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Everything posted by DavidLong

  1. Always liked the 'Dance Halls', Pete. I may just start a lobby for a 2mm version! David
  2. You're a brave man, Andy, but a most accomplished piece of work has resulted. Whoever said that diesels were just boxes on wheels has never tried to model one. Excellent work. David
  3. Considering the original cost of the kit and adding in the CT chip and the many hours putting it together the last thing that you want to inflict on it is an inferior paint job. I'm more than happy to work on my wagon collection but for locos Ian's understated finishing is just perfect to my eyes. That faded green is one of his best yet and is a very good match to the guide photo that I provided him with. David
  4. Over the weekend of 3rd/4th November I exhibited 'Mayfield Street' at the East London Finescale Exhibition and, on the Saturday, I had the pleasure of a visit from David Mallott (aka 'Kylestrome') who was over in London for a few days from Germany. He took a few snaps of the layout which he has kindly allowed me to share here. The first one is of D5034, one of the first Class 24s to be painted blue, sitting by the S&T bank with a couple of Stephen Harris sixteen tonners. D5034 is a repaint and weathering job by Mercig Studios. The remainder feature the latest loco for the layout. I built D4109 from a 2mm Association kit and it was recently painted and weathered by Mercig Studios; another fine job from Ian Clenton. A couple of jobs remain to be done to add the lighting and conduits, radiator fillers and sandpipes. It is still being run in but I am quite pleased with how it has turned out. So pleased in fact that I have recently acquired a further kit from another Association member. Still time in this decade to get it built All in all a very enjoyable weekend and a show that I would recommend to members. David
  5. Those Serbs, eh? Oh, wait . . . http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2012/nov/10/millwall-fans-arrested-banner-marvin-sordell
  6. Code 40 bullhead from Marcway is even better. It is straight both horizontally and vertically. David
  7. Nice to know that Reading and Arsenal don't have the monopoly on comedy defending!

    1. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Oh, I didn't know that Coco the Clown was on the transfer list! :D

  8. Hope all our RM Web friends in NE USA stay safe.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      Well said hang tight guys

    3. The Nth Degree

      The Nth Degree

      Just saw a quote that "tens of thousands of residents" are already without power in New Jersey...

    4. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Absolutely. All good wishes to our transatlantic cousins - batten down your hatches and stay safe tonight.

  9. Sorry to be a bit of an historical Luddite, Mikkel, but in this case historical accuracy comes a poor second to the sheer quality of the modelling although I do appreciate your natural desire to 'get it right'. David
  10. Very nice, Pete. The work on the glazing was worthwhile and I also like the extra S.R. lights/lamp irons. Very appropriate considering that it was a Southern loco for all its short B.R. life. David
  11. SC and TC London Euston to Workington Main

  12. "No-one likes us, we don't care" Mmm, now where have I heard that before. Perhaps someone ought to ask Marvin Sordell to 'compare and contrast'. . . David
  13. Adrian, This is so good it hurts. No more to say. David
  14. Pete, If you're really desperate to do something with the Crompton then buy a Dapol Class 26 (of any variety) and fit it to the Farish body. You will need to replace the fuel tanks with the Farish version. The bogie steps won't line up with the doors but as a temporary fix it is fine as the Class 26 is a superb runner. The fact that the bogies have the correct wheelbase and don't project out beyond the body just makes it look a whole lot better. Alternatively, don't bother and just put in a pre-order to a Liverpool emporium for the upcoming pukka Crompton from Dapol! Anyway, nice work as usual, Pete. David
  15. Also in East Anglia there is the infamous Happisburgh which is pronounced as Hazeburgh. It has never had a station but the Model Railway Club produced a 7mm layout of that name just to be awkward. Anyone know which is the correct pronunciation of Haverhill, either as it is spelt have-er-hill or as hey-ver-ill? David
  16. Excellent work as ever, Tom. May I ask how you made the lamp enclosures? David
  17. I think that Rod has summed this up perfectly. I've been going to football matches in all divisions and non-league for almost fifty years and I suspect that cheating has always gone on and it is just more visible these days. The game is also less violent than it used to be and for those who don't believe me I would suggest a look at the Chelsea v Leeds FA Cup final replay from 1970 which for sheer, naked aggression takes some beating. Although I wasn't there, I understand that the England v Italy game at Highbury in 1934 was, as they say, 'pretty tasty'. I have also read that the early Arsenal sides of Woolwich Arsenal days were not known for taking many prisoners which may merely have been a taster for certain Arsenal teams of later years (no need to agree, Mr Penfold. . . ). I do get rather tired of those who complain about the modern game. Earlier this week I watched a full replay of Sunday's Tottenham V QPR game and it was ninety minutes of the highest quality entertainment. This was football that teams of even a couple of decades ago could only dream of, played at high speed with tremendous skill. And don't think that it is just the Premier League as, when I go to watch Southport play in the Conference Premier, the standard is light years ahead of the 4th Division stuff that I used to watch in the early 1960s. The one area of the game that hasn't improved appreciably is international football and, personally, I don't really care. Football, unlike the simpler rugby, has never been a game where it is easy to put teams together on an irregular basis and now that we have the Champions League it shows international football up for the sideshow that it has become. And please, no complaints about it not being all champions, that's just UEFA making a mess of the title. Just accept it for what it is, a high quality competition between the best teams in Europe. Did it matter that Tottenham weren't champions in those terrific games against Inter? Does Colin Penfold care that Chelsea weren't champions when they won the competition? Unlikely I would think David
  18. I agree with him, Tom, inspirational stuff :-) David
  19. Off to New England (not Peterborough!) in the morning :-)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. trisonic


      Weather looking good. Some rain Saturday night but should be sunny all next week, hopefully. Leaves starting to get Fall Colour.

    3. bcnPete


      Have a good trip!

    4. AndrewC


      Hve a bowl of chowdah' for me.

  20. LONDON, Sept 18 (Reuters) - Stoke City defender Andy Wilkinson has been charged with violent conduct by the Football Association following an incident involving Manchester City's Mario Balotelli on Saturday. Italy striker Balotelli fell to the ground after apparent contact between the players and, although referee Mark Clattenburg missed it at the time, Wilkinson has been charged following video evidence. Wilkinson, who could face a three-game ban if found guilty of using his elbow, has until 1700GMT on Wednesday to contest the charge, the FA said in a statement on Tuesday. Violent conduct from a Stoke City player? Surely not. . .
  21. Not much doubt about Peter Odemwingie's transgression. One of the finest red card incidents I've ever seen. He even did it in front of the fourth official. No tv replay needed there then . . . Not heard much about the Balotelli incident though. David
  22. Great to have you back, Mikkel. The Farthing Chronicles have been much missed! David
  23. Great day out at Amberley museum. Highly recommended.

    1. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Told ya so! Glad you enjoyed it. Did you go for a ng train ride too?

    2. DavidLong


      Oh yes. A little yellow Hunslet and open coaches.

    3. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Excellent. That little yellow Hunslet reminds me of 'The Little Engine That Could', as it chuffed along saying "I think I can, I know I can" - toot-toot! :)

  24. Yep, BWFC playing Watford on Saturday. Mr.Coyle on borrowed time due to a complete inability to teach a team how to defend. I'll be watching the game on Friday, Simon, as it's on the television. Good luck anyway. David
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