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Slater's GWR dia. C10 clerestory coach



I’m building a Slaters kit for a  GWR bogie clerestory third to diagram C10. The coach is intended for a motley Edwardian stopping train consisting of a variety of carriage styles, as was common on the GWR in the 1900s. But first it will be used in a re-enactment of the 1911 railway strike, and is therefore in the 1908-1912 all brown livery (as yet un-lined). 





This post summarizes the build.  It's a long post but I'm told the kits are due back on the market so perhaps this can help give others an impression of what's involved and avoid my mistakes!



What you get. Lots of bits. Wheels weren’t included.




The plastic components are crisp and detailed. I did spend some time cleaning away flash. The larger bits of flash are minimal and not a problem, but there are thin strips of flash along the upper edges of the windows which require care.




I used Limonene (two coats) to bond the sides, which worked well enough. The Magnetic Clamps are from Smart Models.





The partitions were then fitted, followed by the roof. I opened out the notches in the roof for the partitions, so that the roof could be taken on and off during the build.





The seats are quickly made and fit nicely in the compartments - not always the case with kit seats!





The clerestory structure was quickly built up. The ends and clerestory parts are “handed” with different details at each end.





The underframe, solebars and headstocks were then fitted. Etched brass snuck in via the "racking plate" , which was glued in place.





I then turned to the bogies. 





They fold up nicely.





One mistake was to put off strengthening the  stepboard supports with solder. They are very fragile and will soon break off otherwise. The photo shows the ones I managed to rescue, the rest were replaced with wire  later on.





The inside frame and rocking mechanism was then made.





The principle of the kits - at least those produced until now - is that the wheels run in the inside frame using "inside bearings". Brass wire hold the wheels in place and allow sprung movement. This design has drawn critical comments from people who struggled to get good running. I understand that it will be changed when the kits are re-released.





In any case, I lacked the correct axles so decided to go for an alternative approach, using Alan Gibson pinpoint axles in ordinary bearings. Thanks to @Darwinian for the idea.





For this approach to work, the pinpoint bearings must fit perfectly into the recessed aperture around the hole in the bogie sides - seen here - and must be of the right depth. Otherwise the sides will splay. 





Using the right bearings was therefore critical. I tried various types including 2mm Top Hat bearings but these would not accommodate the axles within the bogie frames. Eventually I used these waisted bearings plundered from old Coopercraft kits, as seen above. 





The ends of the bearings did need some filing so that the axleboxes would fit over them. Filing the inside of the axleboxes also helped.





With this simplified approach the inner frame was not strictly required, but I decided to fit it anyway to add strength and hold the rocking mechanism.





 Are you still awake? Captions welcome.





The bogie interiors were gradually becoming inaccessible so I primed them and painted the Mansell wheels. The latter are brownish red as a loose indication of varnished redwood (see good discussion on Western Thunder).





A silly mistake cost me dearly. I forgot to fit brake shoes until the wheels were firmly in place. Retrofitting the 16 shoes was a hellish task. As a result the various brake pull yokes didn’t fit properly, so much of that is just indicated with brass wire.





Once back on track, the cross stays and scroll irons were fitted. There are useful close-ups and drawings of Dean bogies in Russell's GWR Coaches Part 1 p. 93-95.






The scroll irons were then cut to allow the bogie to rotate. Not exactly neat cuts, they were filed later. I do need a proper flush cutter.





In order for the bogies to rotate, the frames have to be modified at each end.





I hope I got the position of the gas cylinders right. I peered into the murky darkness of prototype photos and Didcot's C10, which suggests it's more or less OK.





Next the underframe details were fitted.





I shortened the queen posts, as I felt the truss rods ended up too low if fitted as intended. Prototype photos like this one (and the C10 at Didcot) shows them higher up and fairly discrete. Unless truss rods changed over the years?





I didn't fancy "trapping" the bogies with the brake pull rods, so just fitted this single rod held by (unprototypical) vertical mounts. The bogie can be slid out underneath it. Bit of a bodge but at least something is there for those rare glimpses.





