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Today I got down to some serious thinking about the frames.


To start with I need to widen them in front of the cylinders. I have marked where the cylinders will go. S I will remove the front of the frame at the front mark. I may well cut the frames again just behind the cylinder to make them removable, this may require a new front and back for them. Sorry about the second photo I was in a rush and only took one so it had to do.




I also checked where the brake hangers will come, as sometimes the holes in the frames are wrong, they are so have been remarked but not drilled as I want to check axle holes with the coupling rods.


The compensation has been worked out. I will have the front driver rocking side to side and the rear and middle on side beams, with the motor hung either on the centre or rear drivers. I have done it this way to get the triangle under the tanks so there is plenty of space for getting any extra weight over it. I will try a method unused by me on the pivoted axle, which is to hold the wheel bushes pivoted side levers rather than horn blocks etc.


I have done the easy part now it is down to making it all work.


Here is the sort of thing I would like to achieve, it makes the whole thing easier to work with. Also it looks better than having narrow frames at the front.







Lets hope my head is still in gear when it comes to metal cutting time. I cant afford a cock up as I have no nickel silver long enough to make new frames. Must speak to Metalsmiths.

Edited by N15class
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