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Everything posted by devondynosoar118

  1. Seagulls from Langley, no idea on the pigeons but the gulls are as common.
  2. Seconded on the canal shot, cracking! Thanks for sharing.
  3. Ta, got some of that, will have a bash.
  4. New years resolution to finish more things that I started last year!

    1. bcnPete


      Likey!...Me too...and am trying to be more proactive too...

  5. Thank you, the draw runners and plastic is a very clever idea which I will use on my next box design. What thickness ply was used for the outside?
  6. I see what you have done, you forgot to add any pictures to the gallery! Edit post?
  7. Well I got time this week to paint up the shed, here are the results with a brief pictorial stroll through the process. Having started with a black undercoat I put some rust tones randomly across the roof, looking at the pictures from the 50's. There are 2 brown shades and a dark metallic in there. I wanted some faint rust visible through the grey base. The base grey was put on with a heavy drybrush. After 2 lightening tones on the grey I put more careful rust marks onto the roof, following the bits visible in the pics. To blend them in a further 2 coats of grey were lightly dry brushed over the top. The sides were highlighted in grey, again with dry brush technique. Mud was added to the bottom, as the shed was next to the running lines. A black wash was put on, here still wet, to tone down the chalky look of the grey, deliberately streaked to blend in the muck layer. The finished item ready for varnish and then fixing to the layout, when I get the point controls, ballast and tidying finished.....
  8. Or the south west in general, where we have some of the lowest wages in the country and continuing housing issues caused by affluent speculators and second homers from the south east.
  9. The infernal machine is clearly a Leonardo sketch. If BS Johnson had built it the track would run off a cliff as he had neglected to decide where it was going...
  10. Thanks gents! The roof appears to be what is best described as "Rusty Tin Grey) and the sides are the above faded black. I am going to guess that the timber/steel on the legs is also black. The next building to do is the motor goods shed, for which I have got the I section strip. Luckily there are some good pics of it, I just need another ratio roof. 60091, it is indeed a bit fragile, I am going to epoxy it to the boards by the legs, which are a bit over scale for that reason. A shame that your model of the station was aborted, any pictures? On a wargaming note my WH40k railway has suffered a setback as the second board has warped, meaning a re-build after I have laid all the track. Andy, any more work on your great station building model? Kitchen is about 85% complete, all the important stuff is done but its all the pesky detail stuff that I have to do. I also have to finish my van so I am getting about 2 hrs a week on all my projects! Next bit is to do the final structures for Squeezebelly so I can get it ready for Taunton.
  11. Have you got any construction pics or drawings of the boxes? They look like exactly what I need for my boards.
  12. Use the attach photo option. Its at the bottom of the bit you type in. Simply pick the photo you want to use, then attach it, then put the cursor where you want it to go, then click "add to post" preview your post first to check the layout of your pictures then publish. Please pay attention to previous comments as there is no actual modelling in this post!
  13. Well, it has been a while since I did an update for Kingsbridge. I have not been entirely idle on this model, but progress has been limited to tweaking the track layout, adding length to the sidings, and trying to get the trackside structures done in case the sidings need moving before ballasting. With this in mind I bought the Ratio carriage shed kit, thinking of bashing it to resemble the corrugated structure on the branch. As soon as I looked at it I knew this plan was not going to work, the shed was too short for the B set and even with careful narrowing was not going to look right. Luckily I had a 3rd piece of corrugated roof and had bought some corrugated sheet before xmas. Thus as usual I was going to have to scratch build, despite trying to be lazy! The shell was made from Ratio sheets, cut to height then joined with carefully filed fillets to maintain strength and surface detail. As you can't really see the inside I haven't filled the small gaps left inside. I made the sides to length, thn left them to go off whilst I made the end piece, using the curve from the ends of the kit to get the shape where it meets the roof. The Ratio roof bits were narrowed then joined. Then I put the shell together and left it for a day to tile the kitchen. The legs of the shed are square microstrip, spaced from pictures by eye. All I have to do now is paint it, the siding it sits on is just long enough now I added about 100mm to it. Viewed side Inside- No roof joists this time! Side 3/4 view which compares well with the buffer stops pictures in books.
  14. There have been plenty of layouts in both mags with hand operated points and non operational signals, many not as scenic or well observed as yours is.
  15. More great stuff, we should see this in a magazine, come on MR or RM, get it in print!
  16. They look great, I do like the finish on that 38, 3803 always looks far too clean running on the SDR! Good to see grockles sucking up all the local foodstuffs is not just a post supermarket phenomenon. Most of the fish traffic locally still goes through Plymouth, and some from Brixham but all by road. The other big local traffic before the war was rabbits, often to Birmingham and other towns in the midlands. If you wanted something unusual you could model the K14 passenger brake with destination boards, with a little licence, e.g. stock lasted in use til nationalisation and mixamatosis was slow spreading here. Any plans to exhibit Wencombe?
  17. Kingsbridge fish traffic was mainly crab, often in siphons (returns to pedantic armchair....) Beautiful pictures as always, full of atmosphere. Is that a traditionally filthy ROD 2-8-0 lurking on the left of the second frame?
  18. I am up to only 4 Lego kits this time. The republic frigate is massive, bet that took a while! Still got the Haynes infernal combustion engine kit to do...
  19. Now that's more like it! I suspect the 22 is having transmission trouble again!
  20. Astonishing work! Can't wait to see it all in place.
  21. Would make a nice bit of unusual traffic, especially if the weathering is as good as on the new one.
  22. Shouldn't it be towing a failed Class 22? Or is that it in the background. Beautiful pictures as always.
  23. Thanks Captain and Rivercider, great pictures, bought back a few memories too.
  24. I believe the good count has returned to his native land, longing for the warmer climes of Italy after the cold (shoulder?) of the UK. He has been replaced by a local bon viveur called Bartholemew Oscar Likely.
  25. Very clever. Scenic work looks great. The most common signs at junctions in UK are "give way," stop was more common in the past with give way being used more widely since the early 80's. Thank you for the how to on the glue based grass mat, very helpful.
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