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Everything posted by jcredfer

  1. ......................... caught you, slipping in that one of the full size building .......
  2. The problem is ..... they curve to the left and not the ri ... ght ................................. ............................................................... Oh .................................................. ............................ now I see why you are such a great Arkitek ........................ I think I might need that break, more than Mrs R ............
  3. Had to get the Engineers out to sort that lot ........... after all, some of it might come in useful ..... Turns out it was lumps of Track .............. but not a lot was of use 'though ................... when it was sorted into groups of the same type, I examined it carefully, only to find, to my intense disappointment, that only a few of the curved bits were the right direction curves for the Baseboard ...... DSC00541 by JulianR 2013, on Flickr Not to be deterred - [we are made of sterner stuff round here] ............. ............ not to be deterred, I was off to my local Model shop, where the owner soon exchanged the left curves for right curve ones ......... ........ amazing service - wouldn't get that from the Box-shifters ...... From then it didn't take long to see how much could be used to match the plans, certified by that famous North-Eastern Arkitek ......... [some say - the Maltese economy would fail, if it were not for regular injections from his UK Pension funds ... all we really know is - he is called RaR!] DSC00544 by JulianR 2013, on Flickr After it was all laid out there, it was obvious that, some bits were too long and there were a few places where there were gaps ......... not quite sure what to do about that, but I'm pretty sure that if I look at it for a while, I will probably come up with some relevant points .......... ....... Off for an Easter break shortly - so there will be an equally short break in Amateur Rumblings ..... Those of you with kids - enjoy the holiday .....
  4. Thank you RaR .... Fortunately they managed to retrieve all the files except 3 [as far as I am aware] and I had them on a Bake-up I did before taking it to the Electro Saw-Byte Bones I got those bits screwed up and quite tidy ... for me ........ then .............. along came some wastrel Fly-tipper dumped a whole load of scrap wood and metal on the Boards ....... DSC00540 by JulianR 2013, on Flickr Honestly some people have no respect for other's property ................. ..
  5. Oh yes ................................... just sooozzzzzz dt doesn't think it is just another crafty way to sneak a Runway onto the Baseboards ....... DSC00526 by JulianR 2013, on Flickr Those Runway Lights are far to large .......... even I noticed that ........ and the other one is far too steep ....... Too steep by far by JulianR 2013, on Flickr .................................................
  6. A few days later I had a touch of cramp ............ it's old age and general deterioration I guess ............ DSC00525 by JulianR 2013, on Flickr I was getting a bit agitated edgy by now, as you can see ... it is a bit clearer here ... DSC00519 by JulianR 2013, on Flickr To be honest, I got all a bit screwed-up about it as must be obvious from this view ..... DSC00536 by JulianR 2013, on Flickr At least it might prevent Aerobatics going totally Loco .......................... errr ............................. Locos going totally Aerobatic ......
  7. Anyone remember this - I thought not ....... the arrival by the Knight Bus of those minutely modelled Harvey and MD ....... however, it is easy too see why a second hand Potting Shed transportation vehicle is missing something ... yep, it has no Destination Boards .. DSC_1091 by JulianR 2013, on Flickr Help was eventually at hand ..... the Salisbury Print house [just across the desk from me as I sit here typing] ..... came up with the correct wording from considerable research ... DSC00512 by JulianR 2013, on Flickr Photo paper had been used, bt there is a slight problem with normal printer ink .... it just isn't waterproof .... I thought this might solve 2 x problems ..... not waterproof and glazing for the Signs. Perhaps a little clearer now ........ DSC00514 by JulianR 2013, on Flickr Sellotape Clear, which has a quality which is important ... unlike other Sellotapes, this is UV resistant and also sticks like a baby Monkey to it's Mum, added to which it is absolutely clear, just like it says ... A couple of passes with a sharp scalpel - smear of Rocket Card glue and ... DSC00518 by JulianR 2013, on Flickr At the rear of the Knight Bus can be seen the original Text Boxes with the right text for the Destination Boards .. Saved as a Picture, these can be resized to fit the aperture ....
  8. That deserves a WOW! ......................... Wiring looms ............... 2 days [MORE] ................... every sympathy dt ....... Julian Does it help to rock slowly from side to side while you are wiring? ........ so as too feel like what you became accustomed too over many years ...... Edit - spelling reminder for fingers.
  9. Maybe that light wasn't a Loco coming the other way after all ....... .... Welcome back Scott Julian
  10. That makes it all look quite, deceptively simple, but there are a number of clever bits of design there. I can see the 2 inner walls and ledges for the road to be laid on - yet another reason to have 2 layers of card. Do I take it that the inner walls of the tunnels will be added after the Brickies have been at them? Regards Julian
  11. Is that narrow ramp/walkway safe, being wot as ow it beein so close to the track an all ...... I dunno, Freebs .... I didn't really think IKEA did anything much other than base boards ......
