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We are slowly getting there, progress has been slow because a lot of other things getting in the way. I also had to do my psychological test to get my driving license. Although in Portuguese it was not too bad. The trouble is it is a copy of my British one although I only car and motorbike, they wanted to put the bus and lorry parts there to which meant more tests, but no driving exam.


The chassis is almost back together I need to do some more work to get the pony to swing nicely. I have yet to run it on the test track but it goes ok on the rolling road.






I also managed today to get some green onto the body. It looks like I need to do a little sanding on the boiler, which will also mean I can paint some tape for the boiler bans as I forgot. I will now leave it for a few days to properly cure before doing the masking and adding the black.


I am quite looking forward to getting it done I want to get it sold so that I can get another project purchased.







Edited by N15class
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The paint finish is lovely Peter

Thanks Rob


A lot I think is due to the weather here. The air is dryer and the paint seems to be coming out the airbrush cleaner.

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what a difference a coat of paint makes


I am quite looking forward to getting it done I want to get it sold so that I can get another project purchased.


I have felt that with this particular project you have sometimes had difficulties compared with the others, but again well done Pete.

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what a difference a coat of paint makes



I have felt that with this particular project you have sometimes had difficulties compared with the others, but again well done Pete.


I think the problems have been me and my mojo rather than the kit. The black has now been done just the buffer beams and I can reassemble.

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