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S7 scratch building

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Couldn't decide whether to press the 'friendly/supportive' or the 'craftsmanship/clever' button, but went for the latter in the end.  There's nothing wrong with the painting on that to my eye.  You're either too hard on yourself or I'm easily satisfied!



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  • RMweb Premium

Interesting. My interpretation of "red ends" would be red all over, framing include. On the other hand, what you've done is in the spirit of the two-tone grey livery worn by some of these brakes and some of the outside-framed covered goods wagons.

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Interesting. My interpretation of "red ends" would be red all over, framing include. On the other hand, what you've done is in the spirit of the two-tone grey livery worn by some of these brakes and some of the outside-framed covered goods wagons.

I'd have gone for all over red ends but, having said that, unless it's documented anywhere whose to say which is correct as photos won't give an answer.



Edited by Crewe North
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  • RMweb Premium

Jim, I have been very lucky because I have had the opportunity to acquire some of the best quality models built by some of the country finest builders. I am not a rich man and when I started to model O gauge over 36 years ago I had just been made redundant for the second time. I went to the O gauge show when it was at Manchester Uni in I think 1985 and saw some of these coaches on the J.& G stand at prices that I could only dream about because I had a new young family and no employment.

But with a lot of hard work and many long hours and with the help of my wife things got better and I now have been given the chance to buy some high quality models which I use as a yard stick to try to match my own ability to. I doubt if I will ever get to that sort of standard but I now a have something to aim at.


Compound and Crewe North, I have painted the ends in panels like the two tone colours on other vans and used the photograph of the ballast brake in the background of the Preston accident as a guide. I am not sure if this is correct but without other information I don't think we we ever know.








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..... I doubt if I will ever get to that sort of standard but I now a have something to aim at.......

I would never be able to achieve anything near the standards of that vehicle, or, for that matter, your own creations.  I just satisfy myself with doing the best I can. So yes, it looks like I am easily satisfied.



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  • RMweb Premium

Gentleman, I could not achieve anything like the standard of the coaches especially the painting. But when the opportunity arose to acquire them I did not hesitate or feel guilty about buying them. I was just a normal working class lad who left school at 15 without any qualifications but I worked hard putting in very long hours. I use to cycle 18 miles a day to work in all weather's doing 12 hour shifts or longer sometimes not having any days off for weeks on end. After 19 years service I was still made redundant and shown the door for for the third time. I only posted the photos to show the standard I wish I could achieve but I know I never will.


Jim, I couldn't do what you do in 2mm. I couldn't make 4mm scale work for me so I am full of admiration for your skills. I suppose I should be able to make a reasonable wagon having scratch built over 400 wagons over many years of trying.

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  • RMweb Premium

I have painted both ends with another coat of vermillion but the open end will still need some more work. The photos show my poor painting skill. I have also made up the brake wheel by soldering two etch parts together and rounding them off in the mini drill. There is still a fair bit of work to do


I have decided to have a couple of sheets of etch w-irons of my LNWR wagon design. They will not be available for about a month so if anybody wishes to have some this will be the last time I am likely to have any produced. I am not going to make any money from them so I will be selling them at cost. They will cost £3.25 per wagon plus postage. P.M me if you need any.





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  • RMweb Premium

Unfortunately there is very little information available and even fewer photographs than normal to go on. Vol 3 of LNWR wagons just says both ends were vermillion and nothing else. I don't think we will ever known unless new information turns up.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

The etch w-irons have arrived and anybody who ordered them should have them shortly. If anyone else wants any, there are only 12 wagon worth left. They are priced at £3.25 per wagon post paid. PM me if you require any.


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  • RMweb Premium

I know I shouldn't start anything new with so many half finished wagons but ....

Anyway I had a visit from a member of the L&Y society last week and we ended up talking wagons. So when the gentleman left I got out my two L&Y wagon books and had a look at one of the early van to Dia 3. I have always wanted one of these vans so it wouldn't do any harm would it ?


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  • RMweb Gold

Ah! The wide-planked version.

Well, they would be, wouldn’t they?

I mean, 7mm scale is 175% of 4mm scale...


I hope I manage to grab my coat and hat as I sprint for the door...

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  • RMweb Premium

Yes the wide plank version. I am pleased with the progress and the fitting of the parts. Because the sides are made from 60 thou and the headstock from 100 thou there is a ledge inside to fit the floor before the solebars go in.



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  • RMweb Premium

I've fitted the floor and solebars and put a couple of extra layers of plasticard in both the sides and ends. I have added another 60 thou piece plus a layer of colour plastic in 20 thou inbetween to make it like plywood. I always make multi layers with odd number to save the sides from warping and use Limonene to glue it all together. I have to be more careful using Limonene because it takes a lot longer to dry and I am forever getting fingerprints on the outside surface of and model I make.



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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Andy. I will have to wait untill my own technical support arrives home from China next week. That is my son-in law who has gone there for 3 weeks on business. He understands all the things my old brain cannot grasp.

Untill then I will put up a couple of photos of my visit to a gentlemans layout that I had the pleasure of visiting last week.




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  • RMweb Premium

Compound, I like the early red livery like yourself far better than the latter grey. The layout that I had the privilege of visiting had some wonderful locos and rolling stock on it, it made me quite envious.

A bit more progress on the L&Y van with the end stanchions put on with the help of another spaceing jig. They have been left over long untill the glue dries out before they will be trimmed to size and thickness. I found a old roof in my box of spares that has just the right curve that will do.

Not sure why I stared this van as I have neither w-irons or castings for this van so it will go in the must finish one day box along with about 10 others.




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  • RMweb Premium

I said yesterday that I didn't have any castings for this van but I had look in my box of wagon buffers and low and behold a set of L&Y buffers complete with buffer heads. I have checked all my etch w-irons from various companies but none match the L&Y profile.


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