The main buffer components. There’s an option of springing them, though I didn’t use it. The instructions state that the buffers "consisted of a curved oval steel plate bolted onto a round buffer head". 





The outer plate needs to be lightly curved and then fitted to the buffer heads. I didn't make a good job of this, it looks a bit odd. If I do another one I'll see if ready-made buffers can be obtained instead.





Next the stepboard hangers went on. This required patience as the hangers, solebars and stepboards all need modification for the parts to fit, as also indicated in the instructions.





The material used for the stepboards somehow managed to be both bendy and brittle at the time, though note that this is a secondhand kit of some age. My adjustable multi-purpose jig a.k.a. “The Piano” saved the day.





The lower stepboards were then fitted. I later found that the bogie stepboards had to be shortened approx. 1,5 mm to clear the central stepboard. The hangers for the latter also need modification or they will stick out oddly.




It’s striking what a difference stepboards make to the appearance of a coach.





From there on it was plain sailing. The roof was detailed using the as lamp tops in the kit, and 0.3mm (0.010") brass wire.





Steps fitted at one end, and putty to fill out the corner joins. In 1911 the GWR experimented with Bluetack on buffers in response to complaints about rough riding. The idea was abandoned when a Slip coach destined for Weymouth was found still attached at Penzance.





After priming, the interior was painted. I decided to leave the 48 picture frames untouched. Chris: I did try painting them as you suggested but soon realized that it should have been done while the partitions were still on the sprue.





The coach sides were brush-painted with my normal method of multiple coats (5 in this case) of much thinned Vallejo acrylics, using a broad flat brush. In the photo a fresh coat is being applied.





The coach was painted all-brown as per the 1908-1912 livery. The photos I have show light to dark grey rooves (probably the usual darkening) with no brown beneath the rainstrips.





Commode- and door handles were then added, followed by lettering and insignia. The 1908 livery had the garter in the center, and crests either side with "GWR" above. The position of the crests at the outer ends makes for an unbalanced look and takes some getting used to.





But that's how it appears in this crop of a 1911 photo of a scene I'll be modelling.  Perhaps this extreme position of the crests was in fact a particular feature of the little explored 1908-1912 livery - brakes excepted? Photos of bogie coaches in the all brown livery are rare, but there is a Toplight in Russell 's GWR coaches which also has the crests just before the last passenger door at each end. The photo in Slinn's Great Western Way has the crests further in, but on inspection that coach has guard doors at each end, and so there would not have been room to put the crests further out on that particular coach (crests were kept clear of doors). Of course in 1912 the GWR did move the crests further in, with just a single "GWR" placed above the garter.





The 1908 livery saw the introduction of black ends. The hand rails are 0.3 mm wire from Wizard Models, which I found easier to shape than the wire in the kit. Vaccuum pipes and couplings to follow.




So far I have never lined my Edwardian coaches, a pragmatic decision  in order to get things built and running. In this case it does add to the austere appearance though. Perhaps it's time to try out an Easi-Liner pen.


Anyway, that's the current state of play. My original plan was to use this livery for a photo shoot of selected 1911 scenes and then repaint it in pre-1906 livery with cream panels. However I must admit that the sombre look is growing on me. Something to ponder.



Edited by Mikkel

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  • RMweb Gold

Is it known to the contrary?


Just because a few people on RMWeb have developed a pet theory without any evidence at all doesn’t make it historical fact. There has been a general consensus about brown for a number of years. All of a sudden, when no one is around who was alive at the time, people start to question things. Whilst I agree wholeheartedly that the consensus can be wrong, shouting loudly in disagreement without anything to substantiate it does count as evidence against the consensus.

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4 hours ago, Regularity said:

Several 517s were painted in chocolate brown, lined yellow-black-yellow, to match the auto coaches which had been painted in brown. They were known as “chocolate soldiers”. (For example references see the WSP book on the Abbotsbury Branch by Jackson.)


To me, this provides rather more evidence that brown was actually used between 1908 and 1912 than does the speculation provided that actually it was red. I imagine that the all-over brown looked very nice when fresh, but looked rather too shabby after a couple of years, and that as repaints became due, it was changed to the red.


