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Coleborne Junction - Southern Steam 50's - 60's era


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Hi bike2steam, it's not Dawlish or Swanage on a windy spring tide, all is serene at Wimhill. Not that it seems that way when things aren't going to plan.


Thanks for comments.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Still busy with Wimhill station roof, now nearing completion, it looks quite a structure. The length being quite striking. Glazing bars on the longer section have still to be fitted, plus method of fixing to enable removal when required. This is something mentioned before that is still not finalised but there are several ideas under  review.








A train spotters view fron the dairy bridge.




Thoughts are also turning to the station building itself, plus still working on the approach scenery.


Regards Brian. ( wireman )

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Alongside the station roof, things are still moving along the sea wall. New steps and handrail in progress plus beach hut idea, the intention is to produce a line of these beach hut backs plus we need suitable figures in, beach wear perhaps, walking along the wall if anyone has suggestion.









Regards Brian.  (wireman)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing new to report from this weeks visit, just a couple of pictures to show how things are progressing. No people yet or seagulls etc. but the Bristol show is looming, must make sure Nick takes his debit card.









I did actually take more than these two pics but as normal, they were awfull. I have been intending to read the camera manual as I have now had this camera for 5 or 6 years and feel it may be time to do so. On the other hand , I have lots to do now on Brampton Road as conversion to a terminus to fiddle yard layout instead of the roundy round has started. No pictures there yet, going to read couple of pages of camera manual before taking some. Possibly.


Regards. Brian. ( wireman ).

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Looking back through this thread, I noticed that it was just over two years ago that track laying and wiring was happening on the Wimhill extension. It seems to have taken long time to the reach this stage, but other parts of Coleborne Junction have received attention during this time, plus other demands on peoples time have all played a part in the passing of the last two years. During this time, many parts of Wimhill have been planned, and made and the last couple of months have seen these coming together quite rapidly. The pictures here are very similar to those of the last few weeks but I hope they show the the progress being made. It's a sort of Spot the Difference puzzle without prizes.


















The Coleborne Three, attended the Bristol Show last weekend, our mission to find 4mm seagulls proved unsuccessful, but several puchases were made, the main one  should appear here in the next week or two. As always, we enjoyed the show and noted the attempt of improving the catering. Attempt is the word. Meanwhile here at home, I have actual started the conversion of Brampton Road into a Terminus layout. As before, the 2 inch paint scraper has proved invaluable.


Regards. Brian. ( wireman )

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  • 2 weeks later...

A morning session at Coleborne this week and as mentioned above, here are a couple of pics. of the main purchase from the Bristol show. Nick eplained that  7207  is passing through Coleborne, having started from Canton shed on its way to Wimhill. This of course needs some imagination, but doesn't everything. I'm not sure if the member of staff in the second picture has been drinking or just overwhelmed by the sudden appearance of yet another GWR loco. It's size is certainly impressive. The weathering on this model is excellent and it really looks the part at the head of a longish frieght.









Another job today was the fitting of a TTS chip to one of the S15's , should be straight forward but one of each of the wires from the tender pickups had been routed through the mounting holes for the speaker screws, so has to be unsoldered, routed through properly, and resoldered. Not a problem, but time consuming, the instruction sheet actually says that fitting of this chip should be no more difficult than fitting a standard one. This may prove difficult for anyone who does not wish to unsolder connections. Three other locos of this class were checked and all had this problem.


With the limited time left after fitting chips, playing trains, cups of tea and Tiger bread cheese rolls, I added a bit more sand and a few tufts around the base of the cliff and Nick made the first tentitive steps towards the construction of Wimhill's station building. (Mainly discussing materials to be used ). The people on the cliff top are not yet glued on, but for their own safety, I intend to do this on my next visit. This will not be for a couple of weeks so I hope they are still there then.





Regards Brian. ( wireman )

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Further to my fitting a Hornby TTS chip to one of Nicks S15's, I have fiitted one to my own S15 on my Brampton road layout. I am pleasantly suprised by both the sound and features employed on a chip, costing about one third of the price of the well known brands. Obviously there are limitations, functions can not be moved around, the chip could not be re-blown and the concessions to the toy market of coal shovelling , firemans breakfast etc. meaning things like coasting end up at function 17. Never mind,  function 4, short whistle then opening the regulator gives a delay start as the cylinder cocks are opened, 2.5 seconds as default, a few chuffs away from the shed, hit Function 17 and coast on to the main line, 17 off resume chuffing, all good operating value. Despite it's low price, the overall sound volume can be adjusted together with further individual volume control on all the other effects. All in all I think these are excellent way of starting in sound fitted loco's. ( Will forward order a Merchant Navy chip or two. )


Regards Brian. ( wireman )

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With the limited time left after fitting chips, playing trains, cups of tea and Tiger bread cheese rolls, I added a bit more sand and a few tufts around the base of the cliff and Nick made the first tentitive steps towards the construction of Wimhill's station building. (Mainly discussing materials to be used ). The people on the cliff top are not yet glued on, but for their own safety, I intend to do this on my next visit. This will not be for a couple of weeks so I hope they are still there then.





Regards Brian. ( wireman )


Hi Brian


The Cliffs look excellent, what colours did you use so get that sandy type of lines through the cliff face, its look spot on... :locomotive:

I like that way you have done the layers of blending different sand/rock colours where it looks darker brown/orangey in to the lighter creamy/light brown colours.




