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Everything posted by Calnefoxile

  1. I tell you what, this news is going to make West Ham very difficult to beat next season, http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/13583587.stm he is a top Manager and was unfairly treated by Blackburn. He wasn't given a chance to do anything with them and look what happened to them after he was sacked, only just survived by beating Wolves on the last day. Cheers Neal UTF
  2. Yep you're totally right, we've been there and done that but we were lucky, we got out at the 1st attempt, with the able assistance of your current manager. Look after him won't you we may want him back soon. regards Neal. UTF
  3. To all you Hammers fans, WELCOME TO THE HARDEST LEAGUE IN THE WORLD.......to get out of. I would just like to point out to you guys, the teams that were relegated last season from the Premiership, Portsmouth, Burnley and Hull. Well look what happened, didn't really set the Championship alight did they. Portsmouth had too many money worries and had to get rid of nearly all their players, Burnley and Hull pretty much the same to cut the wage bill. There are too many clubs in the Championship with the stability, the players and the financial clout to be there or there abouts next season. What sort of condition are WHU in financially??? Will they have to sell Players to survive on lower gate receipts, lower TV money and lower sponsorship??? And tie this up with paying Premiership wages to all players, or will there be a fire sale of Players??? The beauty of the Championship is that any team can beat any other on the day, unlike the Premiership when playing the top 3 or 4, it is an almost foregone conclusion (I'm not saying it doesn't happen), but you only have to look at Scunthorpe thrashing QPR 4-1, and there are others, to see why I made that bold statement at the top of my post. So please don't get complacent and think you're going to walk this League just because you are a Premiership club coming down, be afraid - be very afraid, existing Championship teams will be out to beat you and beat you well, especially those that don't go up via the Playoffs this year. Oh and that goes to any of the teams who finally get relegated from the Premiership. (Especially Blackpool ) Regards Neal. UTF
  4. Just before the Royal Wedding, Catherine decided to have a wee chat with Her Maj. She asked "As I'm not from anywhere near Royalty, is there any advice you can give me about joining the Royal Family?" The Queen replied "Yes my love, don't pee me off and wear a seat belt!!!!" Regards Neal. P.S. I'll just take myself off to the Tower now then
  5. Now I can't believe I'm going to say this , but I've real sympathy for Neil Warnock and the QPR team. As a team they've done nothing wrong, they've probably been by far the best side in the Championship and they've won it, almost fair and square. What I don't understand, is why the FA have taken so long to start a hearing into this saga, Imean Foulin has been at the Club for nearly 2 years!!!! I thought that the Football League and/or the FA looked at every transfer to ensure that there was nothing untoward about the transfer??? Now if the FA do find them guilty, which I think they will, and they are given a points deduction, then I think they should have just enough points taken off of them to put Norwich into the Champions slot, but still allow QPR to be promoted. Or a fine!!!! Just my humble opinion. Regards Neal UTF
  6. Just a few comments guys. As to the Rooney affair, I can't make my mind up about it....... On one hand something has to be done about swearing on the pitch, but only if its aimed directly at someone. On the other hand, Rooney swore directly at the Camera, mind you I don't think he looked for the camera to do it, the Cameraman 'just happened' to be there!!!!! He would have gone to the fans and said what he said anyway. So should he have been done for it, possibly, but maybe a fine and a retrospective yellow card. The thing that really gets my goat about swearing etc. on the pitch, is the way players surround the Ref/Linesman when a decision goes against them, that is what should be stamped on, heavily. I know I'm a Leicester fan but just read this article on the Middlesborough game and especially Svens reaction to Jeffrey Brumas sending off http://www.thebluearmy.co.uk/news/Sven-tells-Leicester-City-players-Just-shut/article-3407332-detail/article.html The only person allowed to approach the Ref should be the Captain, as per Rugby. If any other players approach the Ref they should be told to go away, give them 3 opportunities, then if they don't Yellow Card, if they still won't shut up or go away then out comes the Red, end of story, and keep going until the team gets the message, if they end up with 7 on their team, then that's their fault. I think we've blown any chance of getting into the play-offs now. We really needed to win against Middlesborough, especially with Hull, Watford, Burnley and Florest all losing. Mind you the sending off in the Leeds-Forest game shouldn't have been a sending off, to me it was a 50/50 ball and the Leeds player stood on the ball, Cohen did go in with his studs showing, but he didn't jump into the ball, he was sliding with one leg extended. You try extending one leg without your foot pointing straight up, if you know what I mean. Anyway, that's me off my soap-box. Lets hope Sven can pull off a miracle and all the teams above us lose their remaining 7 games and we win all ours, well I can dream can't I :P Regards Neal UTF
  7. Fabio do it!!, do it!!, do it!! http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/9424957.stm I still don't understand why it was taken from him in the first place, I'm not a Chelsea fan in any way, shape or form, but John Terry, to me, is the only man who should be leading England. I don't rate Ferdinand as an England Captain I just don't think he has the 'presence' on the pitch, don't get me wrong I think he's a good defender but not England Captain material, the same for Gerrard. After them I can't really think of anyone else with the 'presence' to lead the National Squad. I couldn't give a damn who he's sleeping with, slept with, had an affair with etc. John Terry SHOULD be the England Captain. <rant mode off> Regards Neal. UTF
  8. Oooohhhhh!!!!! Championship title chase is getting exciting, with the Mighty Foxes winning on Friday and then Cardiff losing, also with Leeds drawing with Norwich and also QPR only getting a draw, this has really tightened it all up at the top. Leicester travel to Cardiff on Tuesday and if we can get a win there, well that would really bring us in to touching distance of the playoffs. We do have to play all the top teams in the next few weeks, so as long as we don't lose to any of them then that puts us into a good position should any of the others slip up. UTF Neal.
