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Status Replies posted by Lochnagar

  1. Bagged a S Stock bargain on eBay on BiN.  It turned up today after seeing another go for double days later... Very Happy...

  2. Has some items surplus to requirements.

  3. Well, that's me in a foul mood then, fitting Heljan bendy plastic vac & air pipes to a Class 27 buffer beam - is there any greater torture?...

  4. Daughter has just made me two bacon butties - she's after something......

  5. Why is it my work never seems as good as other peoples work. :(

  6. Workshop is starting to look like Toton with all these type 5's!

    1. Lochnagar


      And 56's. . and 60's. . bank account has taken a beating of late!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Painting models is more fun than painting rooms!

  8. Painting models is more fun than painting rooms!

  9. Bachmann 47522 on the workbench. . will post pics when finished!

  10. Has an urge to buy a full length Hornby Class 395 and paint it in NSE livery. What on earth was in that tea I just drank?!?

    1. Lochnagar


      Please don't do that! LOL not that i'm a pendo fan. .

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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