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Jon Fitness' average 7mm signals workbench.

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  • RMweb Gold

Aye its a big fella! 260mm wide by 150mm tall. TBH I'm struggling to find a suitable place on the layout for one but watch this space as they say.



I have drawings for the LNWR gantry which was erected in 1901, forming Rock Ferry Mersey Junction Down Mersey / Up Slow / Up Fast (with junctions) homes, spanning 6 tracks if you fancy a "plain" signal after this Jon

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I have drawings for the LNWR gantry which was erected in 1901, forming Rock Ferry Mersey Junction Down Mersey / Up Slow / Up Fast (with junctions) homes, spanning 6 tracks if you fancy a "plain" signal after this Jon

May take you up on that Dave. I'll see how Colins prat truss gantry etch comes out aa well.



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Well it's stood on its own 2 feet now and yes Pete, I think it will dominate anywhere it's placed!





Just as an idea I found a place where it could be used on the layout, possibly replacing a couple of GW lower quadrants (no bad thing :mosking: ) which haven't been quite right for their positions since a couple of track alterations about 2 years ago.







It's certainly tall and quite deep in it's vertical section too which gives it the height. I think I'll see what it looks like with the rest of the bits on it before I decide where it's going.

Speaking of bits, a little quiet time early hours at work allowed me to build up the 6 spandrel brackets.

These are the 3 parts to each one. I have already punched the rivets out. The flange parts have a central etched groove and a half etched bend line to locate the bracket making construction a bit easier.




The curved portion was formed over a screwdriver blade until it only needed a gentle press against the bracket to locate the groove.




One end was held with a little wooden peg and the solder gently run along the inner edge.



The ends of the bracket, as well as being very sharp, are quite weak and the flange seemed to spring them out of true. A bit of digital tweekery straightened them out and the straight edges, after bending on the half etch line fitted nicely.




After making sure the 90 degree bend located tightly on the bracket in the corner solder was run along the joint and also where the flanges met at the "sharp" ends.




The finished article from the "clean" side.




All 6 now done. I'll tidy up the ends making sure they are all the same size before I fit them.

These were constructed with 188 degree solder and will be fitted with 145 degree to the main structure so they don't ping apart!



More soon


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Looks very nice Jon although I'm not so keen on your apparent 'downgrading' plan for that particular site :O (however with that 'Triang' block instrument lurking in the background perhaps you could find a more fitting home for the existing residents ;)

Hi Mike,

It would be nice if I could train some of our incumbents to ring the "Triang" block instruments better and a bit more often instead of just playing trains. If I could, I might just treat them to an L&Y one instead!

Any way, don't worry about the GW signals as I think they will be amended or renewed as GW ones (in a more suitable format). My friend Steve at the layout is firmly copper capped and to badly paraphrase Mr Brooke; "There's some corner of this layout that is forever Western".. (sorry Rupert...)

The Bath Junction gantry will have to find another home on the layout!

Jon F.

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Hmmm. This is where the "average" bit in my workbench title rears it's head. Fitting of the spandrel brackets has shown my attention to detail regarding use of my little engineers square when fitting the main legs was somewhat lacking.

90 degrees should be 90, not 89-91 or thereabouts. Some of the spandrels could have been a little neater too. Seems I was more concerned with burnt fingers than centralising the curved flanges.

No excuses offered, and no reflection on the etch quality which has been excellent so far.

Must slow down and concentrate a little.... :fool:





Still...I'm sure it'll all look good under a coat of grey and black paint. :pardon:



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Hmmmm. The more I study the picture at the start of this build, the more I think something isn't right. As a gantry structure it's a very nice model but a model of the signal as pictured..... it isn't! The main struts on the actual signal look to be simple channel beams, the front to back section approximately half of what is represented by the model and the staging should overhang the rear of the structure by a couple of feet.

Any views on this?

More to the point does anyone have a better picture of the real thing or can anyone point me towards an appropriate page in a book? :paint:

Meanwhile I'll plod on "as is" and look to getting the anomoly sorted out on future builds..

More soon


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The original instructions for adding the staging suggest splitting the etch down the middle and soldering the rear 3 planks to the structure. This allows the dolls to be assembled and linked up to the operating mechanism "below decks" before the front half of the staging is placed (not permanently fastened) in front of the dolls. This allows it to be removed to gain access for maintenance I presume. Not sure how the handrails are meant to join though!

The staging provided on the etch isn't really wide enough front to back and the photo shows it placed on leaving a little overhang front and back. I'll add a central "plank" between the dolls from brass strip once the dolls are added.




As I now don't think this build will end up on the layout, I've decided to add some dolls to it in the format intended in the original instructions, using the brass signal arms provided on the fret. I'll probably keep it as a sort of display model.

More soon


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  • RMweb Gold

Hmmmm. The more I study the picture at the start of this build, the more I think something isn't right. As a gantry structure it's a very nice model but a model of the signal as pictured..... it isn't! The main struts on the actual signal look to be simple channel beams, the front to back section approximately half of what is represented by the model and the staging should overhang the rear of the structure by a couple of feet.

Any views on this?

More to the point does anyone have a better picture of the real thing or can anyone point me towards an appropriate page in a book? :paint:


I would agree it's not a model of the signal, it's a simplified version.


