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Status Replies posted by muddys-blues

  1. Is after a VW T25 Campervan ... full size one .. anybody know of one going for sale ?

  2. Walk to pool of molten lava.

  3. As a challenge to my sister: has anyone heard of a band called "The Vamps"?

  4. Time for Andy Carroll to justify that

  5. I have next to me a Bachy 24 ticking over on sound, what a relaxing noise it makes...who needs Whale noises ???

  6. I have next to me a Bachy 24 ticking over on sound, what a relaxing noise it makes...who needs Whale noises ???

  7. R.I.P. poor Wee Oscar :(

  8. Scratchbuilding a balsa plane. Wish I had a laser cutter. Its so fun to spend 10 minutes cutting and sanding a part just to have it snap in your hand.

  9. 20% .... it's the phrase that is the rage at the moment !!!!

  10. Build a kit! Fun and now 20% cheaper!

  11. Is it too much to ask when buying an "AS NEW" model off ebay...but turns up smelling like it has smoked 20 B&H Gold ?? :-#

  12. Is it too much to ask when buying an "AS NEW" model off ebay...but turns up smelling like it has smoked 20 B&H Gold ?? :-#

  13. has just looked through my stockbox for the first time in 12 months, found stuff i'd forgotten about and can't remember what is sound chipped!

  14. And I nolonger have a plane. It had a good 3 day life.

  15. And I nolonger have a plane. It had a good 3 day life.

  16. clean a mountain load of dishes, but if there is one plate left in the sink when she comes home its "you havent done the dishes"

  17. Anyone else ever feel like giving up and chucking it all in the bin?

  18. with my wife out all day I was on daddy duty. I asked my little girl what she wanted to do. Couldn't believe it when she said "see choo choos". Cue a improptu trip to the GCR a run behind the Jinty and a pint of Speckled Hen! Bliss!

  19. with my wife out all day I was on daddy duty. I asked my little girl what she wanted to do. Couldn't believe it when she said "see choo choos". Cue a improptu trip to the GCR a run behind the Jinty and a pint of Speckled Hen! Bliss!

  20. Anyone got a tip for The National.

  21. Friends...Friends....Friends

  22. I seem to be boring the arse off somebody....great ;-)

  23. hmmm debating if I should sell my DCC sound fitted locos ?

  24. Get a haircut just like Kim's...who said dictatorship is dead ??

  25. missing out on york show this year to save up for a holiday to wales in the summer

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