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Everything posted by kevinlms

  1. kevinlms

    On Cats

    One of my cats used to do that sometimes, when I went down the street. He didn't come with me far, maybe a couple of hundred metres, then he went back. Less often, he would come to greet me on my way back, if I hadn't been gone for long.
  2. Sometimes a lesson on how things can be done better, other things, not so.
  3. Apparently more than one set produced. http://www.tri-ang.co.uk/oonew/toolsA.htm
  4. If all else fails, there are these! https://www.gaugemasterretail.com/magento/categories/model-railway-analogue-control/model-railway-analogue-control-controllers/gaugemaster-gmc-100o.html
  5. I've been driving automatics for around 20 years at least and haven't driven a manual all that time, although I drove manuals for years beforehand. Don't ever remember trying to brake with the left foot. I suspect it only happens to people that have learnt (badly) on an automatic only. My late father learnt to drive late in life on automatics and did use the left foot for braking method. If he stopped in a hurry, he pressed both pedals at once, causing the power to work against the braking - potentially very dangerous, as obviously lengthened the braking distance. Couldn't get him to change!
  6. DCC is not strictly AC, although it is very similar. DCC Ready locos should NOT be on a DCC live track. The 'DCC Ready' refers to a loco that has a socket ready for a DCC chip, but doesn't have one plugged in, so its currently (sorry!) a DC loco. A loco with a DCC chip on board will not run on a DC only track, unless the DC Mode is turned on - which is not recommended on a DCC system.
  7. In the 70s he did a lot of writing for Model Railway Constructor, with many articles on GWR coaches, many apparently for Pendon. But certainly not all as some Midland Railway coaches and and in N Gauge. He also wrote the 'Townscape' series, for Devon towns. Also some on bridges and stations.
  8. It was a light engine that started moving, not a heavy train stopping.
  9. Very true, it wasn't that long ago, that people thought that the worst thing about the internet was Cat Videos. The world has since proven that to be completely false - fake news in fact!
  10. You have to work at it to blow a diode on the input of a CDU.
  11. Should have guessed - one would have less components To save the cost of one of the cheapest electronic components around - a diode or bridge rectifier. Still if you don't believe in resistors for LED's, I guess it figures.
  12. Another thing that is annoying, is repeated ads for something you have already purchased, yet you get those same ads for weeks afterwards. Sometimes it works, in the case of consumable products (for sake of discussion, perhaps chocolate biscuits) and I might be tempted to keep buying. However if it is a one off purchase (for sake of discussion, perhaps an electric kettle), once I have purchased one, the last thing I need is to see ads for buying electric kettles. I really am not interested in seeing those ads any more, especially if I would have saved money a week later! OK, perhaps this isn't RMweb/BRM's problem, but is Google doing these advertisers a disservice? Advertising can be expensive, but how much money is wasted by annoying potential customers? I would suspect that the ear wax sellers, are only paying per click, so I suspect RMweb, isn't getting paid much! But regardless, Andy & Steve, I won't be blocking the ads.
  13. Yes, had that same ad about 50 times today! Yuck, I feel crook! How does anyone think that sort of advertising is a good thing? If anything, it puts them last on buying their product, if I need it.
  14. There is a hole in the fence, police are looking into it! Waited years to say that!
  15. Never heard of a CDU intended to be fed from DC for throwing solenoid point motors.
  16. Of course it is a rare beast. London was one of the few places that had extensive existing infrastructure that preventing them from building large extensive stations. Euston was in the sticks when first built, but such was the huge growth of traffic, that it became very cramped and add on after add on occurred. Birmingham New Street ended up entirely different as a replacement for Curzon Street (too small again), where basically the whole LNWR station (and the Midland expansion), were largely UNDER the city centre - this needed and got approval from the city authorities. Fenchurch Street was another compact shared station with high traffic, but it is not anything like Minories, because it uses standard straight track and crossovers.
  17. Why would a CDU smoke if you fed it DC rather than AC? Surely the VALUE of the voltage that might cause the smoke, if it is too high?
  18. Not really, the hair is too light!
  19. Trouble is these days you get generic postmarks from a very limited number of mail centres. How much interest would there be of railways, if every train was identical, including the livery? Yes, I'm aware that is true of say many (most) commuter lines, but even busy main lines.
  20. An advertising link today, took me here! https://knobbyunderwear.com.au/?gclid=CjwKCAjw_Y_8BRBiEiwA5MCBJmNteaFlNVtS9xyGrW7K_4PLF-Z9VRpAb6glF670WbBDjB6RPRd6mRoC0MQQAvD_BwE
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