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As a man whose home is knee-deep in partially dismantled miniature ice palaces, can I recommend Lego?


They make some very fine ice-palace kits, just like the diagrams, which make good Christmas or birthday presents. They probably look better in 0 than 00, but in the foreground ......




At £65-75, Lego's Elsa's palace can stay in a ToysRus stock room and await the Receivers, thank you very much!


However, using Lego components is a great idea. I have long suspected that Lego components might prove to be a useful and under-exploited source for model makers.


I wonder how much of a selection is available.  I suspect the really useful stuff might be as rare as Hornby spares.


In other news, the Memsahib and The Boy are now in full-on Health Fascist mode.  Propelled by the overwhelming sense of guilt engendered by these two, I limped and wobbled to  the treadmill, and was afterwards, panting, presented with some cold, grey oat-based concoction that, pace Dr Johnson, was apparently fit for human consumption and all I was allowed for breakfast.


In the meantime, the other two achieved strength through joy by means of High Intensity Training (I don't know what this entails, but it makes the whole house shake), and The Boy clocked up 200 press-ups.


I think they're hoping Leni Riefenstahl will turn up later with a camera crew.

Edited by Edwardian
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The good news is that smaller Lego ice-palaces are available ..... we've not got the whopper one.


The bad news is that, once a fitness regime enters the house, it is hard to survive unscathed. The disgusting grey semi-liquid stuff only lets up when it is replaced by disgusting green semi-liquid stuff.


I recommend cycling, because it is about the only pleasant form of outdoor exercise open to the middle-aged man, but, more importantly, a means of escape, and can easily be arranged so as to include interesting things like exploring the routes of long-closed, or never-actually-built, railways and tramways, and visits to rural tea shops.

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My dear friend, we cannot be having you partaking in such wasteful activity! We can but hope that you are not inhabiting a household that has, in its philanthropic outlook, come to the conclusion that the only means by which one can understand what those in the Parish workhouse must suffer (Fully justified through their being sinful - to be poor is a sin! They must learn to get richer! Yes! Ahem!) is to consume gruel in a similar manner following such exertion!


And to think that your good wife and your children are also being put through this routine is beyond all belief!


The landed gentry, and certainly not the chairman of the Parish Council, should not be made to be put through the same horrors as face those sinful poor! They are sinless because they are wealthy and as such donate to the church in significant numbers!

Kindest Regards,


A. Basturd

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I hope you found that comprehensive summary of my incomprehensible summary most summarising and comprehendible.

Takes me back to English lessons at school where we had to do 'Comprehension'.  I never could understand that!



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My dear friend, we cannot be having you partaking in such wasteful activity! We can but hope that you are not inhabiting a household that has, in its philanthropic outlook, come to the conclusion that the only means by which one can understand what those in the Parish workhouse must suffer (Fully justified through their being sinful - to be poor is a sin! They must learn to get richer! Yes! Ahem!) is to consume gruel in a similar manner following such exertion!


And to think that your good wife and your children are also being put through this routine is beyond all belief!


The landed gentry, and certainly not the chairman of the Parish Council, should not be made to be put through the same horrors as face those sinful poor! They are sinless because they are wealthy and as such donate to the church in significant numbers!


Kindest Regards,


A. Basturd


Tabitha is, as always, immune.  She can't be bullied, bribed, reasoned, persuaded, induced, tricked, or morally black-mailed into anything. 


I am the Lone Victim of my wife and son's Enthusiasm.

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Indeed you could have an Anglicised version of Frozen, called 'It's a bit nippy but nothing serious' and set in the great city of Arundel, with its grand castle and cathedral perched high on the hills above the river Arun...

Or a Scottish version - '-9°C? that's T-shirt and shorts weather!'.  Or, if set in Aberdeen 'Aye, 'snae bad the day'.



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In other news, the Memsahib and The Boy are now in full-on Health Fascist mode.  Propelled by the overwhelming sense of guilt engendered by these two, I limped and wobbled to  the treadmill, and was afterwards, panting, presented with some cold, grey oat-based concoction that, pace Dr Johnson, was apparently fit for human consumption and all I was allowed for breakfast.


In the meantime, the other two achieved strength through joy by means of High Intensity Training (I don't know what this entails, but it makes the whole house shake), and The Boy clocked up 200 press-ups.


I think they're hoping Leni Riefenstahl will turn up later with a camera crew.

Just be glad thy're not into the pebble-dashing stuff that floats on the top of the skim-"milk".  That'll scour you inside out for sure.



