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Everything posted by Mattmaz

  1. building bridges today

    1. Boris


      "Love can build a bridge!"

    2. Mattmaz


      I'm starting to fall out of love with this one!

  2. Carlsberg.....proud sponsers of Matt's Modelling Mojo :-)

    1. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      Probably the best mojo in the world?

    2. Mattmaz


      not sure...will have to see what it looks like in the morning lol

  3. Got to drive a 4-VOP on the juice rail the other week :-)

  4. Scenery or Loco detailing - YOU decide :-S

    1. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      Fridays a relax and create night, go for the scenery

    2. Baby Deltic

      Baby Deltic

      Neither. Watch Avatar instead.

  5. time to decapitate some more figures :-D

  6. Morning all :-)

  7. It's going to be a long day!

  8. Stereo fixed, printer fixed - but will she let me get a Bachmann 70 with all the money I've just saved ? ...

    1. Kris


      Nope, but she'll probably get some new clothes.

    2. Robert Davies

      Robert Davies

      Grow a pair! <tut>

  9. Howes Class 66 sounds ROCK!! :-D

    1. Robert Davies

      Robert Davies

      How does it compare to the std B'mann offering?

    2. Mattmaz


      Much better in my opinion

  10. It's my birthday today - how very decent of them to celebrate with some festivities tomorrow lol Happy Christmas everyone! :-D

  11. Do I finish that 66 or do something on the layout? ......

  12. This Christmas malarky is getting in the way of some serious modelling time :-S lol

  13. Bah! Humbug!......... :-)

  14. Everything Everything Fleet Foxes Biffy Clyro Providing some modelling inspiration for me Matt
  15. Tidying up the workshop today ..... again !

  16. Devil's in the detail ! ......

  17. 37087 nearly finished :-D

  18. Has decided to tackle the flush end of 37087......... this could get interesting!

  19. Is regretting starting to fit interior lights to my stock.......this is going to get expensive! :-D

  20. mmmm putting up shelves......unfortunately not for a layout to go on.....grrrrr

    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      shelves for rolling stock then?

  21. FGW Nodding Donkey nearly finished :-D

  22. Looking fwd to getting some more decoders reblown by Howes :-D

  23. Is it just me, or do transfer packs with pre-made number sets NEVER have the number set you need?? lol

    1. RBE


      lol I renumber locos as part of my sideline business and you know what!! I never ever have the set the customer wants!!

    2. RedgateModels


      and the HMRS sets never have enough '0's

  24. Just got a cocktail stick stuck in my foot.....I'd wondered where I'd dropped that! Doh!

  25. Would rather be detailing a loco than decorating.......

    1. leopardml2341


      You detail me a loco and I'll do your decorating !


    2. Mattmaz
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