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Satan's Goldfish

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Satan's Goldfish last won the day on September 1 2013

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    Norfolk, or Aberdeenshire, or the outer Hebrides.

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  1. Satan's summary of 3 lane+ roads (motorways mostly): people that sit in middle or 'fast' lanes when 'slow' lane is empty are ######*. When lots of them do it they're a herd of ######*. However, on the m25 only it's a stampede of ######*.

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    2. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      * I'm sure you've all filled in your own word for ######, my personally term of choice potentially wouldn't get censored but the meaning would be clear and Andy probably wouldn't approve. For those interested, it starts with 'th' and rhymes with robbers. Rant over.

    3. sub39h


      Personally I think that middle lane driving should be punishable as "driving without due care and attention" or "driving without reasonable consideration for other road users" because that is exactly what it is.


      Driving is not a right. It's a privilege. If you cannot respect that privilege, don't drive. Simples.

    4. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Exactly. There are some very good considerate drivers out there which use the roads as they should and are able to maintain a steady speed, unfortunately as the roads get busier the number of ###### seems to be increasing quicker than the number of good drivers.

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