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Status Updates posted by richbrummitt

  1. Didn't realise that going digital would involve translating so much German

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      It takes Kraftwerk to be that good.

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Jawohl, Herr General!

    4. richbrummitt
  2. Ordered the timber for my man palace

    1. queensquare


      Excellent news, every chap needs a man cave:-)

    2. richbrummitt


      Indeed. The damp-proof membrane, insulation and floor boards have been down for several weeks. Now enough timber for the stud walls will arrive on Friday. Once that is cut and erected I only need insulation, skins, door, mouldings, ceiling,... It'll be a while yet then :|

  3. Cannot find a piercing saw blade. Just where did they get packed?

  4. Found a top hat bearing in the sink. It must have been there for a few days. Fortunately she hadn't noticed!

    1. 2mmMark


      Top hat bearings are only for formal occasions.

    2. Stevelewis


      Nice one!! My usual sin is bits of plastic whe i have been stripping cable ends! Or worse blobs of solder!!

  5. unpacking. finally got to start on the new, smaller, railway room.

  6. Very much looking forward to 2mm event at Keen House tomorrow.

  7. Just finished what will possibly the last paint spraying I'll manage this year.

  8. Having a frustrating time soldering couplings up whilst fitting brake pipes.

    1. Horsetan


      You can't be having a worse time than I'm having with snapping drill bits.

    2. richbrummitt


      I already ran out of small drill bits. The worse thing is when you cannot remove the tip from the workpiece and have to start over.

  9. Had some crazy news today. On the plus side the Handel that I've had in my head for over a week has been replaced by another piece of music as a result.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RJS1977


      On the other hand, if it's Jimi Hendrix, all you've done is move next door!

    3. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      It sounds like a bad case of 'earworms' (Ohrw

    4. richbrummitt


      Worse: Ace of base.

  10. more power, another partial rewire, more wood, more glue, more solder... ...when will this be done and allow scemics to commence properly?

  11. The 5 items I purchased from a bag of 'assorted push to make switches' are not push to make. Grrr.

    1. Castle


      Ahhhhh - the old push to annoy type switch...

    2. richbrummitt


      I could still fit them but would have to remember to turn them off again after uncoupling. Not a good move methinks.

  12. These point motors are also troublesome.

  13. Given in and bought a point motor

    1. Tim V

      Tim V

      There's more where that came from...

    2. richbrummitt


      Hopefully. I bought one for size and replanning. I will need at least another 6, excluding signals.

  14. wondering whether to sack off mechanical switch operation and fit some motors?

    1. CovDriver


      I was in that pickle a while back and I've never looked back point motors all the way from now on.

  15. Layout rewire almost complete. Just the crossing switches to wire once the TOUs are linked up.

  16. Much less snow around today. Better for a trip to the Palace

    1. dagrizz


      Hmmm, in Rugby we've just had our worst snow of the weekend

    2. redspecial


      Needed a Ski lift yesterday :-/

    3. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      No snow here in Cornwall. Indeed, no snow yet this whole winter! Balmy Kernow, I call it. :-)

  17. Preparing a shopping list in preparation for AP this weekend.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Horsetan


      "S&M" Tools??? Are they really called that?

    3. richbrummitt


      Really. I promise.

    4. Horsetan


      I'd like you to post a photo of their stand in the "Things That Make You :)" thread, please.

  18. Todays finger injury: a Peco track pin straight through the wood and 1/8" deep in my finger.

    1. RedgateModels


      maybe Kenton's right :lol:

    2. richbrummitt


      I know how much that hurts: I lost half a tooth in a fight with a tanker hose ina my first job. I got my front teeth crowned last year at a horrific price but they are much better than a regularly replaced filling.


      I don't know what Kenton said. I have been a little accident prone this last few days, which is why the lathe has not been turned on to make lamp cases that I need to make for some signals.

  19. Not the best start to a week off; just sliced a finger open!

    1. scanman


      You & your hands! Is it going to affect your modelling schedule bearing in mind your exhibition commitment?

    2. The Nth Degree

      The Nth Degree

      Last week I was filing down some drivers seats for a little 04. When I'd finished I noticed I'd filed right through my skin. I was hoping for black seats, not red!

    3. richbrummitt


      No Ian. I caught the top of my second finger on the rear of the scalpel blade. I treated myself to a No4 Swan Morton yesterday and the blade is longer than the Xacto ones I'm used to. It wasn't a great day tbh. I burned lunch too :(

  20. Well that must be about as entertaining as a footplate ride gets.

    1. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Excellent. It must have been a 'shake, rattle 'n roll' trip :-)

    2. richbrummitt


      There was some shaking when helping Cheltenham and it's train start again after it had slipped to a stop up the 1in60 from Alton.

  21. Is very excited to have a footplate ticket for the 11am departure from Alresford tomorrow.

    1. devondynosoar118


      Post some pictures for us? All I have is an 8.15 start on the platform at Staverton!

  22. Excited to see ###### lever frames arrived today.

    1. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Oh go on... pull the other one!

    2. richbrummitt


      I can when I've built them. I bought two :-) I see the nanny didn't like the acronym used by the developers of the S4 society product.

  23. Ordered some of those lovely S4 lever frame thingies. Maybe they will be the inspiration that solves my tie bar problem?

  24. The car stays in the garage again today as I'm off to the Southampton show by train.

  25. feeding crank pin washers to the carpet monster

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