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Everything posted by cb900f

  1. Holiday company gone bust just lost £1700.Thanks Trivago

    1. bcnPete


      Am very sorry to hear that - any chance you can get compensation?

  2. Holiday company gone bust just lost £1700.

  3. The steam from the 45 is due to the second man opening the blowdown valve and cooling down the boiler prior to arrival at the terminating point. If my boiler training memory is still functioning. Pete
  4. Doncaster 40033 Empress of England up empty news vans Oct 83 C6290 This was the return empties from Cleethorpes to Longsight. We used to work it from Sheffield to Guide Bridge via New Mills and Romiley. Guide Bridge men relieved us and worked down to Manc Picc and propelled the train back into Longsight. Pete
  5. Know where your coming from Russ and agree but just going on that it looks like it's one of ours (loadhaul) . Pete
  6. I'm pretty sure that it is passing through Normanton station on the down. The up line is to the left of the photo. Possibly working to Europort at Altofts. Pete Russ beat me to it.
  7. Jonny Fairly certain that it is Milford/Gas wood. the 56 is taking the Ferrybridge route , the other 2 tracks take you to Castleford Pete
  8. Post 63 could be on the down between Wychnor and Tamworth. The colour light the 47 is approaching would turn you into Elford loop. Post 98 I would go as suggested as being on the down approaching old South Wingfield station. Pete
  9. Tony, I know you're not moanining and I wasn't criticising your work, it was just a bit of fun really in that with such a reasonably small class of locos there could be so many variants. I would not dare to criticise your models in any shape or form. As you say the Yeadon books were not around in the past and information was far less available than nowadays. I haven't put the small step on the fireman's side bunker on my C12s, simply because with lining I don't think there would be sufficient room for numbers plus step, so mine are inaccurate. Regards Pete
  10. Tony, If you are going for 97 then it requires fluted rods and 1 step instead of 2 on the tank front. Apologies for being a pain in the backside. Cheers Pete
  11. Tony, I'm afraid it should. However 57 was the only square bunkered loco that had the rounded coal rails as opposed to the coal rails being square at the corners. Squared tanked c12s also had a additional vertical hand rail at the front of the tanks. Although I'm an LMR modeller I do think the C12 is a pretty little tanky, hence I have 8 craftsman in primer all slightly different . Pete
  12. Tony, 67357 running around fitted with round tanks/bunker ? Pete
  13. Simon, You are doing really well. Completing a Brassmasters as your 4th kit. Pete
  14. In addition, the reversisng lever is absent on the RHS and the pipe/handrail should continue along the smokebox forward of the vacuum ejector. Pete
  15. where is Andyram ?

    1. Claude_Dreyfus


      I suspect inspecting the bottom of a bottle after today's result. Better luck next season.

    2. cb900f


      Yes must be disappointing after being thereabouts all season.

  16. where is Andyram ?

  17. where is Andyram ?

  18. Thats not fair, my wife says we will take 3 but I don't think our cat would be too pleased. Pete
  19. She certainly is one beautiful kitten. The intensity in those eyes If you want I will swap her for a T9. I'll even chuck in a 3f and a compound. No ? I thought not. ps I also have an affection for German Shepherds. Pete
  20. John, Trap if you go forward and catch if you roll back. Pete
  21. Apologies in advance if it has been mentioned earlier, but belatedly I have realised that the piston tail rod on the compound cylinders is missing. Pete
  22. If I may, when we used to go to St Pancras from Sheffield in the 70s/80s with a class 45 we always had 9 on behind us, as the guard would normally calculate 9 for 306/7/8tons. Pete
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