend, if just one young person wants a train set for Christmas, then that's job well done. A/box
  11. ...just don’t ask Uncle Poursea for directions, we ended up on the moor road to Pickering...great cup of tea when we finally arrived...good show, great location, the perfect destination for a drive in the country.
  12. ...and there was I planning a nice quiet weekend in the North Yorkshire moors doing nothing more than playing trains in a realistic and professional manner...forget the dancing pantaloons and sheep dip and let the train take the strain and enjoy a day out riding the NYMR with a model railway show thrown in for good measure...sounds almost perfect...all I'd need next is a world class pub and disused railway line and I'd be made...oh wait a minute...
  13. Conflat L, what a good idea, I'd buy some of those for sure...its amazing how many transformers we used to trundle round the country on Conflat Ls...you do wonder if they now all go by road...why did we need so many in the first place? A/box (hommage to Tri-ang)
  14. ...did someone mention a Conflat L ...the chains and shackles are most probably beyond even the ultra fine details we've come to expect from Dublin. A/box
  15. oooooooooooohhhhhhh a wish list... ...conflat Ls please
  16. This is probably the best show guide I've ever seen, Uncle Poursee, you should set up a 'show guides rus' company (dragons den awaits)...I mean, I respect the time that people put into show guides, and some of them sit on my shelf still (and not just the MRJ one)...but you've cut all the unnecessary stuff out and gone straight for the basics, where do I pay, wheres the scran, the brew and, oh yeah...the trains. Just one small point, the tea urn shown in the pic is the one for exhibitors only...the Crocodile sisters do a rather good brew in the food hall...and if they're reading this, can I have a free pudding as well...
  17. ...and for some reason the crocodile sisters will be looking forward to you...who else gets their very own puddings reserved just for them? ...and in between meals, its a damn fine show, whatever your preference in gauges...
  18. ...HAAHAAHAA ...this is a never ending carousel of models...
  19. BEWARE THE BUS LANE CAMERA TRAP ...one of the exits off the Perth Green estate is a bus only lane, its easy to miss the signs...they couldn't have designed a better trap if they'd tried...and you will get a fine...(voice of experience) Oh and the show is really good...it just gets better every year. A/box
  20. Thanks to Jim, Dave and the team for putting on such a good show...and what an original group of demonstraters...all very different from the norm and all very inspiring. Everyone spoke of their memories and fondness for Richard Hollingworth and what he did for us and the wider model railway community. Where would we be if Parkside hadn't kickstarted the new 'accurate' age of model railways... As I suspected, Uncle P talked all day and fell asleep on the way home...young Jess spent all day operating Croft and we all ended up in Platform 3 (the pub over the road from the station). Most importantly thanks to Fiona for keeping us going with cups of tea and coffee. All power to the Scalefour and the EM Gauge societies working together in the future. A/box
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