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Status Updates posted by Mattmaz

  1. I must find my layout today .... it's under that lot somewhere ! :-)

  2. A whole weekend with an hour's modelling :-( What is the world coming to? lol

  3. modellers block :-S

    1. Earl Bathurst

      Earl Bathurst

      I now the feeling im the same at the moment :(

  4. well that's another week dispensed with :-)

  5. Looking forward to Alexandra Palace exhibition

  6. Presently doing battle with some points !

  7. Looking fwd to the Bachmann MLV :-) Just got to build another South Eastern layout now to run it on :-)

  8. Three more point motors to wire up then we're in business :-)

  9. Has spent the last 2 days rewiring my layout...... spaghetti junction is now a thing of the past :-)

  10. Is making good progress :-D

  11. An evening of modelling beckons :-D

  12. Went to a Wargaming exhibition today for the first time - not really my cup of tea, but picked up some great scenic items :-)

  13. oh well, didn't get too much wiring done today in the end - too many distractions going on.....

  14. uh oh - lockdown lol currently doing battle rewiring my entire signalling system....why did I start this??

  15. Morning world :-) Actually got a day off ! Time for some modelling :-)

  16. has been building a hill with my 5 year old daughter. It's been emotional lol I'm off to find the scenery bits now on the floor :-)

  17. What is it with some people?????

    1. Andy Y
    2. Mattmaz


      no one on here! lol Bloomin' Ebay - just venting my frustration lol

  18. Big brother's watching

  19. Fed up - must be time for some modelling therapy :-)

  20. Is getting fed up dealing with obnoxious buyers on Ebay Grrrrrr......

  21. nearly the weekend ! :-D

  22. Bad day ......... time for some modelling therapy :-)

  23. building bridges today

    1. Boris


      "Love can build a bridge!"

    2. Mattmaz


      I'm starting to fall out of love with this one!

  24. Carlsberg.....proud sponsers of Matt's Modelling Mojo :-)

    1. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      Probably the best mojo in the world?

    2. Mattmaz


      not sure...will have to see what it looks like in the morning lol

  25. Got to drive a 4-VOP on the juice rail the other week :-)

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