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Everything posted by jcredfer

  1. Hope all went to plan dt. Good to see you back Julian
  2. Photography is pretty good too, with differing viewpoints, detail and the like ........ Julian
  3. It's Ok Adrian....... there will be lots of people flocking to help .... and there's plenty there already .... unless there is some other flocking going on, that I have missed in the picture .... oops - It's that hat and coat time again .......
  4. WHAT?? ...... Where on earth ......... and why ....................................... do that lot keep riding into the Sea?? .......
  5. I like the progress on the 3rd rail, dt. Quite a tricky job, but looks very good when in place. Regards Julian
  6. Yes, it was the transition [it may be that the easement I referred to is a US term] Thank you for the information Mick. That looks like a pretty useful product you have there. Regards Julian
  7. Well done dt ... perspicacity will win out in the long run ....
  8. Coming on very nicely Mick. Does the Woodlands Scenic slope have an easement built in, or is that part of the fitting process? Regards Julian
  9. Aahh ... yes, of course ... it must be my ancient grey cells having multiple "Mini-naps", whilst I was watching ... and turned the video into a time-lapse one ..... ..................... an apology is clearly due to the careful 5 mph driver ...
  10. Is that the Painter's Pallet by the edge of the platform there .........
  11. That's going to look terrific ...................... absolutely riveted to the screen waiting for the next step ....................... ......... all-right, seriously, it is looking really good .... not sure I would have the patience for doing all those rivets 'though [actually - I am positive I would not ...] ........
  12. Very clever view-points Anthony ................. is Marcus doing the race driving as well? ... ..... Oops - hat, coat, door, scram!
  13. That's very clever of you ............... ................. I hadn't realised you could turn the whole layout over .... to shake those washers off, in one go .......
  14. Now there's an idea! ........ ........................................................................ .................................... thinking about that, there's not many of us have enough "thatch" left to block the plughole ......
  15. Those Signal Lights are a "Bright idea". Do they turn down a long way? Have you seen the new lights from Woodland Scenics? There is a video there too [2nd link] http://Bachmann.co.uk/prod1.php?prod_selected=scenics&prod=51 http://Bachmann.co.uk/details.php?id=357 I imagine those controllers would be good for many applications and they have a good variety of lights to plug in. Julian
  16. You may wish ......... ........... to venture here ..... https://www.facebook.com/people/Arboretum-Valley/100009033798056 Edit - apologies - not sure what happened to the the link here
  17. Back to the villages and those fiery, steam belching monsters .............. The unsullied maiden ................ Every year in the village of Kirton there was a terrible happening. Outside the village lived a terrible monster, whose coloured chest and rather surprised looking expression earned him the name Reddy Clueless. Clueless, in behaviour he was certainly not however, as in order for the villagers to have peaceful passage through the countryside the monster demanded the sacrifice of one chicken per week, one cow per month and once a year a Maiden of certain virtue. ... The situation went on for many years and the gory details would perhaps not be suited to the wide publication of this Journal, so to the point. One year the selected Maiden had determined not to succumb to the teeth of the Reddy Clueless and so she took a strong rope and placed it unnoticed round her waist disguised as a belt. When the massive creature approached her, she whipped out the rope and flung it round it’s mouth and held it with a knot. To avoid the claws she jumped up onto it’s back and held on there for dear life. The pair charged round the countryside with the monster writhing to get free and she terrified to let go. ... Eventually, as Reddy Clueless became more and more exhausted they happened to stagger through the village. The Maiden’s Father was just coming out of the Hostelry where he had [understandably] been drowning his sorrows at the loss of his daughter. His glazed gaze fell upon the sight of Reddy Clueless with his daughter still clinging on, struggling in the street. He thought he must be having an illusionary vision and staggered back into the Bar, where he held his sweaty brow and declared to the assembled crowd that he had just experienced a vision which was vergin’ on the ridiculous! ................................ ................................
  18. Oh yes ... I did have Tom Salmon [Anyone remember him on TV, relating stories of when he was in Argentina, employed as a Cowboy.] inform me that cigars were indeed rolled on Argentinian thighs, whilst riding horses - but there wasn't any claim as to their virtue ! ...... ....... wasn't the only thing he informed me in fact - there was reference to there being a requirement to the thighs concerned having to be somewhat sweaty of a glow, for the leaves to adhere to each other ....... ..... on the other hand ....... there seems to be a more substantial claim for the idea that, from Russia ... Caviar comes from virgin sturgeon; Virgin sturgeon's a very fine dish. Very few sturgeon are ever virgin, That's why Caviar's a very rare dish. ................................ oh blow the expense ....... Caviar comes from virgin sturgeon; Virgin sturgeon's a very fine fish. Virgin sturgeon needs no urgin'; That's why Caviar is my dish. .............................. I fed Caviar to my girl-friend; She was a virgin tried and true. Now my girl-friend needs no urgin', There isn't anything she won't do. ................ ... Now then ............. hat, coat, tickets ............ but where to Argentina - Russia ...
  19. I believe the word is to do with the method of obtaining it ................ ............ it can only be obtained during a single pressing which must be achieved by purely mechanical means and the recipient of the pressing must be free from defects, whilst possessing some fruitiness ................ ........................... ................... hang on a minute ........................ all sounds familiar ........ Ooh err ...
  20. My guess would be that someone is ignoring the increased speed of the weathering of that steep slope and they may be making more problems than they are solving ... I will have to see if I can find an accessible Point Motor and see if I can pace out an approximation .... not really important as it is just to cover the top of a couple of servos, with lots of other items to manage the rest. Not today 'though as Father's Day lunch a little more than normal lunchtime snack ....... Thanks for the useful Photographs dt ... nice and clear.
  21. Such a pity they removed all those trees. ............ ...................... Does it look as if they are going to replant others, rather than trimming the old ones back? Have you any idea what the measurements of the Point Motor boxes are? ... They might make good covers for Servos operating Points .....
  22. I didn't realise you were working on ........................ ......................... forged items .................. surely a man with a pension like yours could afford a genuine kit ..... ....... oh dear, I see another prolonged foreign trip looming large ......
  23. True ...................... ................ but he is very, very good .......
  24. Looking forward to seeing ..................... ....................... the clothes line you are going to hang that lot on ..... ....................... would it be easier to do it if you close the line instead ................................................. .... oops .... OK - hitting the ground running, with a ticket to Cape Town in the hand ....... .......
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