The brown locos were painted well before 1908 in the early Churchward period and intended to match the contemporary Chocolate and Cream carriage stock.  The cabsides were originally cream as were the cab interiors.  There is at least one picture shewing the cream cabsides.   I lined mine in orange.


IIRC some 850's got an overall coachlike body painted to match the carriages too.  I think the pics are in Edwardian Enterprise.

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One of the 517s with brown and cream bodywork. I'm not sure when the GWR began to adopt 'Halt' rather than 'Halte'. Not sure either when the bodywork was removed - it was only a fleeting fashion.




Edited by Miss Prism
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7 hours ago, Compound2632 said:


I note the reference to a "GWR Paint Committee 1912-1927" - I haven't dug very deeply into TNA catalogue or NRM searchengine for this; can anyone give me the reference? 


The author states he had access to the minutes of the Paint Committee.  The first Chairman in 1912 was Stanier's father.  I cannot see if he says where the minutes reside though as it is a Great Western Study Group publication they may well know or indeed have them.

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By way of an observation, I was varnishing the sandboxes for the Large Prairie (its almost done!), and so I found the sample card I had used for the Humbrol No.160 German Camouflage Red Brown and coated one half of the card with satin varnish. Surprise, surprise, the varnished paint much improved over the matt. It's brown, but the red does show better.


I'll take a picture in the sunlight a post it, just to show the colour.

Edited by Dana Ashdown
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19 hours ago, ChrisN said:

Now the big question is, when you are painting the seats, did they get lighter where the people sat due to wear, or darker due to dirt? 

Maybe shinier? Like the back of one's trousers.🧐

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1 hour ago, Miss Prism said:

One of the 517s with brown and cream bodywork. I'm not sure when the GWR began to adopt 'Halt' rather than 'Halte'. Not sure either when the bodywork was removed - it was only a fleeting fashion.





The previous picture to this in Edwardian Enterprise states "the first GWR auto-train at Southall" so the colour scheme possibly dates back to then.


I do not know how long the colours lasted but I have a 517, no. 1425, on my layout set in 1912 still in brown.  It's my only homage to the brown livery but if anyone has evidence to the contrary please let me know.


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Posted (edited)

13 hours ago, Brassey said:

So despite this being a homage to the brown livery, in conclusion Mikkel, you too are now coming round to the opinion that the "brown" period never actually existed and is fake news.


The fact is that you have researched but found no mention of a change in 1912 in the Railway Magazine ,  I have found nothing in The Locomotive Magazine of the time.  And GWW confirms that it was totally missed by the Great Western Magazine too.  And the reason why it was not reported is the change in 1912 NEVER HAPPENED; the colour was red from 1908.


I haven't really come round to anything, just exploring the different angles on this as a layman 🙂


I suppose there are two discussions here, one is whether there was an official livery change in 1912 to a technically different colour, or if it was just a change of varnishing practices. Another discussion is whether and how much the 1908-12 and 1912-22 colours actually differed in appearance, regardless of their technical composition.


Regarding the latter, as I think you said earlier Brassey, it is possible that it was technically crimson lake throughout but that the 1908-12 varnishing practices made it look brown during that period. But even if that is the case, the modeller wishing to represent those years should in my view still paint the stock brown, as that’s how it looked in traffic.


By the way - and this is partly tongue in cheek - an alternative conclusion from the above DSB example could be that the GWR’s 1912-22 crimson lake livery might have come across as, ahem, brown in everyday traffic 😀. But if I understand K14s comment above correctly, he has seen an original sample of Lake and finds that the livery on the preserved 92 and 93 is about right, so I'm content to leave that one there.


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Posted (edited)


But one thing is still not clear to me: Where does the original notion of 1908-12 brown followed by 1912 crimson lake come from? (genuine question). There seem to be two well-regarded sources: Slinn and Harris. But neither quote their sources or evidence, which is frustrating, though not necessarily their fault as the editors may have insisted on keeping it simple.