... The disgusting grey semi-liquid stuff only lets up when it is replaced by disgusting green semi-liquid stuff....

The only response is to moo and hold ones nose whilst swallowing it.


It reminds me of that ad where the woman admits to conning the child into eating unpaletable food by disguising what it is using a blender.

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"She can't be bullied, bribed, reasoned, persuaded, induced, tricked, or morally black-mailed into anything. "


I wonder if this is an age thing.


My son, the same age, is mad keen on sport and exercise, but he is now pretty much impossible to persuade to do his homework, or the sort of thing that your daughter is so fully engaged with. It's maddening, because he used to engage, and is very bright, picks up anything he puts his mind to very quickly ....., but, if he puts his mind against it!


SWMBO says he gets his mule-stubbornness from me, but I will never be persuaded of that.

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  • RMweb Premium

I used to do that thing called exercise, now with a damaged big toe, damaged knees,, damaged back, damaged left elbow all due to that thing called sports. I nowhave an excuse not to do any such thing today, not that I could if I wanted to..

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My dear friend, we cannot be having you partaking in such wasteful activity! We can but hope that you are not inhabiting a household that has, in its philanthropic outlook, come to the conclusion that the only means by which one can understand what those in the Parish workhouse must suffer (Fully justified through their being sinful - to be poor is a sin! They must learn to get richer! Yes! Ahem!) is to consume gruel in a similar manner following such exertion!


And to think that your good wife and your children are also being put through this routine is beyond all belief!


The landed gentry, and certainly not the chairman of the Parish Council, should not be made to be put through the same horrors as face those sinful poor! They are sinless because they are wealthy and as such donate to the church in significant numbers!


Kindest Regards,


A. Basturd

I get most of my exercise from walking (admittedly long distances.) May I suggest that? It provides opportunities for inspiration as well as assisting in preventing an early death, wife inflicted it otherwise.

Then again I appear to be a good two or three decades younger than most of the other people on here so my advice should be taken in terms of personal context.

(I zoned out over the crystal palace thing. I despise the movie Frozen, mainly because my 4-year-old half-sister won't shut up about it.)

Edited by RedGemAlchemist
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  • RMweb Gold

It is not the understanding that is the problem is it keeping up at times this thread fairly gallops along. If I don't comment of a post when reading it I will have forgotten by the time I have read them all. If I do comment I then find that others have made similar comments and the conversation has moved on. 

On the subject of exercise I only accept two forms of exercise one is walking usually with the dogs but includes steep hills the other is the physical exertions of DIY where there is another benefit besides health (in fact some of this may involve more effort than is advisable for health) pushing a loaded wheelborrow up a 1in 3 slope  where the site on the parking area is about 20-25 ft below where it is needed is quite enough.

Healthy eating gets better as you get acclimatised to it. My breakfast consist of several spoonfuls of porridge oats, the same number of sunflower hearts, a handful of raisins a couple of choped Brazil nuts and a chopped appple all wetted with water. One could add other nuts,seeds or fruit if desired. My wife prefers to soak hers overnight to soften it just adding the apple in the morning. I do not finding that soaking causes the raisins to swell up like fat bluebottles. I am no insectivore.



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Mr Gem, our Alchemist here, I suggest that perhaps Crystal Palaces are not all bad and that Tabitha may indeed have exceptional taste - not quite up to LBSCR standards of taste - but taste nonetheless:




This move could, quite possibly, see our host building a London, Chatham & Dover layout for the Edwardiandottir.




I'm afraid I must go... I am booked on a train in 20 minutes with a couple of very kind gentlemen donned with white coats. I was ordered to report back to Earlswood or Crowthorne at 12:00 and it appears the kind gentlemen are very worried. I of course would prefer Earleswood, being on the LBSCR and served by such a wonderful little 0-4-0WT, but the gentlemen seem convinced that I must suffer the indignity of travelling on the South Eastern to Crowthorne.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mr Gem, our Alchemist here, I suggest that perhaps Crystal Palaces are not all bad and that Tabitha may indeed have exceptional taste - not quite up to LBSCR standards of taste - but taste nonetheless:




This move could, quite possibly, see our host building a London, Chatham & Dover layout for the Edwardiandottir.




I'm afraid I must go... I am booked on a train in 20 minutes with a couple of very kind gentlemen donned with white coats. I was ordered to report back to Earlswood or Crowthorne at 12:00 and it appears the kind gentlemen are very worried. I of course would prefer Earleswood, being on the LBSCR and served by such a wonderful little 0-4-0WT, but the gentlemen seem convinced that I must suffer the indignity of travelling on the South Eastern to Crowthorne.


