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Greetings from Germany


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Hello all,


I've just joined this forum, although I've been a (model) railway fan for many years now. I've got an unfinished TT scale layout (German outline) in my hobby room that has moved house with me a few times. Having lived in the UK for several years, I've also developed an interest in British outline modelling. Nostalgic feelings seem to draw me towards building a small shelf layout in 00 or British N scale, depicting some small suburban terminus in a fictitious location in Northern England around the year 2010, perhaps with a (slightly anachronistic) industrial siding, so expect a few related questions from me in the future. Should anybody have questions regarding German railways, I might be able to help with some of them.






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Indeed welcome to the parish that is RMWeb Martin,


I hope it gives you great satisfaction and interest as it has for me since joining.

As my current project is sort of early Bavarian railways I may take you up on your kind offer regarding questions at a future date as sadly my grasp of German is limited and any small input would be gratefully received.


Above all else,

Happy modelling ! :)



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Hi Martin,


I also model German outline TT, so I welcome another member with that interest.  Die Spur der Zukunft!  I'm hoping to get some bits for my project at Erlebnis Modellbahn in a fortnight.


What sort of size are you thinking when you say a "small" layout?  I've caught myself looking at places on Google Earth with similar ideas.  Heysham is interesting, a nuclear facility surprisingly close to the station.  Scrap is fun too, there's a neat little facility just south of Shipley station which even has its own locos!

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Hallo Martin,

Welcome and Willkommen also!

I'm a big fan of German railways so thank you for your kind offer!

It's nice to see that you have also taken an interest in British railways too, I hope you enjoy yourself here very much and that we can all offer you our support, knowledge and friendship.


John E.

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... What sort of size are you thinking when you say a "small" layout? ... Heysham is interesting, a nuclear facility surprisingly close to the station.  Scrap is fun too, there's a neat little facility just south of Shipley station which even has its own locos!


"Small" means a shelf of perhaps 8 ft x 1 ft, maybe a little longer, maybe a little wider in places. Something to go across the wall above the desk. That's already bordering on "micro", I know, but I cannot go around the corner, or I'll block the window. It'll be hard enough to fit a passing loop and a platform in front of the fiddle track. Four switches, perhaps five. Might have to go for 2 mm scale after all, and get a new pair of spectacles ...


As impressive as the Heysham power stations are, that would be a few sizes too large. The terminus itself is not too bad from a modeller's viewpoint. I've thought of a scrapyard, too. The Shipley scrapyard is the one under the bridge of the A6037, isnt it?


Well then, it already looks like some questions are beginning to formulate themselves. See you in other threads!



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