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Everything posted by DaveArkley

  1. Isolators on both tracks from the V for all points. Always use frog feeds (how are you going to switch the frog?). Track feeds for every (including points where you can place them at the toe end) pice of track, so your not relying on fishplates for feeding power. That's how I've done my layout anyway. Regards Dave
  2. Just a guess, I'm not a member. 2mm association? Cheers Dave
  3. So you're running Anyrail while still in S mode. Interesting... Cheers Dave
  4. Join the two or more pairs of droppers together and pass the joined wire through the detector. If you did as you suggest and the pair connected to the detector failed, then the other pair(s) would still power the track but no detection would happen.
  5. Yes it's marketing speak but with a purpose. Windows S Mode is targeted at lower specification, and hence cheaper devices. What S mode does is disable a subset of Windows so that less RAM, CPU an disk space are required and in particular battery life can be prolonged. This is an answer to other devices which only run apps from a store and don't have the ultimate flexibility (and capability) often seen with desktop class machines (and relevant here, any of the better specified laptops). A vendor shipping Windows with S Mode enabled will often be doing so because their hardware is not capable of running full Windows well. For those suggesting they'll just turn S mode off, so that they can use the full features of Windows (and in this case enable AnyRail to be run) be prepared for it to perform poorly. Cheers Dave
  6. No I'm afraid the OP isn't correct and neither are you. S Mode is NOT the default on Windows 11 Home, however venders of laptops (and desktops and servers for that matter) often take a base copy of Windows and configure it to work with their devices. So a vendor may be selling copies of Windows on their devices which are shipped with S mode turned on but that does not make it the default. Anyway this is straying away from the original question, AnyRail will not run on a machine which has S mode enabled. Cheers Dave
  7. There's no such product as Windows 11 S so I'm not sure what snake oil that laptop vender is selling. There is an S 'Mode' for normal Windows which can be turned on or off, and AnyRail will not run under S Mode, nor is it likely it ever will. Listing on the Microsoft store mandates the use of a particular development technology, AnyRail is programmed using a technology which is not 'store compatible'.
  8. To use RailCom you need a controller that supports RailCom, detectors that support RailCom (some controllers can detect too) and decoders that support RailCom. Without all three RailCom will not work. You say you have 8+ locos with TTS decoders. Since those decoders don't support RailCom, no matter which detector you buy, the TTS decoders will not supply RailCom data. Bottom line if you want RailCom you'll have to add something like the railcomr-transmitter-unit you linked to, I note that they are former-products, so make sure the 'new' products do what you want. Also you'll need to make sure you can physically fit the two decoders in your locos. Cheers Dave
  9. Not with TTS decoders, they don't support RailCom. Cheers Dave
  10. Understood, but is that Railcom detected by other modules (Digikeijs, Yamorc, Roco or similaf) an then transmitted over Loconet, R-bus etc. What I'm trying to understand is how many decoders per detector are being detected on average.
  11. How many local detectors were involved there or is that all on the Z21 itself?
  12. Ah, so effectively, all on one detector. Is it simply that the Railcom window isn't long enough to receive 6 or 7 feedback messages? Cheers Dave
  13. If you have no detectors there how do you expect it to detect?
  14. My body is compensating, sure my legs are shorter now I've passed 60 :)
  15. Saddens me how so many are introduced to DCC by a Bachman Dynamis or a Hornby Select and come away feeling its all a bit carp. These are toys and give no real hint of what DCC can do. Cheers Dave
  16. And include some pre-nationalisation options (I'd love some LMS 12 wheel catering stock).
  17. For track length - depends how you layout the track for board length. (Length of 4-6-0 + 8Xcoach length)* 3 (in some quarters 3 times the train length is considered the minimum length of visible section to make it look realistic) * 2 (for the none-visible section) + the length of the two 180 degree turns at each end) TLDR more than you think! Cheers Dave
  18. I look for the tiny front bogie wheels. No guarantee if they are not tiny that it's a new one as seller may have fitted a more modern bogie, but a useful clue if they are tiny/pizza cutters as I can't imaging anyone fitting an old bogie to a newer loco. Cheers Dave
  19. Links to the files I was looking for. Many thanks Cheers Dave
  20. Can I request a copy please, and the 1.5.5 manual if you have it. If so I'll PM you my email address Cherrs Dave
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