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Here we are again. I am being very good at the moment and trying to get projects finished.   I have finished lining the PBV and all in all I am quite pleased. I did the lining under a magnifying glass, which for me was much better. It is not as good as some peoples from this manor. From general viewing distance it looks very much the part.       And a very cruel close up. The varnish should help to bring it all together.    


N15class in S&DJR PBV


Things on this have not been static, just very slow. I have started mark two version of the linning. Ky first attempt was horrible. so after lots of touching up blues and blacks I had another go.   This time I am much happier with it although it is not to the standard of some of this parish. It needs a little touching up here and there. The blue paint work looks nothing like it does in the photo, the contrasts are no where near as bad. It is the light here on the equator that seems to


N15class in S&DJR PBV


After the discussions about the blue. I had a good look at it today. I think the main problem was the sunlight. In one of the photo's in the previous post one of the sides is in shadow, and that was actually a better match to how it looks.   Needless to say I masked it up and sprayed it again, with a slightly thinner mix than last time. It now has a better more uniform colour. It is more the way I remember seeing models.   I took it back out into the sunshine this afternoon a


N15class in S&DJR PBV


I have now got this into a position ready for lining. So it looks like I ought to get my head into gear and get this and my Ivatt class 2 finished off. As you may of seen My little A1 number 735 is now complete and is in its box ready for shipment.   The Underframe was given a coat of Halfords finest satin black. The interior and roof a coat local spray white gloss. Not the best or easiest to use but it worked. Finally the side were done in precision S&DJR blue.    


N15class in S&DJR PBV


I have now added all the whitemetal parts. One of the spring J hangers was broken and lost do I made one up out of brass, fortunately it looks the part. Having thought I had finished I scrubed it up for painting, only to notice whilst preparing to spray I had not added the buffers or rain strip to the roof.   It was given a light coat of Acid 8 primer, the following day I rubbed down the out side. You will notice the inside was then primed with some red oxide, this was done


N15class in S&DJR PBV


Some more of this PBV done. I have added the footboards and a couple of scrap nickel silver straps to the underframe. These are to take the hinge pins for the Slaters underframe. Holes to be drilled.   I have also made some clips for the roof to make it easily removable. I did try my normal wire ones I use on loco cab rooves but it failed misserably. I also drilled new holes for the lamps and bungs. the original ones as can be seen quite some way out, they were also in dents, the size


N15class in S&DJR PBV


Here is the state of play so far.   I have now got the main body made, complete with solebars but not the foot boards. The duckets where a bit a of a pain to do, but I am sure this was more about them being reformed.   I am still trying to find out about the lining in later days of the S&D. It has been interesting finding out about these vans,hopefully by that time I will have the answers. As you can see even after all the cleaning up I did there is still


N15class in S&DJR PBV


I blame this on Larry (coachman) of this parish. If he did not keep producing such inspirational coaches this would of remained in the box, where has sat for a few years.   What we have here is a Connoisseur Models, S&DJR full brake. This is yet again a model in need of rescuing. I was given this as a very badly paint model. After removing the paint, guess what, it was badly mad too. parts still had the half etch tags still on, too much solder, you get the picture.   I st


N15class in S&DJR PBV

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