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Battle has began, after getting the drawing to scale by sizing on the printer I printed out enough copies to cut up and to have a master. I check that they all have come of the printer the same size. I have known them to reduce across the width of the paper. I did do a wagon drawing where the height was reduced by 2mm but, the length was correct.




Next part, to cut out the major parts from the drawings, side tanks an cab, splashers, main frames. I must do the front profile drawing, ready for the cab front and rear sheets. I also cut out some 010" sheet for the body and some 018" for the frames.


As I had a spare half hour I did some cutting.

Now I have a T1 loco kit. 




To the left are the frames, with the spacer strip in the centre. I have a feeling I should of made it 25mm not 24. We will see later.

At the  are the cab and bunker fronts and rears, all correct width but over long. The splasher outers are there on the right. 


In the centre, the footplate is cut to size. 


Above the footplate are the two cab, bunker and tank sides. I did forget to put in the photo the combined tank inners and tops.


Edited by N15class


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