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Everything posted by edcayton

  1. Prettiest F1 car of all time was the shark-nose Ferrari. ISTR that Chris Rea had a replica built. Ed
  2. Looks like a pack of Rothman's to me. Ed
  3. Good morning all. I am disappointed to see yet another group of (I assume) responsible adults discussing how to drive quickly over speed bumps. Why not SLOW DOWN? It could be your child/grandchild that runs into the road. I do wonder if a great deal of money could be saved by just leaving the roads unmended rather than building bumps. It would seem that St Evenage is ahead of the field on this. Best wishes Ed
  4. Just back from t'vets. We have a large dressing on the sore foot, a waterproof sock to put over it in case we want to go out (no walks) and, you guessed, the Cone of Shame to stop him eating the first two. An Alsatian Cone is as big as a bucket so we are having difficulty moving about, especially squeezing past me on the computer to get to/from the kitchen. Ed
  5. Morning all. Up early as I've got to take Alfie to the vet again. He has trodden on something and cut his paw. Won't let anyone near it so they'll have to put him under. Another arm and leg! They couldn't do him yesterday because he had eaten just before (my) lunch. So he has been starved since midnight, but TBH he doesn't seem too bothered. I guess he is in pain. Laters Ed
  6. Good morning all. We don't get many cruise liners in St Evenage. Best wishes Ed
  7. Issigonis famously widened the Minor at a very late stage. You could see the join up to the end in 1970/1. I understand that one of the many reasons for the Marina's failure was lack of width in the rear seat. Couldn't get licensed as a 4 passenger taxi, whilst the Cortina could. Ed
  8. Morning all. Just heard on t'wireless that seagulls are a protected species due to population concerns. Really? Best wishes Ed
  9. Hello all. Don't eat veg. Lots of salt. Not very well. Ed
  10. Morning all (just). Wha can explain Whatsapp? It's the only way my kids will let me keep up with granddaughter Lerryn's progress. It's free, no ad's, they can share photo's and I can talk into it with no minitryping on the phone. Surely there must be a catch? Anyway, I met her for the first time yesterday. What an extraordinary experience, and one we thought wouldn't happen last November/December. A real shame that she lives 300 miles away. In other news no.2 son has bought a Honda CRZ hybrid which we pick up tomorrow. Best wishes to all Ed
  11. Morning all. Andy-just to add to the confusion, as somebody who had to retire from teaching early on (mental) health grounds I would say that going off sick is the start of a slippery slope. You must leave the job to get your health back. It doesn't look as though the Head is going anywhere. I assume (yes I know) you have tried to have a frank talk with him/her about the situation? Maybe they can see you are having difficulties and that's why they want you to teach a different class. Would that give you more non-contact time? If the job is the one I think it is then the closing date is Feb 1st. Apply! Best wishes Ed
  12. . I would have been a most unsuitable parent I think. So would most of us. They #### you up, your Mum and Dad. Ed
  13. Dick, I bow to your superior knowledge and experience, but I can't imagine many teachers are employed without the Head's approval? Ed
  14. Liberty can't have it both ways. They say they want a bigger TV audience. I don't know about other countries, but in the UK a lot (most?) of us won't pay to watch an event that is a two-hour long advert. I note with amusement that they have a link with Murdoch's empire as of course do Sky. Ed
  15. Morning all Chris, I think it would depend on whether you say "aitch" as I do or "haitch" as the current generation seem to. Good luck with the car-any idea of a timescale yet? Andy, if I were you I would apply for the other job. Keep your options open, you can negotiate hours/salary if and when they offer it to you and still be under no obligation to take it. However, applying for a job is bl99dy hard work, and it's difficult to make a positive application when you are in the situation you're in at present. Ask me how I know! Judge, we who follow one "funny" hobby (railway modellers) need to be careful about critiscising (sp?) those who follow others (eg Morris dancing). I have a friend who does both and believe me Morris dancing keeps you more fit and healthy! Have a good day all Ed
  16. Morning all. Chris, is your Polo at a VW approved body shop? There may be warranty issues if not. Have they found the miscreant yet? Ed
  17. Evenin' all. No snakes? Crocodiles ate the snakes. Ed
  18. I think it gives you a lot more right than simply wanting to travel, be it by train, car or aeroplane. Ed
  19. If I was driving in the UK I wouldn't like to miss an Olympic Breakfast at a Little Chef. Ed
  20. Yes indeed, plumbing is fairly easy, it's the gaining access that is difficult. Good morning all Ed (with a tricky dicky tummy)
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