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I decided to be a good boy and try and get the Ivatt and the V3 finished. After being disheartened buy the wrong castings I am now going to knuckle down and frget the episode for now.


All started well I made up the two air vents, they just need a clip to hold them to the spectacle plate. I made up the two missing tank stays. they are pretty close and when under paint will be fine. The tank gauge was also added.







Then things go down hill again, I get the chimney and dome out. The chimney is OK and with a little cleaning is fine. But the dome was terrible, very pitted and not cast well around the base. So out with the wet and dry to clean it enough to solder. I then did a couple of repairs using high melting point. Then with scrapers, files and wet and dry I got it looking correct. I see that Laurie is at Guildex so I will have a word with him then. And buy my G6 casting.






There is a little more brass work to do on the body, quite a bit to do in the cab, and then on with the white metal castings, not too many of those now.

Edited by N15class
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