I've seen photos of the signal but I don't have any of my books here so can't give any references, perhaps someone who's modelling the area (I think there are a couple on here) could provide some helpful pointers ?

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I would agree it's not a model of the signal, it's a simplified version.



More or less sums up my modelling standard!!!

Jon F.


Edited to remove odd scripty stuff picked up while RMW was temporarily unwell!

Edited by Jon Fitness
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Me too ! :P


Dave, resurect the layout it was intended for and there is more then a good chance. I have the drawings here and most of the dolls and fittings to hand. Who, knows, in retirement, I may get board and need something more genteel to pass the time, I can't chase the "Wild Women" for ever. Mick.

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It's turning into a bit of a race now!

I've offered to get this bracket basically assembled for Colin to put on the Alan Gibson Stand at Manchester MRX this weekend (as long as he thinks it's good enough!!). It will be unpainted to show the construction but I'm putting 3 dolls on it with painted/finished arms.

There are etched bits supplied for locating the dolls/spacing the trimmers which were soldered on the top of the trimmers along with a few strips of scrap etch between them to act as supports for the staging. In an attempt to make the dolls removable for future adaptation of the structure, I fitted lengths of wider tube between the top and bottom doll locators with a view to just dropping the dolls in/removing them as required.

Using a tapered broach to open out the holes.





Guess who used a doll to check for vertical alignment and managed to solder one in permanently.... . :punish: .




As mentioned before the staging (unless I've missed something) isn't wide enough but was used after splitting it up the middle. The resulting gap is just right to be filled with a length of K&S 6.3mm strip.


Handrail stanchions were made from 0.6mm N/S wire and fitted through drilled holes on the edge of the planking. I'll fit the handrails once everything else is done (I'll only damage them otherwise!!)




The 2 halves of the staging were then tack soldered to a couple of the supports to keep them steady until I'm ready to fit them permanently.





More soon


Edited by Jon Fitness
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As etched UQ arms go these ones are reasonably OK. There's half etched marks on the back to punch out the bolt detail and some strengthening bits for the pivot/wire attachment part of the spec plate.

The usual gripes apply; a bit "tinny" looking, no flange on the back, early pattern spec plates (real thing very rare now) and no relief detail on the back of the spec plate. Personal preference applies here, thats why I cast my own!




I use brass 14BA bolts as arm pivots so the holes in the spec plate and overlays were drilled and the two bits bolted together with a steel nut on the back, lightly oiled.




Onced the soldering was done, the nut came off easily as the oil kept the solder off it, leaving the bolt secured.






I did a selection of arms and once done, they were taken off the etch and screwed on to a paint stick ready for a dose of Halfords finest.






I made up some suitable dolls using Scale Signal Supply post caps and my own lamp cases. The red colour is Halfords Audi Laser Red




The chevron on the distant signal is a bit of an experiment. Its a cut vinyl one supplied by a friend of a friend who works in a sign workshop. The shape isn't quite right but now I know how they're done I can work with the chap who does them to get them right. Failing that I could use them as paint masks!


More soon when time allows!!


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Only a quick update today.

Formed up and fitted the "smoke deflectors". These just need a quick bend in the vice and were soldered directly to the structure.





Also painted up two of the dolls and fitted the spectacle lenses to the arms. In 7mm scale, using a standard hole punch produces exactly the right size for the green lens and the red or yellow ones, although still circular from the punch, still fit nicely over the lens hole. These were glued in with a small amount of Zap-a- gap.





More soon.


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Just finished reading this topic and what a fantastic find. I can't help thinking how much easier and more resilient these signals are when built in 7mm compared to my first efforts in 4mm. Thanks for the incentive to keep on trying.

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Just finished reading this topic and what a fantastic find. I can't help thinking how much easier and more resilient these signals are when built in 7mm compared to my first efforts in 4mm. Thanks for the incentive to keep on trying.

Comments much appreciated! :blush: .

RMWeb seems to be functioning exactly as intended! Good luck with the signal building and let us see the results :good_mini: .

Jon F.

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With the ladder, handrails and a couple of dolls fitted, that's as far as I'm going with it for now. There's no working gubbins or lights on it yet but it's big enough to handle a few working arms.

As can be seen by the feet, there's a bit of a twist in it but once fastened down it disappears (honest!). Hopefully seeing this, Colin from Alan Gibson Workshop will be persuaded to upscale some more of his 4mm scale signal range. The ones I really want are the 12" and 14" paralell lattice stems, the lattice cantilever bracket and the full Pratt Truss gantry. Fingers crossed!





Once I get it back, I'll have a last look round our layout to see if it can be used anywhere before I decide how to finish it.

More soon


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...More to the point does anyone have a better picture of the real thing or can anyone point me towards an appropriate page in a book? :paint:

Are you still looking for photos, Jon? If so, I've just noticed that there is quite a good one taken in 1960 from the front side on p134 of Arlett & Lockett, The Somerset & Dorset Railway 1935-1966.



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Are you still looking for photos, Jon? If so, I've just noticed that there is quite a good one taken in 1960 from the front side on p134 of Arlett & Lockett, The Somerset & Dorset Railway 1935-1966.



Thanks Nick. I'm always looking!

I'll have to press a friend who's a S&D fiend. He should have a copy of that book in his chaotic collection!



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