  9. Whilst I'm not an Arsenal fan, I really must say that last nights game was great to watch. I thought Barcelona played the ball majestically and Arsenal (if you'll excuse the pun) stuck to their guns and just let them get on with it. Now whether that was just the way they wanted to play or that Barca where just too good for them I don't know. I though Van Persie's goal was just lucky, definately goalkeeper error there, but it was enough to knock the wind out of Barcas sails, but Arshavins goal was just brilliant, the counter attacking play was fabulous and Arshavins strike was just sublime. Hopefully all the British teams can prgress through to the next rounds of the Champions League and Europa League and stuff Johnny Foreigner Even with the teams full of Johnny Foreigners, now don't get me started on that subject Regards Neal.
  10. I nearly spluttered my coffee all over my keyboard when I read this article: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/c/chelsea/9390811.stm What the hell is Arnesen on??? Of course buying the likes of Torres and Luiz are stopping home grown talent from shining through, the article points out that they have a young talent coming through by the name of Josh McEachran, but at the moment he's only been a sub. I'll bet most of those subs appearances have been in the Carling/FA cup games, not in any Champions League or high profile Premier games ( I haven't checked this out, but hoping for a Chelski fan to tell us). Oh and Sturridge has gone out on loan to Bolton, because he hasn't made the grade at Chelsea since coming from Man City I'm afraid this importing of foreign talent is ruining the English game, in fact its ruining the British game as Scotland, Wales and N.Ireland are also suffering. Now before nayone else does this, I'm fully aware that my own club are going down this road as well, but we do have a plethora of home grown players, just the higher profile players are foreign, albeit younger players, of which 2 are from Chelski, and we are sending a young English lad out on loan to Celtic. I suppose a lot of this is due to the fact that we have a foreign manager. We are also getting to the point where the top 4 or 5 clubs will by a foreign youngster, just to stop the other teams from getting them, pathetic or what!!!! Right I'll get of me soapbox now, put me coat on and go do some work. Cheers Neal. UTF.
  11. Torres £50m, Carroll £35m, Dzeko £27m, Bent £24, these are just the pick of the January Transfers. My questions are: Are these players actually WORTH that amount of money???? And where does all this money come from??? Now I know my team, Leicester, have money, but has it really come down to this for football now Teams having to buy their way to success?? I'm sure we all want our teams to win the Premiership and then the Champions League, but is it actually worth it??? Regards Neal.
  12. DAMN!!!! DAMN!!!! DAMN!!!! Didn't want him to go, he's been a brilliant Coach for Leicester. I know he didn't go for Pardews assistant at Newcastle and we all hoped that the Sven factor might keep him at the Walkers, I thought he might have stayed and learned management under Sven, but I suppose the draw of Charlton was too much for him. I believe you've got a good'un there and the potential to be a great manager. Here's Svens reaction http://www.thebluearmy.co.uk/news/powell-set-charlton-talks/article-3099979-detail/article.html He will go with the thanks and admiration of thousands of Leicester City supporters ringing in his ears. Good Luck Chris and I hope you get promotion, but only when we've gone up B) B) Regards Neal. UP THE FOXES
  13. Erm not quite What a great performance by the Mighty Foxes!!! But I can't quite see us pulling it off at Eastlands though, considering our awful away form. But we've signed Yakubu on loan until the end of the season, with a view to a permanent deal in the summer if we get promoted, and he's available for the Replay. Actually the game was interesting for a number of reasons: 1. Eriksson used to manage Man City 2. Mancini used to play for Eriksson at Sampdoria and Lazio 3. Mancini played for Leicester, albeit 4 games. 4. If Leicester win, the next game is at Notts County, where I believe Eriksson is still held in high esteem. 5. Oh and we haven't beaten Man City in the FA cup for god knows how long. Also, I think they'll be better prepared for Sol Bamba next week as well. Anyway, Up the Foxes. Regards Neal.
