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West Highland Line V4, a 1980's West Highland Line layout


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  • RMweb Gold
10 hours ago, Eddie R v2.0 said:

The red ballast on the platform in today’s pics looks pretty good from what I remember back “in the day”. Not sure if each station got their supply from a different location but that looks spot on from my memories of Taynuilt. 


Based upon the various pictures that I have, I also think the Woodland Scenics iron ore ballast I used is a good match for colour. It just looks new/fresh out of the tin whereas in reality having been exposed to all that Scottish sun (and rain) it would likely have faded. It is not easy to be certain because most pictures taken on film in the 1980's have also faded meaning that they are potentially overstating the amount of colour degardation. Hopefully I can find a way to dampen down the vibrancy of the colour.


I have no idea which quarry the ballast came from, I have read that the famous red/brown comes from somewhere in Lanarkshire but beyond that I am blissfully ignorant. Fortunately my obsession with the WHL has not yet reached the level of needing to understand this. I attach a link to a picture from Ernie Bracke's Flickr site which shows the gravel colour which, on balance, actually looks pretty close to Woodland Scenics. Perhaps I should concentrate on something else: can anyone suggest where I might get a working lamp to match that in the picture. The twin headed dustpan light, telegraph post style wooden post was typical for the WHL in the 1980's, I need them for Arrochar and Ardlui as well.


b4 Garelochhead 21apr86 a342



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  • RMweb Gold

3 days in a bleach solution and the gravel shows no sign of becoming any less bright. Test concluded, I will seek to find other ways to tone down the gravel. In between the gravelling work, I ran the last trains of the working day so as to have some fun and test out that what I had done scenically at Garelochead all worked. It did and I can now start the underpass construction which, once complete, will enable me to secure the platform in place.


I am still seeking ideas for the platform lights as outlined in my previous post. I cannot find anything remotely similar amongst any of the suppliers I am aware of. Any suggestions will be gratefully received.


37012 departs Crianlarich for Oban



37049 arrives Garelochead with 1520 Corpach to Mossend



37014 arrives Garelochead with the up sleeper




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  • RMweb Premium

These station buildings are superb and just do so much to set the scene . But frankly on this layout it’s difficult to single out one thing amidst such great modelling . Deeply envious of the modelling going on and the general idea of modelling WHL 

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  • RMweb Gold

Yesterday’s efforts were again focused on Garelochead where I wanted to finish the bulk of the station work and create the area where the underpass exits the station and joins Station Road. This area is below the level of the trackbed and required the removal of a 400 x 600 mm piece of baseboard that was well and truly screwed into place. After installing additional framework under the baseboard to support where I was removing, a few minutes with an electric saw created the ‘hole’ that I sought. Next up was fitting the underpass steps that lead away from the platform. These are Peco steps, not a perfect match but close enough for me. The area surrounding the underpass was ballasted and glued to hold the steps in place. Posts and rails will be added to the station ramp once the glue is dry.


Next was painting and weathering the platform walls, again these are bog standard Peco concrete where I used a technique borrowed from Everard Junction and was very impressed with the outcome. Railmatch acrylic Frame Dirt was brush painted onto the walls and lightly sponged with a damp sponge before it dried. I was pleased with the results, I only wish I had learnt of this before fixing Crianlarich because it is a lot easier to do with the platform upside down on the workbench. A little touching up of the coping stones followed by adding the white lines to the patform edge and finally I got to the stage where I was happy to fix the station in place. Ballast was poured, glued and by the end of the day Garelochead station was largely complete. Hopefully this morning the glue will be set hard and I can start on the road area and run some trains.




Everard Junction style weathered platform walls



The 'hole' for Station Road


End of day



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  • RMweb Gold

I am still no nearer a solution for the platform lights, here is a better picture of what I am after. This appears to be a standard WHL style for the period as the same style of lights can be found at Arrochar and Ardlui. 


f33 Garelochhead 25sept85 a173


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  • RMweb Gold
4 hours ago, young37215 said:

I am still no nearer a solution for the platform lights, here is a better picture of what I am after. This appears to be a standard WHL style for the period as the same style of lights can be found at Arrochar and Ardlui. 


