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Posts posted by Indomitable026

  1. Wow!


    Thats going to make a massive difference! The right hand back of the layout will change significantly.


    This is what I love about this hobby and building models with others. You think you know what is going to end up looking like - but actually you don't.


    When good friends have spent immense amounts of time and turn up with such things - well its just magic.


    The layout becomes alive and so much more than just 'your' layout - the project almost becomes a mini institution.


    Well impressed!!

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  2. To save on "Webbing" why don't you just incorporate "Old Gringo" actually into the layout (as an old derelict barn or somesuch)?



    That will stop the Old Codger from wandering off and causing mayhem.........



    Best, Pete.





    I see trouble ahead!!


    Incorporating Owd Grinder' into the layout, say as a dead tree or derelict building?


    This would mean whole sections of the layout would going missing without notice.


    We could be at show and board 2 could disappear to 'Nigel Birds' books.


    We could be loading on a Friday at home and realise the same boards are down the road at Stamford, stuck in the back room of Robert Humm's books.


    Sugestions appreciated, but - no thanks.


    ha ha ha.

  3. Instead of using chain that gets in the way when you close the tressles for transport, why not use some nylon webbing which would be easier to fit,it's available in widths of 1/4", 3/8", 1/2" etc from ebay, comes in various colours too


    Available in 3,4 or 5 metre lenghts for about £2.50 plus postage



    Nice idea Geoff, I'll go for that. But how to fix them? Glue? Bolts? Clamped? All three?


    Mark - It will probably be Railfeight Red because i've got some broken trailer straps that colour.


    The other advantage here is that I can take a 3m length and sew it to Old Gringo's trousers to stop him wondering off to those ever-tempting book stalls.


    Two birds - One stone!!

  4. And I see the grey paint has been out too...how did the garage floor get on?



    You'll be pleased to know I've changed my ways and improved the process.

    I've adopted a new policy of putting the paint directly on the layout and not tipping it on the garage floor first.

    I've found it goes a little further and the finish is a little less textured.

    I do need to sort the garage floor out tho, and at least get it all the same colour.


    Flipping eck - there are no secrets on here, are there?.........

  5. I see you've notched the beams as well.


    Well I've run out of space on the bed post for anymore notches - ha ha


    Yes I've notched the top of the 'A frame' legs and the underside of the beams. As youv'e guessed this just allows for 'automatic' spacing of the legs and hence speeding up set up time. This in turn has the crucial benefit of bringing forward the sampling of the forbiden sauce on Friday evening set ups.


    Well worth the effort me thinks - especially with the Truro high life coming up........

  6. mmmm I seem to remember that it was probably a good 14 months ago that I started the final section of the workshop building. I'm guessing that finishing this for the Truro show would be a good idea - by the way how come it's already time for the Truro show? Where's the time gone??


    Over the next few weeks I'll be posting photos of the final section being built - it will be nice to do some modelling in 2011 not just 12" to 1' house building. On the original two sections I routinely sent Damian photos of the build via text - only to find his phone wasn't accepting them!


    For those that are interested in the constuction of the original 2 parts of the building, photos can be found by clicking here.





    I'm really looking forward to seeing the pic's of your next masterpiece.


    Just by way of a polite reminder, a couple of ground rules;


    1) No caravans


    2) No portacabins.




    a. I didn't realise about the text photo's I wasn't receiving


    b. Did you see Top Gear tonight?


    c. The main fiddle yard has no legs.

  7. Hi Damien,

    Just a quick querie to see if you have managed to complete the booking form to bring DitD to RAILEX NE 2012?








    We are a definite on for this show, I just must apologise for my increasing scruffyness in the administration department.


    It's pains me to ask......


    But could you send me the form again - please.


    Perhaps we don't deserve to come - eeekkk.

  8. I find this essential, after driving from Whitby to Expo EM North at Slaithwaite last September without all the baseboards for Greyscroft Mine, I now double check... unsure.gif


    Now that's impressive. - to leave a board!


    We forgot to take both sets of the fiddle yard cartridges for our Treneglos layout while on a trip to Wadebridge show,Cornwall a couple of years ago.


    It was initially a terrible sinking feeling, however since we are all natural bodgers we soon found a solution - and it kept us out the pub.


    We made some new ones out of RTR track and folded card board on the Friday night and Saturday morning.


    It was actually a really great fealing to recover from such a poor situation. - If we hadn't, literally nothing would have run!

  9. Right then.


    With Truro show only a few weeks away I thought it best to dig out DitD from storage and start to consider those jobs that need doing.


    It's last show was Wadebridge in November last year and it has been stored ever since with my main efforts being concentrated on John's Wild West project.


    First Job - find all the bits.....







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