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Satan's Goldfish

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Satan's Goldfish last won the day on September 1 2013

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    Norfolk, or Aberdeenshire, or the outer Hebrides.

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  1. Satan's summary of 3 lane+ roads (motorways mostly): people that sit in middle or 'fast' lanes when 'slow' lane is empty are ######*. When lots of them do it they're a herd of ######*. However, on the m25 only it's a stampede of ######*.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Graham Walters

      Graham Walters

      An now you are showing your age, there is no such thing as a slow lane, or fast lane, they are just lanes to get you to the next holdup a lot quicker !

    3. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Just returned from tonights round trip of M4, M5, Axxx, A303, and A34. In heavy wind and rain. They were certainly out in force again. Special mention must go to the person in the Corsa who indicated to come out and round some old dear who was only doing 40mph on the A34, so I slowed down a bit in plenty of time and flashed to let them out........several times before they decided to actually pull. Of course by that time due to their 15 seconds of indecision I'd also had to slow down to 40...

    4. mrs satan goldfish

      mrs satan goldfish

      There are some very special people that are allowed to drive there is hope for me yet ;-)

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