A while ago, on a completely different project to the current one, I knocked up designs for security lights not too dissimilar to that.  I printed them in word, stuck them to plain plasticard then cut them and folded them up.






I don't know if you can visualise them folded up but those, or something similar, perhaps with adapted Dapol telegraph posts might work.




Using fine motor winding wire and sure they could be made to work too.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Warren, I had considered something similar to what you suggest. I discounted it because I need several of the lights and I do'nt have the skill, inclination, patience or time to attempt to make my own although I am keen that whatever solution I adopt, the lights must be working ones. 


The issue caused me to do a some research where I learnt that this lighting style was common on the WHL in the 1970's and 1980's. From Garelochead to Tulloch only Crianlarich did not have this style. I am hopeful therefore of persuading one of the small producers/manufacturers to create a custom offering for me with a view to them adding it to their portfolio as a generic 'WHL platform light'. 


As the saying goes, watch this space....


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Your project continues to impress. You are progressing well. It is often difficult to maintain a consistent high standard with a big project but you don't seem to be having any difficulty in that regard. Thinking more about your time period and unusual trains which ran on the WHL I am pretty sure  Maude hauled a four coach special all the way to Mallaig in 1984. The train was 4 mk1's, three blue/grey and one Brake in chocolate/cream. Maude would then have been in fully lined NBR livery as depicted by the current Hornby model. Food for thought perhaps.



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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks David, kind words but and without intending to offend anyone, WHL4 is a kettle free zone. This is to the extent that the steam hauled Fort William to Mallaig service gets a diesel in substitution. It's not that I dislike steam, I volunteer on a steam railway, just that I grew up with and like diesels.


Tom Noble’s The West Highland Mallaig Extension on pages 69 to 72 has pictures which show you to be correct about Maude hauling 3 FO's and Pullman BSK. She only reached Arisaig on 28th May 1984 before being turned back due to late running. Maude finally got to Mallaig on 1/9/84 running double headed with 44767 having spent much of the summer runing a 2 coach daily return service between Fort William and Glenfinnan advertised as 'The Glenfinnan Flyer'. 


The last few days have been focused on Garelochead’s underpass exit and the construction of the road into the station. This is the far side of the track meaning I am constantly leaning across to work. Apart from a stiff back, it is difficult to see what I am doing and I constantly take pictures from angles that are otherwise impossible to view from. By the end of Saturday the embankment area had been constructed and plastered and today should see the area finished with painting and scenic materials added.


Basic outline of the underpass is constructed using Wills coarse stone


Stonework is weathered using Railmatch acrylics and station name added


Wing walls (note to self, next time remember that supeglue melts polystyrene!)


Embankment is constructed from plaster cloth and Sculptamould


End of day with Sculptamould drying





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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Rob,


Quick question, do you undercoat the Wills walls before applying the acryllics, if so what with please ? They look very effective.




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  • RMweb Gold
5 hours ago, 03060 said:

Morning Rob,


Quick question, do you undercoat the Wills walls before applying the acryllics, if so what with please ? They look very effective.





Hi Ian


No undercoat or sealing, just several layers of paint from a pick and mix of diluted sleeper grime, frame dirt and weathered black. Having watched an Everard Junction video on Youtube I have started using his technique of an old kitchen sponge to dab on the wet paint which helps create a more random/irregular effect. This worked really well on the platform walls and has proved effective with the underpass. Worst case and it is out with a cotton bud and IPA to clean or reduce the mess as is required. 


Famous last words but I do'nt think you can go far wrong. The before and after pictures above show how effective it is to very quickly and easily turn the clean plastic into something that looks more care worn. I have started the process at Mallaig on a larger piece of plastic and it seems to work equally well on the larger area.


regards Rob



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  • RMweb Gold

My word this lock down has a lot to answer for, I will be dreaming model railways tonight having spent several hours on Garelochead during the day. With lots of paint and plaster involved it is a case of do something and leave it to dry before returning for the next step. Fortunately its been a fabulous day which has helped speed up the drying process. 


