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    Pwllheli, Gwynedd, Gogledd Cymru / North Wales.

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  1. I have had to close the business for the morning, the forecourt is like a skating rink, and the strong wind is making twice as difficult, stay safe People

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    2. Horsetan


      I'm pretty sure the winters of 1981/2 were far worse than this.

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I remember 1981/82 (that's one winter, Horse, not more than one ;-)) and it was very cold and rather snowy, but I don't recall everything grinding to a halt, so perhaps it wasn't as bad, maybe slightly less severe conditions, but for longer. I do remember a trip on the train in a Mark 1 coach without any heating - not something I'd want to do again in a hurry!

    4. Hroth


      Winters in the 70s were no picnic either, I remember the Daily Mail running a scare series saying that we were heading towards a new ice age. Something like the weather stories you get in the Express/Star nowadays!


      Then there was the winter of 62/63... I remember my dad building a tobbogan for me and my brother!

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