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Here we are finally finished apart from putting some coal in the bunker. I need to get some next time I am in the UK, it is in short supply over here in the rain forest.   I am pleased the way it has turned out, I just need to do some more planning on the layout to get Bodmin into a build-able layout.   Hope you like it too. Bit of a picture overload but hard luck.


Well what with starting the lining on the Hall I have managed to get my Well Tank painted.   You will have to excuse the number of photos, but I like it.   We start off with the main body which unfortunatly used the last of my acid 8 primer. Need to go to the car paint shop I found here.   Next up is the chassi which was done in red oxide, its black so will not matter.   The cylinders were also done in acid 8.   The cab roof and


After the diversion of yesterday I finished off the body. I am pleased with the way it has turned out. To me it looks like the little beastie it is supposed to be. It has been a fight, which is still not over, as I have the backhead to complete. It I think comes from a completly different loco. It is the right size and now all the bits that are not needed have been removed. I just have to make or get representations of what should be there.   But back to the body, the last lamp irons w

BEATTIE 0298 CLASS (5.5)

After a chat with Ivan (Horsetan) I have redone the smoke box door. This is because it looked to big. The trouble is the kit is an inlargement of the Jidenco 4mm one. The boiler and smokebox I found out today are slightly undersize.   I was lucky as I found a whitemetal smokebox front in my pot of waste, that I melt down for ballast in locos etc. It turned down and shaped very nicely in the drill. It certainly does not look as cramped as it did. All the parts from the orginal were refi


Have been adding a little detail to the body, It has been a little slow as I have had some time away from the workbench. Mainly waiting for things and people that never turn up.   The first pictures show the bunker rear and the water filler which was scratch built as there was not one with the kit. I still need to add the top lamp iron, and the fire iron brackets, once I have worked out how to make them.     We then move onto the injector feed, which was also


Managed some more to my little Well tank. I am pleased with the way it is going. To me it is taking on the character of Beattie's little engine, hopefully you all will agree..   The chassis is almost finished, I just need to add some detail to the marine type big ends and nut detail to the crosshead. I have already added the sand pipes and brake gear. I also had a slight accident with the rear buffer beam. I need to reattatch it, the epoxy glue failed. I made the crankpin nuts from a 1


I have done some more to this, or I should really say I have done the same bit again.   I remade the cylinders scaling from photos, and my poor drawings. The seem much better and look better with the body. I still have problems with the axle box lining up with the front axle. I do believe the crosshead is too high, and the slide bars are slightly heavy. I have decided to leave these as I feel it will make a mess of them reducing their size.   First and second photos shows the


I decided to continue with the well tank chassis. Before I came to Brazil I had got some nice castings from Laurie Griffin, Springs, crossheads etc.   The kit has turned brass cylinders, which are very nice but need a lot of work to get LG's slides bars fitted. So I fabricated some using the turned ones for size.   Well that was just the start of my problems. The slidebars fitted nicely, but to get the piston rod lined up with the centre of the driving wheels everything sits


As an aside I thought I would do one of my own models. I have here a Beattie 0298 class better known as the Beattie well tank.   This is an older Shedmaster kit. I bought it with the chassis built but nothing done to the body. The chassis is not the one supplied with the kit. I think the kit is a blown up Jidenco kit, it has the the feel of them.   I built the basic body a few years ago, but never finished it or did any more with the chassis. I do not know if the chassis ran
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