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Everything posted by redpiperbob

  1. Hi Duncan sorry for the late reply no internet I printed them Flat on the build plate face up no supports I could send the sketch up files or the STL's to you if you want them. PM me All the best Bob
  2. How about a few bits of furniture chairs tables cupboards and sink units or maybe Glad you like them all the best Bob
  3. Hi Monkeys I use Sketchup for a lot of quick 3D modeling. after exporting the file as a STL I then open it in Netfabb (there is a free version) https://www.autodesk.com/products/netfabb/free-trial this repairs the file and allows you to open the flie in your slicer programme . by the way there is a plugin for Sketchup up call OOBS that allows you to create all sorts of surface effects. I have used it for my latest layout Kyle of Lochalsh. Here are my roof sections. https://extensions.sketchup.com/en/content/oob-layouts All the best Bob
  4. Hi there Mine came from Germany It arrived in Inverness with no problems set up and ran without a problem The quality is amazing. Bob
  5. Hi there if anyone is interested I have started another turntable build on the Platform1MRC web site. http://platform1mrc.com/p1mrc/index.php?threads/kyle-of-lochalsh.1002/page-2#post-47994 If anyone wants any further info please get in touch. Thanks to Ray (tender) and Ian (DCCinterface dot com) Be seeing you Bob
  6. Hi All got it the file has been renamed to "utility/Adafruit_MS_PWMServoDriver.h" thanks anyway Bob
  7. Hi all can someone help me please when I compile the program in post #48 I get the following C:\Users\Bob Sims\Documents\Arduino\tenderfinal\tenderfinal.ino:9:45: fatal error: utility/Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.h: No such file or directory Thanks Bob
  8. Hi Dutch master You have done it again Railcom was the issue. Thanks Bob
  9. Hi Paul The DCC board is acting as a gateway to the sysem. I E if i send a packet to the DCC board then the board will activate the sevo on the multipanel board. This works fine if I connect to the Digitrax system I have. But does nothing on the Z21 Bob PS if you go into the Z21 setup you can get rid of the +4 setting Bob
  10. Hi All I dont know if this is the correct place to put this or should I start a new thread but here goes. I have just purchased A Multi panel starter kit, relay board and DCC board from Megapoints.com.If I use my Digitrax Zephyr command station the system works fine. I do however have a problem with the DCC board not working with my Z21 (Black) command station. But if I connect the set-up to my Z21 both lights on the DCC board Flash. if I lower the voltage on the Z21 then the lights do not come on at all . I have tried 13v,14v,15v,16v,17v. The lights do not light on all these but if I go to 18v then both come on and flash continuously. Anybody any ideas. Is there anyway around this problem as I would like to use both the Ipad connection and the Megapoints panel to change points and signals. Thanks Bob
  11. Hi Vincent Thanks for the dia I am away this weekend but will try it out next weekend. I will let you know how I get on Thanks Bob
  12. Hi Dutch master Thanks for your reply what you have said does make sense to me But I dont want to play about with the Z21 Just in case I ruin it. Bob
  13. Hi all does anyone know when Roco are to release the loconet T-B interface. ( I have a Digitrax BDL168. And I does wont to loose it.) Thanks Bob
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