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Hi Jamie, thank you for your comments. The cliff face is just ready mixed Polyfilla, spread, rather like icing on a cake, in thin layers, allowing each layer to dry. When thick enough, this can be scraped with a wire brush to achieve your desired effect. Colour wise, black, brown, yellow ochre from tubes of artist acrylic, cheap from craft shops etc. just a touch thinned with water,  almost to the point where it is just coloured water. Nick, the layouts owner, has a much better eye for colour than myself, and obviously it is his, so his imput is always sought doing this sort of scenic work.

The cliff top is various short static grass built up with flocks and the odd sprinkling of scatter colour, still more to do here. Sand/shingle on the road is chinchilla dust, ours was donated but available at any local pet shop, plus grass tufts, Noch I think, these look a bit bright and shiny to me, they need toning down a little. The intention is to have a gate at this point as it is the entrance to the small loco shed. So, lots to do still. Once again, thanks for your interest and kind words.


Regards Brian ( wireman ).

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Hi Jamie, thank you for your comments. The cliff face is just builders caulk, spread, rather like icing on a cake, in thin layers, allowing each layer to dry. When thick enough, this can be scraped with a wire brush to achieve your desired effect. Colour wise, black, brown, yellow ochre from tubes of artist acrylic, cheap from craft shops etc. just a touch thinned with water,  almost to the point where it is just coloured water. Nick, the layouts owner, has a much better eye for colour than myself, and obviously it is his, so his imput is always sought doing this sort of scenic work.

The cliff top is various short static grass built up with flocks and the odd sprinkling of scatter colour, still more to do here. Sand/shingle on the road is chinchilla dust, ours was donated but available at any local pet shop, plus grass tufts, Noch I think, these look a bit bright and shiny to me, they need toning down a little. The intention is to have a gate at this point as it is the entrance to the small loco shed. So, lots to do still. Once again, thanks for your interest and kind words.


Regards Brian ( wireman ).


Hi Brian / Nick


It certainly look realistic... and interesting way of creating that look using 'builders caulk, spread, rather like icing on a cake, in thin layers, allowing each layer to dry. When thick enough, this can be scraped with a wire brush to achieve your desired effect'... I'll have to have a try doing it that way...


Thanks for that Information.



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  • 1 month later...

Just catching up on last weeks visit to Coleborne. Although not an obvious change, the end section of the cliff has been reduced in height. Not by a great amount, but enough to improve the overall effect.






Plus, a little more detail added to the town part.






First picture of the start of the station building to follow.



Regards Brian  ( wireman ).

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A Monday evening visit this week, I'll be confused about which day it is for the rest of the week now.  Once again, more detail added at Wimhill.

The fencing had to break here because of the baseboard join, both needing to be lifted independantly. I have contacted the repair gang to pose here to hide the break, it seems though, that they are still lurking on a shelf in the model shop.








Next, the first wall of the station building, plus a view looking along the platforms with it stood in place.








A lot to do yet, but everything is coming together now at Wimhill.

Dairy at the other end next.



Regards Brian. ( wireman )

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back to a Wednesday visit this week. Just one ( poor ) picture of parts cut so far for the station building.






The main walls are brick embossed plasticard with Wills windows, set back with thin plasticard strip, door frames and doors. Each assembly then being glued to an inner strengthening sheet. Still more Static grass being added, maybe worth a photo next week.



Regards Brian.  ( wireman ).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another evening visit this week, pleasant evening with progress being made on the station building etc. so nothing new to report, although I did take a couple of pictures I quite like. The nearest roof support pillar has taken a knock, will put it right next week.









Regards Brian.  ( wireman )

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The excitement this week was the arrival of the new Hornby Maunsell Kitchen / Dining coach. Excellent. Work wise, Nick has been pressing on with the station building, enough to stand a few walls up to illustrate how it will look. Internal walls, roof, canopy etc. all to do. I continued with Static and flock. Pictures of the building only as one of our number thinks there are to many looking towards the station from the bridge. I have to concede that this is probably true but never the less have felt compelled to strike him off my christmas card list. I'll only need four now and I think there is four left from last years pack of ten National Trust pack.















It has occured to me that I will need a lift over to Coleborne next week so am re-considering the christmas card list.



Regards. Brian. ( wireman )

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  • 3 weeks later...

Two pictures similar to last weeks but showing progress on the windows etc.









The fence repair gang have also arrived at last. It's obvious to see how long they have taken to turn up by the growth in the grass.

Looking at the "guy" ( modern parlance as used in most cafes or restaurants these days, ) with the pick axe, I will not be suprised to see an ambulance at this scene next visit.






Next weeks visit should see the roof on the building.



Regards Brian.  (wireman ).


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An afternoon visit again this week and more progress on the station building. First from the road entrance, second from the canopy side, then through the entrance with ticket office etc. inside. 















Roof colour, chimneys to be made, gutters, down pipes to be fitted, which may appear before my next visit or maybe not.

I did take a couple more pics.of the ever growing weeds around the little used siding to the dairy , anyone suffering from insomia is welcome to private message and I'll post a couple.



As always, regards Brian. ( wireman )

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