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  • RMweb Gold

Takes me back to English lessons at school where we had to do 'Comprehension'.  I never could understand that!




Would you have understood Scottish lessons?

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Would you have understood Scottish lessons?

Noo, that wid be a differ'nt kettle o' fush a' thegither.   Ah read a book recently (written by a distant relative o' mine) which wis a' written in Scots.  Ah hae tae confess that ah wis dumfounert by some o' the wards an' hid to tak a look at the glossary as ah couldnae jalouse the meanin o them!    :O



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Tabitha is, as always, immune.  She can't be bullied, bribed, reasoned, persuaded, induced, tricked, or morally black-mailed into anything. ...


May I pass on my brief success with my granddaughters in phantasy castle building:


My re-introduction to model railways started when my son brought up for a family Christmas from the south a beautifully boxed Hornby Pullman set. We rigged it up in the hall (partying as you do) on a 6x4  plywood oval on an old IKEA table base by the tree.

But at 8, going on 9, my elder granddaughter objected to being sidelined and claimed a lineside plot for her castle building set (large scale brown plastic plug-together shaped bricks with gateways towers turrets). This tended to impair smooth train running


Next time they came (abt every 6 weeks from London) I had ready a stout ply plateau framed up over one end of the roundy-r as a site for her castle building .

Clearly it scored about 3/10 in terms of excitement, but by the time they were going back we had a some beetling cliffs in place, and deep cuttings to tunnel portals.

We did it crudely - me wielding  box cutter Stanley knife on corrugated cardboard  she placing it with UHU;  then we clagged  torn sheets over impregnated with pva and plaster.  We painted it clfflike (with trogolodyte caves) using ‘The Works’ tubes of Acrylic and tins of emulsion.


Where the rating  went up to  8 /10 + was that grandaughters could wriggle  under some blackout curtaining under the end of her castle and squirm  up close to the illuminated Pullmans as they swung right past their eyes.

We managed to contrive Princesses rescued by my maroon Princess loco sweeping past collecting a poor scrap of a damsel on a thread of wool!


It lasted no more than about 18 months as an enthusiasm, but by the end there was no mean Kafka’s Castle atop the peak and houses at its foot largely contrived by granddaughters and friends.  The plastic kit castle got quickly overbuilt by all manner of different sizes of transparent plastic water bottles taped up in  Disneyworld castle style.

The best bIt 10/10 for danger was them all learning to solder simple circuits using Maplins torch bulb holders, battery boxes  and push switches to light up the interiors. Quality Street wrappers proved  very popular for  stained glass windows.


The last addition from the elder G was a passable model made of Foster’s Sage Gateshead music centre by the Tyne Bridge.

At  nearly 16 she is now into a different world, familiar with languages unknown to me


Do not miss this brief window to bond


So I recommend:

‘A Little Less Conversation... a Little More Action Please.



Edited by runs as required
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  • RMweb Premium

My son, the same age, is mad keen on sport and exercise, but he is now pretty much impossible to persuade to do his homework, or the sort of thing that your daughter is so fully engaged with. It's maddening, because he used to engage, and is very bright, picks up anything he puts his mind to very quickly ....., but, if he puts his mind against it!



Oh so familiar! My son is 13 and it takes an hour of nagging to achieve half an hour of homework. Reassuring to know we're not alone.

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Shildon yielded something of help to the CA project in the form of a close-up inspection of a Sharp Stewart 4-wheel tender.


These are quite important in the West Norfolk context, as these types of tender were used with:


- the ex-Cornwall Minerals 0-6-Ts


- the Eastern & Midland rebuilds of same


- the Cambrian Small Passenger/Furness E1 2-4-0s


- the Cambrian/Furness small goods 0-6-0s


all of which are types I aspire to represent.











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There’s two versions of these on the Shapeways site.


Yes, by Knuckles of this parish.  And a Furness E1/Cambrian small passenger to go with one.


As soon as I can afford these ...


EDIT: He now does them in 7mm, too, I believe!

Edited by Edwardian
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  • RMweb Premium

Oooooooo now that is lovely.  I used to model the Furness in finescale 'S' back in the days when I had eyesight and steady hands.  The 7mm locomotives Knuckles has in his shapeways shop are sorely tempting, but due to lack of funds only a dream at the moment.

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  • RMweb Gold

The Mid Wales railway had some with the toolbox at the rear. The Cambrian had no toolbox on theirs but did absorb the Mid Wales railway later. The SS 6 wheel tenders were similar. I have a couple of each to build from Etches.



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