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Posts posted by Southernboy

  1. Hello bridgiesimon,


    Broadcasts from Frankland have continued unabated but perhaps you are not tuned in to the correct frequency?


    Try the following setting on your wireless ...






    There was also a short newsreel recently which you still may catch at your local cinema if you are lucky:




    All the best,



    • Like 15
  2. Hello Mark,


                      Eileen's Emporium (www.eileensemporium.com) sell 1mm x 1mm brass T section - that's pretty small...



    Thank you Alex,


    I had checked Eileen's Emporium but nothing came up in a search. I'll drop them an email.


    Thanks again,



  3. Hello 2mm modellers,


    I'm working on some 3-Subs and need to make or source guard irons (if that's the correct term - I'm referring to the vertical 'T' irons which protect leading bogies / wheels from obstructions on the track).


    I'm working in N gauge rather than 2mm I'm afraid, but thought you fine ladies and gentlemen may have some ideas.


    I have skimmed the 2mm Association and N gauge Society websites, and a few retailers as well, but couldn't spot anything obvious.


    Similarly I searched for T section brass across popular retailers but couldn't find anything small enough.


    Perhaps I'm just not looking in the right places? Or haven't been observant enough?


    Many thanks in advance for any suggestions offered.



  4. Hello Douglas,


    I've been following Dulverton for a while but don't think I have commented before.


    The station buildings and hotel are really very impressive, and more generally I have enjoyed following your layout progress.


    In particular I have been interested in your recent trials and tribulations with lint / grass. It's something I toyed with a year or three back, but was disappointed with my experiments (maybe for similar reasons to you) ... so put the whole thing on the back-burner.


    Either way, I'll be interested to see how you get on with further experiments - good luck!

  5. I've been following each and every step of your work here Colin and I have to say I've found this build hugely inspirational - totally top-notch work on every level. Thanks for taking the trouble to post step-by-step updates along the way, there's always plenty to learn from all of your threads (layout included of course).


    Well I have one question if I may:

    How do you couple your units (practically rather than cosmetically)? In a few pictures I think I see a length of wire with a loop at the outside end. I guess the inside end is attached to the bogie? Do you simply drop the loop over an upright wire attached to the bogie of the adjacent carriage?





  6. A agree - the painted version looks better:

    Just to qualify my reasoning - It's a visual / perspective thing ... the backdrop painting is 'impressionistic' so the Plasticard looks comparatively rather too sharp and in-focus.


    Were the Plasticard a few inches in front of the backdrop it may be a different matter.


    Anyway, whilst I'm here just to say I've been following each update with dropped-jaw at the sheer scale and ambition of this project, let alone the logistics which must be involved!

  7. "I think you might be right about the leaving the platform roads un weathered, only draw back is the third rail will need it to blend in with the running lines."

    I wasn't suggesting you don't weather the tracks / third rail ... I would do that ... I'm just saying the bits of white flotsam about the place look really good too. So maybe do the weathering and then flick a few random bits of white around the place again ?? ... Although I bet when you do it deliberately it won't look half as good as when you did it by accident :)

    • Like 1
  8. Thanks for the response Graham,


    somehow to me the white flecks should stay, there's always bits of paper and similar blowing around tracks and it really caught my eye as making for an even more realistic picture than average ... but then again it's not my layout or vision ... and we all have different views on the picture we wish to portray ... I know on my own layout there's loads I gloss over in the interest of painting the picture MY way :)


    Out of interest, the chairs you used for third rail ... are they from Code 55 track?


    I tried chairs once myself and they were too high so I discarded them, but maybe I'd used code 80 and should revisit Code 55.

    • Like 1
  9. I'm just catching up on the layout - looking good!


    The station canopies are really neat.


    What solution did you go for in the end for third rail? I think originally you mentioned just gluing rail to sleepers (?) ... but it looks now like you may have used rail-chairs? And code 40 rail?


    Either way, top-notch result!



    I also thought your ballasting is particularly neat and realistic, and on that subject I have a question regarding the picture below:






    There's a few white flecks around in the ballast - is that a deliberate attempt to reproduce the rubbish that gets dropped off platforms and ends up on the track? It certainly looks like that to me - even if it's by happy accident :)

    • Like 3
  10. Hello mikeandnel,


    I like both (pre-war) Southern Railway and Pre-Grouping - so as a compromise have set my railway in South London 1923 - 1937.


    My reasoning for 1923 as a start-date is that in the first year or two of Grouping much stock would still be running in pre-grouping liveries alongside trains in Southern railway colours. So that allows me the best of both worlds.


    I believe some LBSCR AC electric sets were still running in Umber livery until 1929.


    I chose 1937 as the end-date for my layout because I like 4-Cors.


    It's still 'early days' for me in terms of having the stock I would like - but at the moment I am working on three ex-LSWR 3-Subs. I'd also like to build an example of a LSWR Bogie Block Set to contrast with the 3-Subs. I have a Union Mills T9 (in Southern Livery) which I love. Longer term I'd look to make some LBSCR AC sets and a set of Ironclads as well.


    Anyway - you have some lovely locomotives there - quite impressive. I'm guessing these are 00? Do you have a layout to run them on? Or perhaps you use a club layout?

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