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Everything posted by devondynosoar118

  1. Quality model and photo's, thanks for sharing!
  2. Nice pics- Its stuff that this that inspired me to light my latest effort.
  3. Me too on the DG's. As a first time user of them I can say they work really well despite my haphazard construction skills and are extremely small. The only down side is having to remove the NEM pocket on some models, but people have got around this by making the end of the DG fit the socket by mounting it on a suitably shaped bit of plasticard. DG's beat RTR designs hands down for all but modern image applications where knuckle couplers are more prototypical. I am following Pete's suggestions above, with fixed close coupled rakes of coaches, with DG at each end and then scale 3 links on goods wagon in short rakes. I have an Inglenook layout in N which works great with 1 electromagnet and DG's, I get about 90% reiaibility and these were the first few I made.
  4. Can I sneak some modelling in tonight after a day of cooking and housework?

    1. bcnPete


      Well deserved I say...

  5. Can I sneak some modelling in tonight after a day of cooking and housework?

  6. Looks great. If you model the bottom of the embankment as rock then you won't need the wing walls. You should have blagged some more plaster when they did your leg!
  7. I run a war-games club for young people and have done for 11years, many of them play Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 game, which has been around for over 20 years now. This is a good introduction to the skills and techniques of model making but has the added bonus of involving all sorts of fantastical creatures and the opportunity to batter your friends in a socially acceptable way at the games table. Recently I have taken in a few bits of my 2mm work to do whilst running the hobby table and many young people have said they have bits of train set at home or have friends or family with some. They also asked if you could combine this with Warhammer. I set to work, thinking of the best way to do it, we all had a good chat about what they wanted the railway to do and how we could integrate it into games. This has resulted in me promising them 2 4ft by 18" base boards, one for the good guys (the Imperial guard, no GM super warriors here!) and one for the Orks (good opportunity for stock that looks like it it's falling apart) on which they will work out a track plan. The key points are- DC to keep costs down Rod operated points. Only 2 electrofrog points max per board (costs cut as I am paying!) Kids to build all the stock, from RTR chassis. must match our existing terrain system- modular flat styrene boards textured and painted. So as things move along I will update the blog, hopefully with pictures. Link to Want Ad if you can help start off our stock http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/46266-any-0-6-0-or-similar-working-oo-chassis-and-wagon-chassis/page__fromsearch__1
  8. I have seen the lights! 10 more street lamps ordered!

  9. Been fanny(ing) around with gas lights and burning the midnight oil to get the yard lamps done on squeezebelly.

  10. More reasons for me to cough up and join the NGS! Excellent work on the new bogies shown on the website, they look superb. Any plans for Dean bogies? We need them for our passenger brake vans.
  11. The power cab has been great, chips are a tight fit at times but it's useful for micro layouts as you can control the points as well. TCS decoders are good cheaper ones. It does add at least £20 to loco costs though. It will also allow double heading for the above train.
  12. Thanks Andy. I feel a bout of stock building coming on...
  13. Thanks for the links Simon! I had been struggling to find the 2mm military vehicles. I needed Loriots for the smaller vehicles, like Bren gun carriers. Rhys that is a superb primary source, thank you very much. Any further information on what was carried how is useful.
  14. This layout is still ongoing, I have had a brief stop to construct a micro layout to test couplings and a few other bits. To date I have Sorted running issues in the yard- thanks Kris Done some more work on the platforms, in my blog. Done the Inset track in the engine shed Got about half the stock. More stuff to come, just waiting for a couple of days to finish sticking the track down in the yard, then it'll fly along again as I can work on the scenics and buildings to liven up the station area. Any ideas on where I can find a ground plan form the Kingsbridge signal box?
  15. Going to finish the embankment on the micro and maybe make some dg couplings.

  16. Progress looks great, almost done really. Convincing depth of scene and high level of detail in a small space. The joins are the one weakness with Scalescenes on larger structures, I struggled to see them on the creamery.
  17. Modelling stopped- gone surfing in the sunshine...(smug mode on.)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. devondynosoar118


      It 4-5ft and clean!

    3. bcnPete


      Wow...I do miss surfing...

    4. Kris


      There were some larger waves (6ft faces) later in the day, I know I ate most of them!

  18. Very good wagon! Simple weathering is often the best.
  19. Deck looks about right for grimy wood to me. I agree about dirtying up the bottom of the walls. A beautiful finish as usual, thanks for sharing it.
  20. Sounds like a good time to buy specsavers shares too! I look forward to the plans too, should fit nicely on the back of a fag packet...
  21. That worked well, most inspiring. Like the idea of a car boot railway show. Maybe show up at a local boy racer hangout; " stereos in the boot, so yesterday, everyone has those. Now my car has a fully operational miniature brewery in the boot!" Just sit back and wait for the next issue of (t)Revs or Lacks Power mag and see them all jump on a new trend...
  22. Thanks Kris, I may need a few strips of those to do the stepped courses under the platform edges.
  23. I have been looking again at the platforms and have noticed a glaring error on the facing, I have made it stone all the way around, as it was in it's original guise. Further digging and picture checking has revealed that it should be brick from 2/3rds the way down the main platform right around to the engine shed. This was done during the re building work of 1916 when the bay platform was added, and I had missed it when building my platforms. To sort this out I decided the easiest way would be to use scale scenes brick paper, laid over the plasti card. This will have to wait until it's painted. I am hoping for a days modelling this week so will be looking to add some pictures shortly.
  24. Bus bit painted, huge hole now made under the windscreen!

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