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Everything posted by richbrummitt

  1. You'd need to ask him directly? From what I understand it will be offered privately (not through the association shops) and from the last time I spoke to him it is progressing slowly, but in the right direction. What does this have to do with Highbury Colliery? Nothing. Sorry.
  2. The first thing will be to butcher away those 'boiler bands', they are huge! I've posted an order for gear muffs today and have thought about starting to build the tender for the next locomotive. I'm quite happy waiting patiently for the results of these builds because I'm still undecided about the resin body kits.
  3. Plastic gears are usually quieter. Introducing brass gears could increase the noise. I had the wheels in my railcar (poole) turned down and that is noisy, but it always has been.
  4. I'm sure I have read chocolate lake too, but also couldn't tell you where. The SRM looks the wrong colour to me in the photographs I've seen. When they fix the mouldings they will surely have to repaint it? Something like the picture Mikkel referred to, or darker I would have though. The colour plaques in GWW are very dark, the lake being obviously more red in hue, but still very much brown! I'm still searching for paint...
  5. Smileys are great because they can easily clarify an emotion or context for the reader. Text speak is awful and in my opinion is completely unacceptable anywhere other than in a text. Acronyms are another matter.
  6. I was trying to decide whether it was lake? I'm still not sure what colour lake should be. I *think* lake should be very dark brown with a hint of plum. There was me thinking someone should knock it off, and than you tell us it already happened and it made him worse. Adds weight to the arguement that violence will not solve problems. Unfortunately we all know what came next!
  7. It does look nice. It doesn't look like anyone elses design. I presume you mean worsley, as in worsley works? Personally I would prefer to build one of Chris' chassis kits: everything will be designed to match the association parts with the minimum head scratching from the builder. Worsley Works kits are good, but usually require some additional parts and ideas to be created/sourced by the builder and so not quite as suited to a beginner in the case of loco chassis. Regarding the membership. Be patient! Good things come to those who (pay the membership fee and) wait
  8. I agree that it has more impact viewed from further away.
  9. That sounds more likely. We work with an injection mould tool company in China. They got very lucky acquiring their factory because they managed to go joint with a Chinese investor who after a year or so let them buy him out. My understanding is that unless you are Chinese it is difficult or impossible to acquire premises for this type of work. Recently we were looking to have a tool modified but it would have to have been shipped through Hong Kong or otherwise under the radar because they will not let you import used mould tools!
  10. It might have been 10', like David says. Don't worry - mine are closer because of the location (and I may have compressed the plan widthways accidentally, and without realising until I completed all the track laying! For me I would put the station platform on the other side of the line and view it through the goods yard unless you particularly want an end loading dock?
  11. Ordered GWRJ from a well known bookseller in Wales. I've no idea where it has disappeared to locally.

  12. There is/was an article in the magazine (later reprinted as part of a book and now available on the magazine archives DVD) about scratch building lamps. It didn't detail how to make the wick though. I can't think of another readily available source of lamps, other than springside.
  13. Please put some pictures up after the show Tony. I'm trying to work out the excuse/reason/escape plan to get to Nottingham. However it's also mother's day weekend and my birthday is in the week leading up. In addition there is something every other weekend in March (Abingdon, Basingstoke and Ally Pally iirc) so I'm being really rather hopeful, perhaps.
  14. What distance do you use between the points of the blades?
  15. It's easiest just to leave them there.
  16. waiting patiently for one of the usual outlets to put GWRJ 81 on the shelf so I don't have to mail order it.

    1. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Thanks for the heads-up on GWRJ 81 - it'd slipped my mind it was due! A trot down to my local newsagent tomorrow methinks...

  17. Managed to assemble the lower footboards for 5 horseboxes while cooking dinner this evening. Now that is what I call multi-tasking!

  18. As demonstrated the other weekend weight is the limiting factor with an 8mm motor so I would have thought a 6mm would be adequate. I don't know how much Chris moved the motor axis for the production version. It may not actually be possible.
  19. I got my last one by having a word in the ear of a trader that was designing bodies to fit proprietary locomotive chassis. I paid over twice what Andy did at £5, but I still thought that wasn't unreasonable.
  20. Not stuck yet but driving back from my brother's place down the M4 wasn't a nice place to be. It is never a nice place but the morons were still tailgating each other whilst the white stuff was settling on the black top. Tomorrow could be another story.
  21. I would have thought the accomodation in them was probably 'cattle class' already?
  22. Plus the railway exhibition is up the road from there this weekend.
  23. Look in my gallery. Unless you mean on the layout. I still need to ask the webmaster nicely if he'll add them to the member's products section of the website. Another one for the to-do list. Much cheaper than locos or coaches, thank goodness.
  24. That's pretty much how I imagined doing things, except that my boiler was marginally oversize to allow an 8mm motor, which was pretty much the ID of the brass. Time. Yes. I would like some more of that.
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