While Slinn is often quoted, I feel  Harris actually provides more context, linking the livery changes of the period to the Churchward revolution. Here is the full quote:


"Once G. J. Churchward was fully in command at Swindon, the winds of change blew with some force. One of the most noticeable traditions to suffer was of course the beautiful two-colour livery, as a result of a report on carriage cleaning dated November 1902 and referred to elsewhere. In criticising the existing state of affairs in general, the officers responsible concluded: 'A report shall also be prepared . . . as to whether the colours in which they [the coaches] are painted are the most suitable that can be devised'. This subsequent report, assuming it was completed, does not seem to have survived in the official archives.


Shortly after the 1902 report, a number of coaches were put into traffic in a deep brown livery. However, it is not known whether this was the straight Windsor brown. After all, it was the cream that showed the dirt and grime, and not the brown. The brown lake which was applied to some vehicles at this time would probably be a form of madder lake which was noted for colour fastness and durability and was available in rich, warm tones.




From 1908, the two-colour livery was discontinued in favour of an overall colour described as a chocolate lake. Lining and insignia much the same as before, but yellow ochre was used for lining from about 1907-1910. From 1912, a much deeper shade of chocolate was used for the basic scheme.

After 1913, with the adoption of steel body panelling for 'Toplight' stock, it was decided to paint imitation panels to represent the wooden mouldings used with the wooden body panels. This may seem strange to modern thinking, but it avoided a complete break in coach painting practice which went back to the days of the stage-coach. Another reason for painting these imitation panels would be to lessen the effect of cracking and chipping of paint around the steel panel joints and fixing points.


At this time, shortly before the First World War, after the normal application of primer stopping and fillings to the body sides, passenger stock was finished as follows: one coat ground colour; one coat of finishing lake, then four coats of coach varnish with denibbing or flatting taking place between coats. Compared with more recent practice, with the use of glossy or semi-glossy paints, the vehicles were finished in a final flat coat and then varnished. The imitation panels were set out with special templates. The gilding would be carried out using ribbon gold, a special type of gold leaf used for gilding and lining on transport vehicles of all types. The overall finish that resulted was expected to last up to ten years before repainting, but passenger stock employed on crack services would be given a 'flat and varnish' at regular intervals in the meantime.


Coaches repainted during the First World War do not seem to have emerged with any noticeable form of economy livery. From this time, clerestory stock had the clerestory deck-lights painted over. The first home-use ambulance trains supplied by, and continuing to remain in the ownership of the GWR, were painted in the full livery of the period. Later ambulance trains sold to the Government were outshopped in an unlined livery with the toplights painted over."


In extension of this, I wonder if the 1912 livery or varnishing adjustments were connected to this:





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16 minutes ago, Mikkel said:

Lining and insignia much the same as before,


That's a difficult statement. In the full late-Victorian / Edwardian chocolate and cream livery, the raised moldings were painted black, with the edges lined - in the manner of Midland carriage livery. In the lake livery, the raised moldings were painted body colour, with the edges lined - in the manner of North Eastern carriage livery, or North Western, barring the white upper panels. That, to me, is hardly "lining much the same as before".

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In Harris' defence, he does describe that livery in som detail and provides the detailed painting diagram of the 1903 livery that was prepared at Swindon in 1952. 

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3 minutes ago, Mikkel said:

In Harris' defence, he does describe that livery in som detail and provides the detailed painting diagram of the 1903 livery that was prepared at Swindon in 1952. 


That has, by its omission of lining around the door eves panel, led to confusion, as I gather.

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34 minutes ago, Compound2632 said:


That has, by its omission of lining around the door eves panel, led to confusion, as I gather.

in both instances the gold/ochre lining is on the quadrant. The shape of the quadrant on a plastic kit is different to that on an etched kit. Some have commented that the Slaters kits are more of a challenge to line. 

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2 minutes ago, Brassey said:

in both instances the gold/ochre lining is on the quadrant. The shape of the quadrant on a plastic kit is different to that on an etched kit. Some have commented that the Slaters kits are more of a challenge to line. 


I think you are referring to this:


1 hour ago, Compound2632 said:

In the full late-Victorian / Edwardian chocolate and cream livery, the raised moldings were painted black, with the edges lined - in the manner of Midland carriage livery. In the lake livery, the raised moldings were painted body colour, with the edges lined - in the manner of North Eastern carriage livery, or North Western, barring the white upper panels. 


rather than the text quoted.


