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Loose Tyres on Gibson Wagon Wheels

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I've just opened a "new" packet of Alan Gibson P4 wagon wheels. When I say new, they were unopened, but the price sticker says "Pendon Museum 75p", so not exactly bought yesterday, or even in this century!


One tyre was off the wheel, and all the others were loose. Is this common with wheels of this age, and what can I do about it as I imagine they'll work loose when the wagon they're going on is running. It's probably a bit late to return them! I've got two more unopened packets, that look OK, but another set that has been opened has one tyre off on each axle.


I need to take them off the existing axles and fit them on broad gauge ones, so they'll need a bit of pressure applied to them.

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This was a problem under the original owner but since being taken over by Collin it is not a problem I have experienced.


It used to be standard practice to drop the wheels in hot water and pop the rims off.

Check the rim of the plastic wheel centres for moulding pips and remove. Gently rough the plastic rims and re press the centres into the steel rims using glue of choice ie Loctite or superglue.


Gordon A

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