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Posts posted by kandc_au

  1. Don/all ,

    I'm a half breed.

    I have trouble with people getting all snippy on what is technically racist jokes, yet can accept religious jokes,blonde jokes, Irish jokes (they are racist) but it seems that racism is acceptable when it suits people.

    Reality is a joke is a joke....you enjoy it fine, if you don't move on.

    We are all different and view things differently, but when one comes to a forum like this, they should expect to see stuff the love, like and dislike.

    Accept it for what it is and move on.



  2. What are EHertsGER and F-UnitMad talking about?  Has a joke been removed, thus leaving their posts without context?

    Yes Colin,

    A post has been removed. I don't know why.

    This is supposed to be a jokes forum. It seems members get a bit precious at what "THEY" think is acceptable and no-one else can have an opinion.



  3. Jim,

    I seem to recall reading that the intial buildings at Pendon DID use hair.

    Problem was it deteriorated, hence the change to hemp.

    As for me I grow more on my face than my head.

    Wife gives me a beard cut then whisks over what is left on the head.

    Basically a ratio of 20/1 beard to head :)



    • Like 2

    I thought all Bachmann motors are 3-pole jobs, I stand to be corrected.




    They may well be. I "assumed", that because I have found them to be good runners that they were 5 pole rather than 3.




    Edited for punctuation!

  5. I hear what people say, and it pretty much coincides with what I have concluded on my own.


    However, if this is not a viable prospect, then what (if any) is the future for the plastic kit field?  Are any and all "obscure" prototypes destined to remain in the realm of whitemetal and brass?  Are all manufacturers going to fight shy of new releases in case the RTR industry or a nerd with a computer and a 3D printer pull the rug out from under their feet?


    I'm wondering how many Siphons Coopercraft are expecting to sell...


    I would gather the saving grace for Coopercraft is he is not solely relying on the sale of the Siphon, which is what you would be doing  with the Toad in the first instance.

    Given time I would think you would sell all the kits, BUT, NOT in the short term, which leaves you with a cashflow issue.

    Even if this was to be your one and only model, it is quite possible that you would be dead before they all sold. (That is assuming you are over 40 :O )

    From what I understand from my Brother in Law (BiL) printing will be the way of a lot of things in the not to distant future.


    Just my thoughts.



  6. Thanks for that Khris, do you know how it was done by the way, it looked so realistic ?




    Allan, This is what was posted on the weathering list where I got the link from:

    "This was done with Electro-Luminescent (EL) wire to simulate molten

    metal in the cast house runners (troughs) of a modified Walthers Blast Furnace.


    I glued three strands of EL wire side-by-side and threaded it up a slag runner to the furnace and down an iron runner to a spout.


    The controller has three on settings - constant, slow flash, quick flash. By having one of the strands on slow-flash, it gives a realistic flicker to the runner. The glow is bright enough to reflect itself on the silvers of the figures.


    I bought my wire off of ebay, just search for EL WIre. There are several vendors but on average, you can get 2 meters (approx 6 ft) of wire in your choice of color (a dozen or so colors) and including the battery powered controller will cost you about $6 including shipping!

    You can cut it to the length you need.


    People use this stuff to decorate their cars, houses, or clothes!"



  7. This Ought to Make All Granddads Feel All Warm and Fuzzy



    A six-year-old goes to the hospital with her mother to visit her Granddad.
    When they get to the hospital, she runs ahead of her mother and bursts into her Granddad's room.
    "Granddad, Granddad," she says excitedly, "as soon as my mummy comes into the room, make a noise like a frog!"

    "What?" said her Granddad. "Make a noise like a frog because my mummy said that as soon as you croak, we're all going to Disney World!”

    • Like 4
  8. If you think that the Hornby teak finish is acceptable then you have a long way to go. The first thing you have to do to model successfully is to fully understand your subject. This means study and observation, and learning the difference between what you see and what you think should be there. Taking teak as an example, if you look carefully at these photos, you will see that even at this viewing distance the tonal differences in the graining is very subtle. Once you move out to the distances that we normally view models then any visible graining disappears and all that can be seen is a graduation of tone within the panels and sometimes on the door pillars. To paint this successfully is not difficult, but does take practise, not least because it is very easy to overpaint the panels.

    Bill, all,

    I haven't seen the model in question but judging from what is normally produced for the mass market I can assume it is pretty ordinary.

    That said, modellers strive to achieve what they can, or feel they are capable of.

    If they don't feel capable they will accept what is produced....they are not necessarily going to say it isn't good nor bad, especially if they don't feel capable of producing a better result.

    It would seem to me that those who model these Teak coaches could do with some tutorials being produced (by more than one person) so that they can have a go.

    For those who can do it, and find it easy, don't think it feels easy for those who do not have the confidence in even starting an attempt.

    It would appear that we could actually do with a section just with tutorials stored in it, EVEN if they are segments of a large thread.


    The other thing is if people are talking about a thread...how about a link so that others can form their own views of what has been said and the "TONE" with which it was said. Again not everyone writes with the same feeling as they are saying something, and it can come over completely different to the way it was intended.




    Edited for spelling

  9. They do. That is why I had no choice but to teach myself how to build them myself. Let's face it. Would any rtr company really want the tooling nightmare of Concertinas?. It would not be a fast process for the machines to eject the body with all those recesses and as for fitting the separate hand rails that appear to be expected these days, into the same recesses.....


    into the recesses ..



    Mike Wiltshire

    AND Mike,

    Do you have time to do a tutorial on how you build them?

    It would be good.



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