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Everything posted by KNP

  1. KNP

    Little Muddle

    I know, as I said previously I got the two of them cheap off e-bay and was a bit dubious about them at the time but after repainting them, added coping stones, rainwater pipes to hide the joint and weathered it I was quite surprised, for such an old model, how well it came up. Just out of curiosity I delved through my old photos and found this one taken in Aug 2008 when all that existed of what is now Little Muddle was a 3ft x 2ft module standing on a table in the conservatory. At the time the name for the layout was to be Smidgen Down. Wow, has it changed since then..........but the bones of the design are still there! Thanks
  2. KNP

    Little Muddle

    I noticed that there has been a few pictures of the new Hattons/DJM 0-4-2T posted (ANTB) and thought I would join in the fun. 4825 is caught leaving Encombe Station and heading around the branch line to Little Muddle. Tension coupling and NEM pocket removed and coupling loop added for S&W coupling. Coal to add and some crew as well. This reminds me to have a go with my focusing program Helicon Focus (there are others but this is the one I know and can use) that allows you to take pictures at different focal points and combine them together for an overall, in focus, picture. I'll have ago over the next few days and post the results, I suspect it's the same type of program used in the magazines.
  3. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Signal covering the entrance to Little Muddle just before the bend leading into the station. Fixed distant covers the bend and warning of the station approach whilst the stop arm protects the station yard/platform. Again a modified Ratio signal with a MSE ladder. Since taking this picture I have added control wire posts to all signals, as seen in different pictures because I took them at different times in the process.......!!!! Tear in backscene hasn't gone away?
  4. Excellent setting and pictures, that to me, make this little loco and it's autocoach just so typically Great Western.
  5. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Signals were missing from this layout for years until I plucked up interest to build them and when finished I realised how much they changed the layout. The following signal is the starter signal from Little Muddle and was the easiest to build. Again a Ratio kit with a MSE ladder
  6. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Many thanks. It's taken a while but I'm getting there. Kevin
  7. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Many thanks. How are things going with your problem layout?
  8. Agreed, I was hoping that one day one would be released for the period we model. I have spent ages altering my old Dapol autocoach with the Dart Casting detailing kit.
  9. KNP

    Little Muddle

    A few pictures of the points showing their alterations to try and make the code 75 point look more realistic. No spring but the SEEP PM1 has enough clout to hold the blade in position and to date I've had no problems. What must be pointed out that the point rodding was done after the track was ballasted so I had to cut back the ballast to install. Extremely difficult and time consuming to carry out without damaging anything but as you can see and comment on was worth the effort. Note - the long spindles to the signal wire pulleys have now been cut to size, this picture was taken whilst waiting for the glue to set.
  10. Lovely pictures. Good to see that at least two of us have a good running 48xx after reading all the negative press on the Hatton's forum! There is just something about this little loco that makes it one of my favorites.
  11. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Thanks, just Peco code 75 track but with modified points where the spring housing was removed.
  12. KNP

    Little Muddle

    I notice that on a lot of threads there seems to be many a picture of trains running along the line so I thought I would capture some action on the branch to Little Muddle. So I set up by the viaduct and waited for some action! Well, being a branch I was there quite a while but I did manage to catch a Pannier heading for Encombe and a little bit later returning with some vans. After what seemed an absolute age it was caught heading back to Encombe. By then I had enough of this so headed back home to my tea. One thing I did notice was that this engine was manned by either an invisible crew or some of the shortest staff to man a loco. I think it's time I thought about getting some crew added.... After all I only have three operational steam locomotives and a railcar to man!
  13. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Here is the second static one I built but using Ratio / MSE parts based on the signal found at Fairford. Heavily modified from the kit.
  14. KNP

    Little Muddle

    The signal is all plastic apart from the rodding which is thin rigid wire I got from a model airplane website. They are static but one day I will get around to building working ones.....one day.......in the not to distant future....hopefully.......if all things are equal and I've run out of projects to do on Little Muddle!!!!! Signals are part and parcel of a railway and it wasn't until I built the ones I have that the railway suddenly look correct and what had been missing. Thanks for the comment. Kevin
  15. KNP

    Little Muddle

    First signal I built for Little Muddle, using a Ratio kit. The thought of building it was more daunting than the actual task, control rods and cranks fiddly though.
  16. KNP

    Little Muddle

    How's the horse going to hold the hammer when making the bolt.......oh sorry wrong type of bolt!
  17. I think it means 'final' for that day......!!!!
  18. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Many thanks, but I am working on the building site. See, one of a couple of the building frameworks knocked up ready for brickpaper. It's a small stable building in case you were wandering with a forge at one end.
  19. Great shot, these I always think are the best when you can get the camera down to track level and imitate eye level.
  20. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Thank you but I don't really have green fingers in the real world. The trick with planting them was to put the glue on the model first and then offer the plant to it with a pair of bent nose tweezers. For some reason I haven't many recent pictures of the garden until I was messing about with the camera at low level the other day when that shot was taken. I built the ground on a slope which helped with the effect seen. The best picture I have at the moment was taken a while ago but gives you an idea of the garden and it's layout even then it's missed a bit.
  21. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Thanks Regarding the plants they are adapted from mainly MiniNatur products using garden flower strips cut into individual stalks and pushed into a predrilled hole in the flower bed. Others are lengths of reed, Woodland Scenics I think, bunched together as one, ends dipped into glue then coloured flock and again planted in a hole. Long flowers top end rolled in coloured flock and planted. Small foliage clumps used , potato strips cut into individual plants and stems with coloured flock on. Base was sundela so I carved out the flower beds to give the recessed border effect, one of my favorite materials Treemendous Earth Powder to form the flower beds. Path created with silver sand and wash painted with different shades of grey (50 I think....!!!!!) Windows delivered from LCut last week by Royal Mail and hand delivered to storage yard.....
  22. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Thanks and I knitted the seat using a new technique using brass?
  23. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Yes, the Travel Lodge overnight.
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