Start of the day I re-glued the wing walls with PVA. My attempt at using superglue yesterday resulted in significant melt of the polystyrene which has been filled with Sculptamold. This enabled a second coat of Sculptamold to fine tune the embankment which was then painted using a cheap burnt umber acyrillic. Once dry, PVA was spread and Woodland Scenics material was added. All in all a productive day, I just need to work out how I am going to paint the subway floor because I cannot reach it from where I can stand!


Start of day



Second coat of Sculptamold 


Embankment painted



Scenic material added to the embankment, vacum cleaner required!


Station Road starts to take shape


Close of play, Station Road extended and gaps in scenic material filled in. 




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  • RMweb Gold

Not much work on the layout today, other domestic activities such as lawn mowing taking priority with rain forecast for the next few days. Having finished glueing and painting last night, I ran a few trains just to ensure I had not created any issues with the work on Garelochead. Last train of the day on the WHL was the southbound alumina empties returning to Blyth. On this occassion a pair of 37's, 085 leading 051 take the southbound train through Garelochead. 


 At the northern end of the station I am creating the siding lifted in 1982. I have started laying sleepers, finishing off the north end of the station is next up on the work list








Waiting for the road




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23 hours ago, young37215 said:



Start of the day I re-glued the wing walls with PVA. My attempt at using superglue yesterday resulted in significant melt of the polystyrene which has been filled with Sculptamold. This enabled a second coat of Sculptamold to fine tune the embankment which was then painted using a cheap burnt umber acyrillic. Once dry, PVA was spread and Woodland Scenics material was added. All in all a productive day, I just need to work out how I am going to paint the subway floor because I cannot reach it from where I can stand!






I do admire your dedication, creating an underpass that you can't even see from the 'viewing side'. You must be tall, agile, or both to contort sufficiently to reach.


If it had been me, I'd have made sure the baseboard was removable to give me full access. Did you consider a 'trap door' in the baseboard to make access easier?



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  • RMweb Gold

I am short, reasonably flexible and not very forward thinking! My plans were not as comprehensive as yours, a contrast in your professional background and mine. 


The underpass is a key feature at Garelochead and despite not being connected to the platform steps I am pleased with how it looks. I managed to add fencing yesterday and paint the visible tarmac. 




The viewing angle of the underpass, all other views come from pictures. The addition of railings on the platform ramp will further create the image of the real thing.



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  • RMweb Gold

A wet day spent mostly modeling with the focus continuing on Garelochead. Having largely completed the area at the south end of the station, I was keen to get on with the rest of the station surrounds. In between I managed to run some trains, first train of the day is the down sleeper seen with 37192 arriving at Garelochead.



37033 follows the sleeper north with a Sighthill to Mallaig Junction Yard freight


It was a good growing day, before long some bushes had grown on the embankment.


37081 arrives with the first Glasgow to Oban train of the day


The boundary fence to Station Road begins to take shape


Rapid vegetation growth at the northern end of the station




Edited by young37215
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On 21/04/2020 at 07:21, young37215 said:


Based upon the various pictures that I have, I also think the Woodland Scenics iron ore ballast I used is a good match for colour. It just looks new/fresh out of the tin whereas in reality having been exposed to all that Scottish sun (and rain) it would likely have faded. It is not easy to be certain because most pictures taken on film in the 1980's have also faded meaning that they are potentially overstating the amount of colour degardation. Hopefully I can find a way to dampen down the vibrancy of the colour.


I have no idea which quarry the ballast came from, I have read that the famous red/brown comes from somewhere in Lanarkshire but beyond that I am blissfully ignorant. Fortunately my obsession with the WHL has not yet reached the level of needing to understand this. I attach a link to a picture from Ernie Bracke's Flickr site which shows the gravel colour which, on balance, actually looks pretty close to Woodland Scenics. Perhaps I should concentrate on something else: can anyone suggest where I might get a working lamp to match that in the picture. The twin headed dustpan light, telegraph post style wooden post was typical for the WHL in the 1980's, I need them for Arrochar and Ardlui as well.


b4 Garelochhead 21apr86 a342




On 28/04/2020 at 17:33, young37215 said:

A wet day spent mostly modeling with the focus continuing on Garelochead. Having largely completed the area at the south end of the station, I was keen to get on with the rest of the station surrounds. In between I managed to run some trains, first train of the day is the down sleeper seen with 37192 arriving at Garelochead.



