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Everything posted by carl1962

  1. AND.....they're "as new", surely when they were new they had the chassis attached? So no they aren't as new. Item not as described.
  2. just noticed its in "original excellent condition with weathering " despite having 2 roof vents missing a repainted roof and a splodge of grey paint on the side.
  3. Heres a nice "weathered" autocoach... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VINTAGE-AIRFIX-RAILWAYS-No-54257-O-B-R-DIDCOT-AUTO-COACH-/271092876007?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item3f1e6502e7 and how much is it? The weathering looks like they spilled some grey paint on the side when they repainted the roof and tried wiping it off, and failed.
  4. Funny you should say that.... so have I.
  5. i sold two about 2 months ago for a tenner!!!!! i thought that was fair.... what a fool i am.
  6. How about a "typical" stationmasters' house.
  7. I bid what i think its worth after gauging the going rate, i dont go high because i look at it as there will always be another comes along at some point. So that doesnt bother me, its when someone bids more on a readily available model than it costs new. And there always seem to be two of these people bidding. I recently bid on a couple of Bachmann wagons, old but still available at £7 each from Hattons. I went to £5.50 each which with the postage worked out at £7 each. They went for £9 and £11 !!! Daft.
  8. I tend to check the going price before I bid. Up to about 18 months ago I was usually succesfull with my bids but recently Im having no luck.
  9. Im gonna give up with ebay, i never win anything. Prob cos i bid what i think is a realistic price and then stuff sells for more than its worth. Usually used items sell for about the same as a certain dealer offers on their website/shop for new items. And anything that a certain sheffield based shop puts on there seems to go for daft money...... or is it just me.
  10. Stu, slow down I'm struggleing to keep up with whats going on where. You do in an evening what takes me a month!!
  11. If im bidding on one, i bottle it at a fiver. This is unreal, bet he never actually sells any.
  12. it'll go nicely with the new engine shed.... and if its quick i dont need to finish my scratchbuilt one!
  13. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Miniature-building-construction-architectural-modellers/dp/0852426860/ref=tmm_pap_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1338458051&sr=1-1 £5.30 plus postage
  14. Yeah I recently bought mine on Amazon for the princely sum of £3 plus 2.80 postage. 1979 reprint in as new condition. And theres enough detail in the book drawings to work out the sizes etc. Well worth tracking down.
  15. http://www.myhobbystore.co.uk/product/17239/warehouse
  16. and dont forget to "scroll down for more images"............ aye alright then.
  17. He does a full range of quality items. Might be a future in this for me too...... haha.
  18. carl1962

    The Start.

    Right well, I've been lurking for the past few months trying to decide just what I am going to do, so it's about time I started something. Been gathering a bit of random stock over the last few months, some of which will either have to be modified/repainted to fit in with the current scheme of things or will have to go. At first the plan was to do a small depot but I do like stations and actually running trains! And after realising that the quality of depots like Bitsa Lane was probably beyond me just yet( over 15 years since I last did any railway modelling), I decided to stick to a small terminus. Not that it'll be any easier. So a few plans were drawn up for the available space, a wall 9' long, and a setting decided upon. I've always been impressed by Ian Futers efforts to model the West Highland line, amongst others, and having spent a couple of holidays up there recently, it was decided to model an imaginary terminus somewhere in Scotland.... YES ANOTHER ONE!!!! But then Fate intervened..... A desire to get something started combined with the fact that the 9' wall is hidden behind a spare room full of junk which needs to go, and seeing Northern Maidens' Dunwoody Halt, coupled with memories of Chris Leighs' Black Dog Halt got me thinking about a quickie that could be put up in the front room as a practice layout to regain some of the skills from all those years ago. So for the moment.... A small halt somewhere in the West of Scotland, Blue Diesels, short trains, in an area of 6'x 1' with a small fiddle at each end. Errr sounds familiar doesn't it. But what the hell, I'm just gonna get on with it. Carl
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