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LSWR 735 (16)

Well here is the last post on this loco. I have given it a coat of satin varnish mixed with some satin black.   I feel that it has toned down the colours very well. I am sad to be losing it. I may well have to have another go in the future. But needs must I need to earn some money and to buy models for myself. I make no appologise for a photo overload, it's just I like the way it came out.     I wil be getting on with another Southern


N15class in LSWR 735

LSWR 735 (15)

I am almost ready to varnish, I just need to tart up a little of the black. It then will be given a coat of humbrol satin varnish with a few drops of black in it. This should then bring it all together.   I for some reason numbered it as 753. whish is a comlete waste of time and transfers. At least we now have the correct number. E735. I do not know if it ever lost the E in Southern ownership.   I have a few photos of 735 2 in LSWR and 2 in SR liverys. In each one it is paint


N15class in LSWR 735

LSWR 735 (14)

I have been pottering along with No735. It ha not been a quick as I would like. But all in all I am happy with the progress. As you will see from the photo's I am in the process of lining. Something that I find very hard to do. It is slowly coming together though, still needs work here and there to get it more even.   Hopefully it will not be too much longer before I can get 735 back together.   As an aside, does anyone here now if the cab back sh


N15class in LSWR 735

LSWR 735 (13)

I have actually managed to get som work done on 735. I got the airbrush out and got some olive green onto the body. I am very pleased with the result. I had a little trouble I use celulose thiners, and because of the heat the evaporation was a bit quitck. But once I realised I thinned the paint a little more than normal, then it was fine. Much better than the enamel thinners I used with the black the other day.   I still need to do the buffer beams I am not sure if I am goingto maskthe


N15class in LSWR 735

LSWR 735 (12)

Nothing has happen on this until now. I now have my little compressor. So thought it was time to give the body a good cleaning with scouring powder and Viacal. I had already blackened most of the body, I was just really doing the edges, but I think most of it was done.   It was then a light coat of Acid 8 etch primer. Just now needs a light rub with some very fine wet and dry. The chimney needs a little more work, but I think it will be OK at the end of the day. It is basically now rea


N15class in LSWR 735

LSWR 735 (11)

My little 735 is now ready for painting I think. It just needs a very good scrub and then will need to be primed and parked up in the paint shop until the compressor comes.   Just a few shots to show before the final cleaning stage. Hope I have not missed anything, Feel free to say if you noticed anything not there.         And just to show how small the loco really is. This is a tender from an Ivatt 2MT.


N15class in LSWR 735

LSWR 735 (10)

Well, I have completed the rear lamp irons, this has been a lot of guess work. In the photo's I have you can only see the one behind the buffer. The position of the others is pure guestimation. On the A1 A1X the middle lamp irons are generally an extended one. Fixed just behind the buffer one. So if anyone can prove my positions right or wrong I would be grateful. I also fitted the toolbox behind the bunker. I am very suprised I could find no photo's of one with a hasp on the lid to keep it shut


N15class in LSWR 735

LSWR 735 (9)

It has not been a very good week on the model making front, I try not to work at the weekends at the moment, and the wife has had three days holiday this week. I have also spent a lot of time redrawing the first floor plans for our house. So two mornings is not much time when it comes to making big advances. As it is down to detailing now it seems even slower. I suppose a lot of it is my own fault for making something that is not in the box.   Well down to what I have been doing, as yo


N15class in LSWR 735

LSWR 735 (7)

Back to the chassis, as seen in the previous post the chassis had been finished ready for reassembly. My method is as follows, after a good clean with the glass fibre brush and a scouring powder, I clean with Viacal. The chassis was blackened along with the wheels and balance weights. The chassis was sprayed black from a Halfords can, and the wheels and between the frames hand painted with precision.   Then it was down to cleaning the hornguides, and making sure the bearings slid


N15class in LSWR 735

LSWR 735 (8)

Well the last two days have been a bit of a disaster. Yesterday I was doing a few tweeks on the chassis. When a I put it back together after sorting out the thrust washer, I found I had missed out a packing washer. So back to taking it apart again. After replacing the washer everything seemed to tight so eased it off here and there in the gearbox. Put it back into the chassis with an extra washer on the axle to get rid of all the side play on the driven centre axle. Then just I did somethin


N15class in LSWR 735

LSWR 735 (6)

There has not been much happening with 735 for the last few days, I am waiting to reassemble the chassis. I have got it all blackened and painted, with all the sundry bits ready. Hopefully that will be up and running this week. There always seems so many odds and ends.   I have also made and fitted the front splasher/sandboxes. They were fiddly as they were to wide and did not match the wing plate. Would of been fine on the A1X I think as the smokebox is round. I also made up the


N15class in LSWR 735

LSWR 735 (5)

The latest on No 735 is that some of the body is now mostly assembled. It is of the slot and tag design. I do not know what I did but all the seperate bits fitted in their slots, but not so when joined together. A little bit of fiddling to get right. In the end I basically only used the ones at the bunker rear, and the one either side at the rear of the tanks. The rest were filled off. I soldered 2 nuts onto the inside of each tank front and back, and 2 in the cab one either side at the rear. Ho


N15class in LSWR 735

LSWR 735 (4)

Hi   Just a quick post to show how the boiler and smokebox will join using the copper ring I soldered to the smokebox. This was done so the boilers and tanks can be seperated for painting, I find it easier if the bits that are mainly green are apart from the bits that are mainly black. It is also very much easier to do the lining. The down side is it can use up quite a few nuts and bolt. I wish it could be done with splashers too. I think with this loco the cab floor will be attat


N15class in LSWR 735

LSWR 735 (3)

Just a quick update as I am hopefully I am of to Sao Paulo shortly. Do you ever get those days modelling when you hope they never end as all goes so well. That was today. I assembled the wheels onto the chassis and the whole shooting match rolled with no problems. Just have to fix a torsion bar for to hold the motor away from the cab and the pickup on the leading wheel the other two will be wipers on the treads hidden by the tanks. Then I thought I ought to do the footpla


N15class in LSWR 735

LSWR 735 (2)

Made a start on 735, managed to get a couple of sessions in. The etching is not a crisp as one would of hoped for, but nothing that can't be got over. The chassis etches were worse than the body ones, just takes a little more cutting out and a bit more filing.   First job was to cut the frames for the hornblocks, after this it was plain sailing to get the chassis together. As you can see I have marked all the axle bushes so I know they will fit again when painted..   Ha


N15class in LSWR 735

LSWR 735 (1)

Firstly I would like to say I have no idea of the copyright of this drawing, I would like to thank whoever for a very useful drawing,   I was going to wait until the 1076 class was completly finished, but I can't, I got out my Ace Models kit of LBSCR's A1/A1x class. This was just to get myself acquainted with the kit. These kits are quite basic by todays standard but for the price they make up into respectable locomotives. I have made a couple of kits from Ace, and the ones I have done


N15class in LSWR 735

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