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State of Play - Overview of the Layouts

So far there are five layouts in the Farthing series, each depicting a section of the same overall station. The trackplans are simple affairs, but when linked to fiddle yards all contain a certain operational scope. The layouts so far are:   1. The Branch Bay. This was the first of the layouts and is complete. It shows the bay platform at Farthing ca. 1904-1908, and draws on features from the bays at Newbury station.         2. The Goods Depot. This


Mikkel in Intro

How to eat an elephant

Question: How do you eat an elephant? Answer: One bite at a time     "The Farthing layouts" are a series of OO micro-layouts that depict small sections of the same overall junction station. The period is Edwardian, although I occasionally have heretic out-of-period operating sessions. The layouts are operationally independent of each other, ie they are not connected or modular. In this way, I can explore my interest in larger stations in a very limited space. In other wo


Mikkel in Intro

Design principles

Here's an introduction to the main approaches and principles behind the Farthing layouts.       1. One bite at a time. Each layout can be set up and operated in our living room in a short space of time. They show different parts of the same overall station, meaning that I can explore my interest in junction stations in a limited space, step by step. Some of the layouts use Peco track, others use C+L handbuilt track.         2 . Into the scen


Mikkel in Intro

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