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Status Updates posted by Mattmaz

  1. Scenery or Loco detailing - YOU decide :-S

    1. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      Fridays a relax and create night, go for the scenery

    2. Baby Deltic

      Baby Deltic

      Neither. Watch Avatar instead.

  2. time to decapitate some more figures :-D

  3. Morning all :-)

  4. It's going to be a long day!

  5. Stereo fixed, printer fixed - but will she let me get a Bachmann 70 with all the money I've just saved ? ...

    1. Kris


      Nope, but she'll probably get some new clothes.

    2. Robert Davies

      Robert Davies

      Grow a pair! <tut>

  6. Howes Class 66 sounds ROCK!! :-D

    1. Robert Davies

      Robert Davies

      How does it compare to the std B'mann offering?

    2. Mattmaz


      Much better in my opinion

  7. It's my birthday today - how very decent of them to celebrate with some festivities tomorrow lol Happy Christmas everyone! :-D

  8. Do I finish that 66 or do something on the layout? ......

  9. This Christmas malarky is getting in the way of some serious modelling time :-S lol

  10. Bah! Humbug!......... :-)

  11. Tidying up the workshop today ..... again !

  12. Devil's in the detail ! ......

  13. 37087 nearly finished :-D

  14. Has decided to tackle the flush end of 37087......... this could get interesting!

  15. Is regretting starting to fit interior lights to my stock.......this is going to get expensive! :-D

  16. mmmm putting up shelves......unfortunately not for a layout to go on.....grrrrr

    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      shelves for rolling stock then?

  17. FGW Nodding Donkey nearly finished :-D

  18. Looking fwd to getting some more decoders reblown by Howes :-D

  19. Is it just me, or do transfer packs with pre-made number sets NEVER have the number set you need?? lol

    1. RBE


      lol I renumber locos as part of my sideline business and you know what!! I never ever have the set the customer wants!!

    2. RedgateModels


      and the HMRS sets never have enough '0's

  20. Just got a cocktail stick stuck in my foot.....I'd wondered where I'd dropped that! Doh!

  21. Would rather be detailing a loco than decorating.......

    1. leopardml2341


      You detail me a loco and I'll do your decorating !


    2. Mattmaz
  22. Tidying up the workshop.....but being distracted by running trains lol

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