  14. I feel sorry for the Newcastle fans in that they are only going to be getting a 'yes man' going there. There was no way that Martin O'Neill would have touched Newcastle with the longest barge pole you could think of. O'Neill is too much his own man, he will not have anyone telling him how to run the Footballing side of the club, and so this latest fad of having a 'Director of Football' running the shop would put O'Neill off right from the start. You could see that at Leicester, when he was here, he basically stood up to the Board and told them straight, "You let me get on with the job of running the Team or I'm off" and they did, and look what happened to us, then we hit the self-destruct button as you so eloquently put it. We Football Fans all think we can do better than the Manager or Chairman, but sometimes just being a passionate fan of your team is not good enough, that numpty Mike Ashley is a Newcastle fan through and through, there's no denying that, but sometimes that just isn't enough, you still need some nounce of footballing intelligence, yes bankroll the Club, but keep your nose out of the Footballing side of the Club and let the Manager manage. Now was this a footballing decision or a financial decision??? I honestly can't see it being a Footballing decision, just look at where they are, 12th in the Premiership, no chance of being relegated, back up from the Championship at the first attempt (no easy feat, I speak from experience ) Anyway, enough of my ramblings, good luck to Pardew and Hughton, but I stick by my thoughts of this being a ridiculous decision by Ashley/Newcastle. Regards Neal.
  15. My two'penneth worth on the Wordl Cup debacle is simple 'Stitchup', we were never going to get it. When are we, as a nation, going to realise that we are just as hated as the USA and IMHO are always going to be treated as such politically. I do agree with the Bid Team though, in that FIFA should have made things clear at the start of the process, that they want to take the World Cup to 'developing' countries, (I put that in brackets, because that is what Blatter said, I know Russia is hardly a developing country, but it is in terms of football), then we wouldn't have wasted £15Million on a bid that was doomed from the start. Oh and while you're all digesting my latest diatribe, have a go at this http://www.threematchban.com/quiz/gj I got 22 out of 33 on the first pass, but am now stuck on a few. Regards Neal.
  16. Right before I start on my rant I would like to send my sincere condolences to the Family and Friends of Malcolm "Big Mal" Allison who it seems has passed away today at the age of 83. I must admit I didn't realise he was as old as that, it just doesn't feel like footballers get old, if you know what I mean!!! Right now for my rant: Please put your hands up all those who actually thought Liverpool would go into administration...........Anyone........No one....Now there's a shock Now I do get really pee'd off when 'smaller' clubs are near enough left to fend for themselves, when bigger clubs seem to get off scot free, Pompey owe £120 million whereas Liverpool owe RBS £240 million and Man Utd owe much more than that, (sorry not going to quote figures when I don't know them). Now I know the old excuses are going to come out, the 'big' teams can manage the debt etc. But Man Utd where a £1 billion a year turnover club and were making eye watering profits before the Yanks got involved. So why are these clubs not taken to book by the powers that be and their finances investigated before these takeovers are finalised. Take my club, Leicester City, we are being bought by a Thai company, King Power, we are still waiting for that to be ratified by the Football League and its been going on for months (Please no jokes about being owned by Milan Mandaric and his dodgy tax dealings (ALLEGEDLY)), but the point is it seems this Liverpool one can just sail through without any interference or investigation by anyone http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/l/liverpool/9094283.stm just because its Liverpool and they're a Premiership side. Now it seems poor old Pompey could be in real trouble http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/p/portsmouth/9093733.stm Right Rant mode off, for now anyway Regards Neal.
