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Andrew P

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Everything posted by Andrew P

  1. Yes I guess with almost 50 Cobolts you would NEVER need that number on the scenic section anyway. Can Cobolts be mounted above baseboard? Bodge
  2. Had you considered Peco Code 75 for the Fiddle Yard? as you say you may need more points anyway.
  3. Yea I'm still undecided, I like the simplicity of the TT300 wiring using DCC but I also like the real feel of levers on a layout although I haven't used them for many years / layouts. Bodge
  4. Cheers Jeff, I will use Peco motors in the F/Y to save some money and I know you cant as your totally Marcway.
  5. Jeff, on KL2 will you have independent control panels for the Visible section to the Fiddle Yard? Bodge
  6. I'll be following your step by step guides young Master. Bodge
  7. That's interesting as I was round a mates last week and he said that out of 9 Cobolts on his O Gauge Layout he had 2 that kept sticking and Clicking. So far the TT300 have performed fine, I may be taking the ones out of Kingsley to use on TLGP that will then give me 14 available out of about the 22 that I will need. Bodge
  8. Ha Ha Mike I'll swap my None Shed for yours mate, looking forward to seeing your next phase in the wiring saga, although its a job I hate, it will need doing, and seeing yours has inspired me to do it properly next time. :locomotive: I may, just MAY use more than a couple of colours and make notes of what goes where. Bodge
  9. Cheers Jason, I'll have a look out for them when I start again, they'll make a nice change from the Bachy ones. Bodge
  10. Hi Jason, Brilliant job on the A Class mate, when I first read that I thought you'd gone out and bought a Merc, hahah Crew look good, were they Mikes Models did you say? I remember seeing them on the bench a few weeks ago. Nice poses out of the Cabs too. Bodge
  11. No worries mate, I guessed as much anyway but I will hopefully be starting my own new thread one day soon and all I need to know will be discussed on there. I may swap to tortoise or Cobolt motors though as the TT300's are not as slow as I would like. Bodge
  12. Jaz, the red one looks like an Airiel Square Four https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=ariel+square+four&tbm=isch&imgil=5uC3JCETqr_baM%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcTQrl-eWMzIKQ4y0S20zeW3QID5RmV7y34L2yHNZ6vGrIFSAMdB5Q%253B1095%253B821%253B5WQXYWInudEo8M%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.midamericaauctions.com%25252Fmotorcycle%25252Fariel%25252Fariel-square-four-8%25252F&source=iu&usg=__v_Xxw5EqISvyUznn148pIbNCY5Q%3D&sa=X&ei=gFBAU7OCFsOUhQfXkYCYCw&ved=0CDkQ9QEwAw#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=5uC3JCETqr_baM%253A%3B5WQXYWInudEo8M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.midamericaauctions.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2011%252F11%252Fariel-square-four-8-2-1214.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.midamericaauctions.com%252Fmotorcycle%252Fariel%252Fariel-square-four-8%252F%3B1095%3B821 Andy
  13. Sorry Jeff, it wasn't meant as a discussion,I was just re iterating how good yours and Jason's looked (track that is) and I will think about it and come back to KL1 and Bacup pics nearer the time for inspiration and decision, and then discuss on my new project. Bodge
  14. Just had a look at the Pics above and it looks really neat, I'm going back to page 1 later for a full look through so you may get some more ticks I would imagine. All the best, Andy
  15. That looks neat Richard, I think I acquired on of those ready made up, in with a Job lot recently, I will have to dig it out when I unpack. Bodge
  16. Hi Shaun, I like the Terminus idea, having spent time in the company of Mr T and Bacup I did enjoy the shunting and reasons for the Locos running around and the DMU in and out as well. Good luck with the Garage / Barn. I'm looking at a gate instead of a lifting flap for TLGP as I wont be able to duck under if I have my hip done. All the best mate. Bodge
  17. Small with a few well placed sidings is all you need, but at least one siding the WRONG WAY so that you need to run around the train. As you say Mark, J & J's track does look superb, (well actually just ONE J at the moment) and although I had some SMP I went back to Peco Code 75 but I'm not to sure what I will do next time. As it will probably be my LAST BUILD I want it to look right, and also as it will be ALMOST permanent there will be no rush to finish it for Exhibitions. I still have time to think it through, but a lot will depend on how much money I spend on the buildings and base boards. Bodge
  18. Hi Guys, I still miss DR but here are a few previously unseen pics from the last show I did with the Layout, Midland Railex at Butterly / Swanwick in August 2012. Bodge
  19. Jeff, I have to agree to a degree, but not entirely, there are times when comments made make you think twice about certain aspects of the build. These comments can deviate from the original plan and take you down a dark road that your not sure about or totally comfortable with, in many cases it can be the wrong road and then its to late to re trace your steps before a big fall. Jason (and many on here like him) has stuck to his plan You and I tried to instigate the Bacup Extension but he would have none of it, despite both you and I being convinced of its merits. He will be happier with what he has than with a longer run on a nice embankment over the Canal. The forum is good for advice but not always for change of direction. I'm probably the worlds worst on here, I get an idea and then I see someone else's layout and think to my self, that's a lot better than mine, lets try that. And that's why I still build lots of small different layouts. Bodge
  20. Jeff will be around with the Boys, but NOT ME Mike, I'm the nice guy. I'll just demand some ransom money or the Shed gets it Bodge :sarcastichand: :sarcastichand:
  21. I will be back for the VIDEO later, hhahahhaha Bodge
  22. Cheers Jason, yea its gonna be all Longs with a couple of Mediums and the longer Y's for the Yard. Bodge
  23. At least yours is on its way to completion, Jeff and I are still in Dream Land. Bodge
  24. I can get Dee involved if I said I was going to smash it all up and take up DIY. Bodge
  25. Jason, talking of curves, have you any idea what radius you have leading from the Station Head Shunt back into the Coal Siding, its looked fairly tight when I was there. The reason for the question is that I may be down to about a 40 inch radius on the main line and I don't want to end up buffer locking with he 3 links. Bodge
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