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Appleton Yard - Painting modelu drivers...

rob D2

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So, I've mainly been sourcing supplies behind the scenes - more ratio fencing for the depot and wire for the barbed wire on top as ratio don't give you much. It's 0.5mm if anyone encounters the same issue.


Thoughts turned to the front right of the layout - the ' water feature '. This isn't going to be a canal anymore, more a corner of a lake or specifically an ex - brick pit , like Calvert or forders. Reason being there are good examples of sailing clubs on lakes near both these rail locations , and I like the contrast between heavy freight and quaint little sailing boats. Also should I want to in the future I can justify binliner trains and extra spoil trains to the other worked out pits off scene.


The water looked rubbish TBH , that was an experiment with acrylic sheet....I've painted over it and I'll either do the 400 layers of varnish job, or try some ' realistic water '.

I'm just building up the scene, with slipways and a unit models shed I've finally found a use for.

Obviously it's no where near finished and will be fenced off from the portacabin area eventually.





I also was unhappy with the lack of a view break where the trains go off stage - that footbridge wasn't doing it. So I ordered some trees from the online model tree shop. Bit of brown paint on the trunks, insert a bit of wire up the trunk and hey presto.





I really like these trees - they aren't big brushes nor intricate etched - somewhere in between and at £8 for 5 I think are great value !


Finally I added an extra line in the fiddle yard - it's not attached to the others as its to plonk my peco loco lift on if I need to remove any engines that are not needed for a while.

The white tufts are foam to stop any locos I knock falling off the base board entirely.





That's all for now !

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Fraid not - I'm currently abroad.


Used all of last weeks time trying to change the logos on 37692 from coal to transrail - absolute disaster - took most if the logos off but went through the the grey as well.


Be at least a respray one side ! I'm not normally this cack handed !


I've got deliveries of fence , concrete paint and various other bits when I get back, as well as some realistic water to try out.

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I've got deliveries of fence , concrete paint and various other bits when I get back, as well as some realistic water to try out.


You haven't found a secret supply of Plastikote "Suede Touch" in tan, have you? I'm all out and can't find a can anywhere.

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No, unfortunately not - I never managed to find any although everyone says it was ideal.


Just good old rail match concrete for more walling - I'm not sure it's concrete, more like desert storm tank colour but it'll have to do I think

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A quick update. So what have we achieved with our modelling time this week ?


/ used some realistic water on the water feature. I finally got a sort of murky green canal colour mixed I was happy with, so had a go with the Bachmann product. It goes absolutely blooming everywhere if you dont seal the gaps well. I had resin in the floor, up my arms etc. Fortunately I moved the prodigy as it dripped there too. It'll need another coat and it's a bit too uniform , may have to introduce some ripples.




/ started messing up my fourth VGA




/ added this repainted Bachmann chap.Hes a civilian employee at the MOD vehicle centre.



/ and then it's all about the fencing .primed this with halfords and painted ' concrete ' colour.Ive got about two feet of this to do.then it's on to more concrete walling




Finally this line wasn't working as a fiddle yard line.its been shortened and connected to the DCC prodigy programming input. So this is my DCC programming zone now. The BDAs will be next to receive some frame dirt.



I also replacing a peco point in the FY. Some of the older points that end are about ten years old, so it's not surprising they are on their last legs.


I'm hoping to get the plank substantially complete, by the summer, so when the warmer weather comes I may be able to purchase an airbrush and start doing some weathering in those months.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, it's been half term, and busy. Managed a quick trip with Chris B to see Ian's Tidworth earlier this week , which gave me some good inspiration.


I decided ' building 513' needed a surround.




I also completed another 5" inches of security fence in front of it. I built this the wrong way , my idea of gluing the barbed wire to fixed points doesn't work as if there is the slightest twist it makes it a tad tricky.



I'm also building a 20' knightwing container for the corner of the base. This is fitted out with various drums of lubricant .




Finally I've started messing up my three BDAs. Usual frame dirt to sides and bogies, and a tamiya brown onto the wooden bolsters ( is that the right word ?)

I need these in service on the thin justification ( so I can run my 60) that the Cardiff - hamworthy empty steel/ scrap stops at AY to drop off some cargowaggons fro Milton park. I find its better to only twist the truth slightly than completely ( this was a real train in late 90s)




That's been it. I'd like to complete the buffer detail on 37174 before I go back to work, but I may not have time

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So, a little time today. I thought I'll sit down and put some buffer beam detail on 37174,,,, that'll be relaxing.


It wasn't , this is an area where Bachmann suck.

In the packet you get 2 snowploughs, 2 hooks, 2 multiple workers and 2 vacuum pipes.

No air pipes at all anymore.

Well, long story short - the multi workers don't fit th e holes and anyway if they did they'd foul the snow ploughs. The vacuum pipe has to fit on a bulge where the vacuum pipe is anyway.......I notice on photos of the real thing there is a lateral airline below the buffer beam with at least two hoses with yellow taps,, this is not depicted at all on bachman models.


Ah well, I fitted the coupling, and a red air pipe from a Bachmann 47, the rest will require more thoughtpost-450-0-70872600-1456081424_thumb.jpeg


This is the real version

Not sure where I got this photo but usual caveats regarding copyright and credit.( edit - appears to be Brian Daniels who retains copyright , hope he doesn't mind)



Not very similar.


Green container finished



And been messing around with an old Hornby OAA, re wheeled it and trying to patch paint as per the knackered examples of the 90s. Shiny Hornby plastic doesn't want to a accept paint though so I'll prime it with halfords before trying again...




That's all for this week, have a good one

Edited by rob D2
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Hi Rob

Sorry I hadn't noticed your thread up until today. It's a great little layout and an interesting subject. Really like the military buildings and vehicles. Oh, and the 37's but you probably knew that anyway. Shall be following along now. Great work mate.



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Time for a really boring update I'm afraid - I'm only at home one day in eight so made a few projects move on.

I guess this is all a sum of small efforts overall !


Had to take mainline 37242 apart as it was running like a bag of spanners - turns out when I slackened the bogie screws the bogies were so loose, one of the collection wires came off. Re soldered and took the chance to see if this body shell would fit it. This is the slow transformation to sister Dora ( 37116)


It does, where as older Bachmann chassis do not. Still having trouble getting a decent finish where I filled the roof horn mounts




The fence post forest continues to grow - 2 more feet of this needed



Primed my old Hornby OAA for patch painting



My version of Toton !

On left is bachy 47 chassis waiting for a body - hopefully a green 47 to become 47004

Then 37692 chassis and body that I damaged the paint on - current thinking is to strip it entirely,swap noses and make it 37516 in loadhaul.


Green Lima 37 body - paint spraying practice


Various kit built rudds and clams, waiting completion but rather redundant after the Hornby RTR version post-450-0-81364400-1456499268_thumb.jpeg


Ta ta

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Can't wait to the Sister when she's done. It's about time mine appeared on PDW. Will look forward to seeing the LoadHaul one as well when you've done it.

Means you enjoy doing the fence post so much I'll send some round as I need some to up by the foot bridge.

I think I know the answer to that already HaHa!



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Ha ha,, yes it's not the funniest thing I've done - but For MOD stuff it seems compulsory.


The sister is taking time - it won't be an exact copy as the noses I sourced are standard bachy plated over , whereas the original seems to be more flush.

It would have been quicker but this filling is killing me, I keep priming and checking but it's just not smooth enough- maybe I should try some better filler than humbrol.


516 I fancy asi saw it a few times on the bin liners in the chilterns and I like its stealthy black without logos

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