  17. Now I'm not a Blackpol fan, but I believe the phrase is "You've just been Tango'd" Regards Neal.
  18. Well thats it Sven-Goran Eriksson is now our new manager and has signed a 2 year deal. I'm listening to Sky Radio and he seems to want to be here for the long haul and take us to the promised land!!!! Me, I'm not to sure, I kow he has a pretty good record as a manager, and must be a good manager to have been picked to manage National Teams, and he didn't do too badly at Man City. But, and its a big BUT, he's got baggage like his reputation with the Ladies and his reputation with Clubs Money. But he could take us to the Promised Land, he certainly has the right contacts in the game to get some top players to come to Leicester, but will they come for him or money??? Ah well, we'll see after the 2 week break when we play Nigel Pearsons Hull, Pearson will get a fantastic reception when he comes back to the Walkers, he should never have been allowed to leave, I think this says more about Mandaric than it does about anyone else, "anything to get the deal done". Make your own mind up about the Pearson debacle http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/l/leicester_city/9055151.stm Not sure whether to be happy about this or not. Regards Neal.
  19. I see our 'new' owners have finally woken up and smelled the coffee and sacked Paulo Sousa http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/l/leicester_city/9051656.stm I feel sorry for him, but we had one of the best managers in the Championship and Mr. Mandaric just let him go to bring in Sousa to try and bring in new investment (alledgedly). There is talk that the Messiah (Martin O'Neill) is coming back, now I love O'Neill for what he did for us 10 years ago, but there is an adage in Football "Never go back", and I would be doing cartwheels if he did, but I think this is pie in the sky stuff. The speculation is now going to start as to who will become our new manager, Sven's name has also been mentioned (Please God no!!!!!!). So who's it going to be????? Regards Neal.
  20. Steve, Well actually Black Dog Halt will be at the Chippenham Show at Sheldon next Saturday, http://www.chippenhammrs.org.uk/ as well as Hedges Hill Cutting, even though I'll be on Ashton Depot, (which is 'Orribly Oversize) do pop along, make yourself known and say hello. Regards Neal.
  21. Steve, The way you're cracking on with this, when do you want our Exhibitions Manager (Geoff Endacott) to pencil this in for its debut at the Calne Show/Trainwest 2013 or 2014 or should we be really mean and say 2012 Actually you're fortunate, I think Trainwest 2012 is full already. Many regards Neal Chairman Bentley Model Railway Group.
  22. I was going to make a joke about the Table being upside down but then I thought about Wednesdays result and realised that Liverpool are just not the force they used to be If I was a Liverpool fan, and to be honest they are the Premier team that I follow (but I'm still a big Leicester fan at heart), then I would be laying the blame squarely at Rafa Benitez's door and possible the Yanks door as well. The sooner Liverpool get rid of septics the better. But there again, look at the Championship table, we're 3rd from bottom, but there's still a long way to go yet, I won't be panicking just yet not until Christmas. Things can only get better, to quote D:Ream. Regards Neal.
  23. Waaahheeeyyyyy We got our first win of the season last night, and against Cardiff as well. So thats the revenge out of the window. Lets hope that this is now the start of our season and Paulo Sousa's system now gels for the team, because I'm getting a bit fed up with us dominating games and not winning them. I looked at the stats against Coventry on Saturday, 11 attempts on goal for a 1 goal return, against Coventry's 1 attempt on goal 1 goal scored EIEIEIO UP THE TABLE WE GO - well hopefully anyway Damn just realised we got QPR at home on Saturday as well, lets hope we can do them as well. Regards Neal.
  24. Nick, I can't see why you're not happy, surely Pompey weren't expected to be anywhere but mid to low table obscurity this season?? Spare a thought for us being only above you because L comes before P in the alphabet and we have been tipped for a play-off place again this season. But there again we are only 4 games into the season, and we did have one of the brightest young English managers leave with his entire back-room staff just before the season started, which meant a new manager with new ideas, new ways of playing, training etc. so ask me again at Xmas if I'm worried. Regards Neal. P.S. Maybe I should have kept these comments to myself until after I'd received payment for the Loco
  25. Steve, You beat me too it!!! Even though I'm a died in the wool diesel man, I have always had this urge to build The Calne Branch in N, and also in the time period you have stated, although I have also thought about doing a 'Might have been' layout, as if the Branch survived and setting it in the 70's/80's. I have the same books that you have and I also live in Calne, I also know the Grandson of Don Lovelock, who was the last Station Master at Black Dog Halt, and have seen many of his photos of the Calne Branch, some of which have been published. But anyway good luck with the project, and yes you are correct Calne Branch, by Chris Hewitt, and Black Dog Halt, by Chris Leigh, will both be at the Calne Show in 2011, http://www.calnemrs.org.uk/ and afterwards Black Dog Halt will be handed over to the Calne Heritage Centre for permanent display, at the moment the layout resides with us at our clubroom. Many Regards Neal Mansell Chairman Bentley Model Railway Club
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