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About this blog

The New Forest has a really beautiful stretch of coastline with a lot of history; yet at its east end, it's a mere stones throw from serious industrial sites like Fawley Oil Refinery and the huge power station (now undergoing demolition)! Despite featuring recognisable prototypical locations, this will be an entirely fictional account of the area, with a focus on local freight, and featuring a real ragtag collection of stock. Simply put, I've picked my favourite aspects of the area, and combined them all together in a small OO gauge layout set during preparations for the D-Day landings.

I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions!

Entries in this blog

Bramble's Boatyard - War in The New Forest

In this entry, I'll be exploring the role that the New Forest played in preparations for WWII, and specifically, D-Day - since that is the period I intend to base the layout on. To begin with, I have added a fair bit of stuff that isn't specifically relevant to the coast, where the layout is set; but at the very least, it helps give some perspective.   Timeline of the New Forest's role 1939 The role of the New Forest in WWII goes right back to the start; in fact, before the w


SouthernRegionSteam in Research

Brambles Boatyard - The run-up to D-Day

Research is absorbing, and despite trawling through unnecessary information and photos that are of little use in terms of creating a model railway, in the case of D-Day, I felt it was important to understand the challenges faced, the enormity of the preparations, and the speed, yet precision, in which everything had to come together. Take, for example, the artificial 'Mulberry' harbours constructed in Normandy. I don't really need to see photos of what it looked like in use, I'll only be modelli


SouthernRegionSteam in Research

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