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Jon Fitness

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Status Replies posted by Jon Fitness

  1. One day I'll play you sounds that can't be made.

  2. just spent an hour updating my rulebook, just found out ive got my bi annual rules on monday

  3. Grrr! Last minute cancellation of the first railtour I've booked on in years. Cost me a 12 hour sunday shift I chucked too. Thank you WCR...hmph

  4. Grrr! Last minute cancellation of the first railtour I've booked on in years. Cost me a 12 hour sunday shift I chucked too. Thank you WCR...hmph

  5. is busy trying to win at "trains chess" with ATWs units at Chester...I think ATW is winning though

  6. is busy trying to win at "trains chess" with ATWs units at Chester...I think ATW is winning though

  7. So I decided to feed the fish at lunch time while the f-i-l's physiotherapist was round. This I feel was a mistake. Their enthusiasm for food has left me feeling lucky I didn't get bitten and the physio 8ft across the room is lucky she didn't get soaked. Who says fish are dull?!

  8. "Lining"..."transfers".....two words that I no longer think should be seen in the same sentence..now where's me lining pen? Could't possibly look any worse, even if it's me that's working it....

  9. I love the middle lane.

  10. Is Pilotman tomorrow, is that like being Batman?

  11. Gets me how there is great quality photos from the 50s and 60s that 70s 80s 90s shots can be so poor quality

  12. Super glue can defy the law of gravity and even relativity - It can climb against gravity -and go where no one put it - Magical mayhem would be a better name for it...Perhaps the words Krazy Glue were more apt than the inventors realized...!

  13. Wishes people would learn the difference between the "Reply" and "Reply All" buttons on their email

  14. Bye bye Chelsea.......

  15. Someone has kindly brought in a dartboard and hung it the messroom in Chester PSB. It's ages since I've had a game so I picked up the 3 and had a quick throw. It all instantly came back to me and it was the same as it was years ago. Yes, I'm still rubbish at darts...sigh..

  16. Been listening to an album from my yoof tonight...

  17. Been listening to an album from my yoof tonight...

  18. "Don't look for your chicken in a counting basket if the gift horse has hatched the eggs in its mouth."

  19. Been listening to an album from my yoof tonight...

  20. Been listening to an album from my yoof tonight...

  21. has discovered it's possible to get tennis elbow without ever having lifted a raquet. or done anything remotely sporty for that matter..ouch.

  22. will tuna fish.

  23. BOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. is slippin into a coma whilst building kirk coach kits.

  25. has discovered it's possible to get tennis elbow without ever having lifted a raquet. or done anything remotely sporty for that matter..ouch.

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