  12. Are those dogs and cats lying there by the shed? Shouldn't they be wandering around, guarding the place and keeping the Mouse population under control instead of just lying around there like that ....
  13. Hi Neil, Intended or not, it is a great picture ..... dusk ..... empty Cattle Ramp ..... day's work nearly all done ..... Chuff away home with the "STOLEN WAGONS!" .....
  14. Quote:- Need to get some of these Bachmann figures soon Unquote That's a bit desperate dt ............... I'm sure that if you keep the PIR away from too many noxious chemicals, it will stand up for longer than the Dover Chalk Crumble Cliffs ... Edit - check which fingers work when typing ...
  15. Lucky indeed ..... TLHC would have been entitled to be somewhat less than flattered, decorated as originally intended ... If you do attempt the rainbow, it may be as well to work up the clone for the slice of rainbow setting it up separately from the remainder of the sky, to the side of the Pole. We wouldn't want a kink in the rainbow, as it would show up very clearly. Thinking back, it is quite tricky getting something like that so it doesn't show, even with it zoomed well into the spot. Something for a moment when there is a little time to work at it. ...
  16. Looking back at the pictures of the revamped Stn Bldg, it looks like there is a steep slope up to where the painting has been placed. Does that imply that major groundworks have taken place since the lines were removed, or is the building where there was a non-through platform? You will love Cloning, it was always great fun to teach. The trick was not to over-teach it and let the kids imaginations go. I had a few portraits of various people they could chose from to "Improve". A different hair-cut, moustache from eyebrows, a third eye, on the end of a nose, or two additional ones lower on the face, or a really useful eye on the end of a finger for looking into awkward spaces ...... ..... of course, while they were doing that they were developing the manipulation and blending skills very quickly. ..... and I could relax and wander round the room, knowing I didn't need to do anything, as they showed each other their ideas ... Great!
  17. Apologies ....... ..... didn't realise Loftie wasn't authorised for camera ..... and understand that, with Soddering Iron and torch occupying your attention, taking the camera truck beneath the benches, clamped between the teeth, may be somewhat more than should be expected ..... sufficient to know which Bushel Boards your light may be concealed behind ...
  18. Well C&WR you have certainly done the picture Scoop again. I particularly like your Rainbow Frame. I can't help considering whether anyone travelling out from the Metropolis in 1854, may have been of the firm opinion that there was nowhere further out than High Wycombe .... and a Terminus may have been considered appropriate ... ........ after all, they did consider that anyone travelling at a greater speed than 25 mph would be in for certain death ..... something I believe that politicians and the designers of the M25 still firmly believe .....
  19. Looking very good there, Lofty ....... it should run very nicely with all that weight. ....... Any photos on offer , of dt below decks boards with his screw-driver and Soddering Iron ... ... thinking about that ...
  20. I'm definitely NOT ............. ........... lending it to Harrison Ford again ........ Ok serious again.... That Auto-routing must take up quite a large number of sensors, if used to any extent ..... presumably one at each end of a run and then setting for each of the points along the run ....... or are the points set by hand on the ECoS screen before starting the run?
  21. Love the term "stealth baseboards" Marcus ...... I may just have to nick borrow that from time to time ....... Actively searching the Interweb for exArmy, War surplus FIBUA camouflaged Track ....... PS. In truth I have to wait for the ElectroDoc to replace the On/Off switch on the PC, as the Track-plan and Track List are both concealed within ...... I'm not sure he will have that item in stock, but will get some sort of timescale on Monday, when I take the PC in. PPS. FIBUA = Fighting in Built Up Area.
  22. There has been some progress since these, although it is much to do with paint on boxes and Scenic / Train Aerobatic-Prevention Boards at the moment. I have done all the boxes and all but one Scenic "Restraint". I have managed to put a coat of base "Earth" colour on 2 x large base-boards and the small one too. Ran out of paint and B&Q don't have the Raw Umber [or similar] in stock. I was due to go and order track today, which would have been nice. It has to do with my PC getting well again, as it needs another visit to the ElectroDoc, having only returned from there, with a new Hard Drive last week. I managed some refinements [?] to the track plan last night and listed the track parts in Excel to print off for the shop to order the bits I haven't got - [lots of]. This morning the Computer switch won't latch "On", so needs a new switch - Monday at the earliest, I guess. Patience is a virtue - so they say ........... [what with having to watch paint dry, too.] .......... doesn't make it any less boring ..... Have fun all .....
  23. @ post # 4334 - [bl***y IE not playing with Copy/paste - reply with quotes - emoticons ..................... !!! ........ looks like Safari might get loaded again ...... ] ECoS looks to be playing the game ..... given posts elsewhere ........... seems like a far better game than taking the Tablets .....
  24. Cabin arrived in good health dt ......... Pity Freebs couldn't have taken the trouble to produce a nice new one, 'though ...... :jester:
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