Yes, for all the instances mentioned. The edges of the moldings are more prototypically rounded on most injection-moulded kits than on etched brass kits, by virtue of the manufacturing process. 

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4 hours ago, Brassey said:


The previous picture to this in Edwardian Enterprise states "the first GWR auto-train at Southall" so the colour scheme possibly dates back to then.




The 'clothed' 517 is No. 833 according to RCTS, which has the same picture.

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9 hours ago, Brassey said:


The brown locos were painted well before 1908 in the early Churchward period and intended to match the contemporary Chocolate and Cream carriage stock.  The cabsides were originally cream as were the cab interiors.  There is at least one picture shewing the cream cabsides.   I lined mine in orange.


IIRC some 850's got an overall coachlike body painted to match the carriages too.  I think the pics are in Edwardian Enterprise.

Technically, then, those earlier repaints were into chocolate and cream, rather than all over brown, with it amended later to this.


Yes, I recall seeing a photo showing cream cab sides, and thought how bad it would be at hiding the dirt!

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Posted (edited)

On 08/06/2022 at 13:12, Miss Prism said:

This is the interpretation of the 517 'brown' by Tony Reynalds and Martyn Welch. It is not known whether this locomotive brown has any correlation with what was used on coaching stock.




Have a look here, possibly a real 517 in all-brown or crimson lake:




If so, a very rare photo.



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Not so rare. You can tell it's the brown scheme from the lining and the cream cab insides:




RCTS lists all the brown 517's.  Most if not all had full cabs and outside bearings to the trailing wheels.  Most were probably also autofitted at some time.


PS: just the clarify, the lining on green locos was 2 orange lines whereas this has only one.  You can see that around the cab the lining is edged in black

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Great pic! Note the mixture of lamp iron types at the front, old style on top, new style on the footplate.

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My version; no.1425 in brown complete with dodgy lining and wrongly place garter crest on the PBV:



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4 hours ago, Brassey said:

Not so rare. You can tell it's the brown scheme from the lining and the cream cab insides:




RCTS lists all the brown 517's.  Most if not all had full cabs and outside bearings to the trailing wheels.  Most were probably also autofitted at some time.


PS: just the clarify, the lining on green locos was 2 orange lines whereas this has only one.  You can see that around the cab the lining is edged in black

A little detail:

The toolbox has it's padlock hooked over the end handle.

Presumably it's unlocked?

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Railmotor at Bewdley.  Acknowledging the adjacent LNWR tail-traffic through carriage from Woofferton to Birmingham, the contemporary GWR stock is in chocolate and cream.



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Posted (edited)

Ah yes, I do like that photo. What I wouldn't give for a day on that bench. Although in this particular case some of that scene could in fact be recreated, thanks to the preservation movement.


Over in the Kernow Railmotor thread, Miss P posted a photo of a railmotor and clerestory 3rd in brown or crimson lake, which has got me thinking that the C10 could also be used for such a train at Farthing. I want to see how the windows on the Kernow railmotor turn out first though.


On 01/04/2022 at 19:22, Miss Prism said:




On the subject of rooves during the 1908-22 period, Paddington photos provide interesting views. This is supposedly 1910. Note also stock on the right- and left hand sides.




It's interesting how the two-tone livery lingered on in some cases. Below is a Windsor Royal Garden Party train alledgedly in 1913. Stock at the back in brown/crimson lake. You'd be forgiven for speculating that the GWR kept some two-tone stock in hand for certain events!





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1 hour ago, Mikkel said:

It's interesting how the two-tone livery lingered on in some cases. These are Windsor Royal Garden Party trains alledgedly in 1913. Stock at the back in brown/crimson lake. You'd be forgiven for speculating that the GWR kept some two-tone stock in hand for certain events!


I seem to recall reading that the King preferred the LNWR Royal Train and this was kept in LNWR livery even into the LMS days, so maybe there was a royal fondness/connection to two-tone liveries.

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