37033 follows the sleeper north with a Sighthill to Mallaig Junction Yard freight


It was a good growing day, before long some bushes had grown on the embankment.


37081 arrives with the first Glasgow to Oban train of the day


The boundary fence to Station Road begins to take shape


Rapid vegetation growth at the northern end of the station





On 28/04/2020 at 17:33, young37215 said:

A wet day spent mostly modeling with the focus continuing on Garelochead. Having largely completed the area at the south end of the station, I was keen to get on with the rest of the station surrounds. In between I managed to run some trains, first train of the day is the down sleeper seen with 37192 arriving at Garelochead.



37033 follows the sleeper north with a Sighthill to Mallaig Junction Yard freight


It was a good growing day, before long some bushes had grown on the embankment.


37081 arrives with the first Glasgow to Oban train of the day


The boundary fence to Station Road begins to take shape


Rapid vegetation growth at the northern end of the station





With regards to lightening the ballast colour, on my Glenfinnan layout I used Woodland Scenics but chose slightly different colours. Might I suggest you try a similar paint colour to the ballast such as Railmatch Track colour or one of the Rust colours with a little White added to it and try 'dry brushing ' the ballast using a flat brush and drag the brush across the ballast. A bit of trial and error, might get better results!


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  • RMweb Gold

A little more time spent on Garelochead which is now down to detailing and today I have been adding trees, bushes etc. In between work, trains are running. 


37022 draws a Glasgow to Oban service into the platform


534208340_300420015.JPG.87f6ee88cccd06e9dc85cc646227a2c5.JPG Additional fencing installed, railing is made from 1mm Plastruct bar and the posts are 2mm. The fencing would not pass muster with todays safety standards but the single bar was all that existed to seperate the running line from the car park in the 1980's.


37012 arrives with the offsetting Oban to Glasgow, I have spent quite a bit of time on the disused siding. The surface has only just been painted hence the lack of greenery and other railway junk.


Woodland Scenics fine leaf foliage added to the embankment


37012 draws to a halt, I have just realised that the signal has not been replaced! The signals will get secured and motorised once I have completed the scenic work.1920772230_300420025.JPG.fff593b3a8415d1d174163ec8a64a8ec.JPG

37012 awaits departure, must get the stanchions and railing fitted to the ramp.


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  • RMweb Gold

Several boxes of fine leaf foliage later and I have done as much as I can for now at Garelochead . The rails immediately north of the points need weathering and ballasting ( the auto correct wanted to use ‘balls stinging’, to replace 'ballasting'!) when I usually call it ball ache. I digress, the next task is fixing and automating the signals which require servos that I don’t have yet. Logically I shall have to focus on something else and return to finish Garelochead at a later date. 


37264 arrives with a freight bound for Glasgow 





the disused freight dock siding has taken a while to create


Edited by young37215
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  • RMweb Gold

It was only on April 18th that you were showing us a picture of where Garelochead was going to be and you had just ballasted the track and the rest was bare boards.

Amazing progress.


p.s.  love the disused freight dock.

Edited by BoD
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  • RMweb Gold
16 hours ago, BoD said:

It was only on April 18th that you were showing us a picture of where Garelochead was going to be and you had just ballasted the track and the rest was bare boards.


A good point, it is very easy to lose sight of how something is moving forward. Of course it helps that we are all housebound at present and there are only so many times you can mow a lawn. 


Two photos taken from similar positions reinforce the progress. The second photo shows that I have cut the basket liner used for the rough ground in very straight and unrealistic lines. I will change this and attempt to introduce greater randomness.





Gracie anxiously waiting for her pal so she can go out for her walk.


Edited by young37215
spelling correction
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