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micro change of mind

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post-26535-0-04041600-1508352341_thumb.jpg hi all  . like most people we get a plan in our minds of a layout we like to do . even make a start   then for no reason  . you can just loose the will . that happened  to me . I had wanted to do a micro version based on Neil rushby's  shell island . have ing  all ready  had a bash at one before  . but I just couldn't get the atmosphere in such a small space  that I wanted . so I filled in the slipway . and now it will be a micro cement terminal post-26535-0-41689600-1508353169_thumb.jpgpost-26535-0-61349500-1508353376_thumb.jpg here is a pic of what progress I have made so far post-26535-0-62282900-1508353525_thumb.jpgpost-26535-0-66997900-1508353603_thumb.jpgpost-26535-0-55267600-1508353694_thumb.jpg

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post-26535-0-79775100-1508390331_thumb.jpgyes your right there I will have to give the 1st version another bash . I all ways regret  parting with the original layout . it shouldn't  take to long to finish this one I am on now  I have kept the goods shed from the mark 2 version

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post-26535-0-98587000-1508426216_thumb.jpgpost-26535-0-41465200-1508426282_thumb.jpghi steve i used  the  backscene from gauge master they do some good sky clouds  ones you get 3-4 in a tube think they do them in different sizes . the one i used was 13 and a half ins or 34 cm in height so that set the backscene hight for the layout  it was a 1st for me as normaly i paint mine  i used a spray glue  to fix it but should have used more glue  as i  had to re stick bits of it again .  yes the curved backscene  was a bit of a fight  to get right I use hard board  and brace the back

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post-26535-0-26580400-1508441371_thumb.jpg hi Alex . I built the traverser use ing  small draw runners from screw fix . hope the picture shows how it goes together . I saw the idea a good few years ago  . it works nice and smooth .

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no problem steve . yes  seeing how  other people  build there layouts  has helped me solve a good few problems . ive just been looking at your post regarding micro switches .   I got in to a right mess with mine . I was use ing  a rod to operate my point and a peco  micro switch . I wired  it as shown but ended up with loco stopping dead on point and shorts what looked so simple turned into huge disappointment .in fact I took it all out and just use the point as it comes . now seeing your post ile have another go . :scratchhead: 

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  • 1 month later...

thanks  for your comments chaps ile be glad  when I get some of the scenic  work done  like the grass and the bare black patch will be a small coal yard of some kind  .have ing  changed from the original idea of a shell island look alike  . to cement and coal  one  its kind of make it up as i go along . all so i have only a small amount of rolling stock as every think went with my old layout when i sold it . so its a slow process. as i like uk and irish stock

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post-26535-0-31755600-1515959487_thumb.jpghi all i did manage to get some bit done over the x mass break . biggest problem so far has been lack of rolling stock . to get things move ing i picked up a couple of cement tanks at a local collectors fare for a few quid .they were black with Hornby written on the sides some cheap nail farnish  remover did the job and a blow over with grey primmer got me two useful  tanks . ok they are not irish  ones but it will fill the gap . few other bits yard gates . grass on embankments  bit here bit there post-26535-0-64504600-1515960117_thumb.jpgpost-26535-0-19694600-1515960222_thumb.jpg

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thanks jerry . I will be run ing some BR locos  at a later date  when I get some . at the moment the only other form of motive power is the Hornby Rolls-Royce engine sentinel diesel . but this has been a big let down . it runs terrible . I did run it in from new . but even after fitting it with a Hornby decoder it still runs bad . so the irish  141 class is at the mo the main loco . as much as I am a irish loco fan the 141 class are neat looking small bo bo's  . I have to admit . I am not keen on the general motors engines there noise just dus not do it for me . so I have fitted a Hornby tts class 31 sound decoder in mine . and I think it matches it really well .ile be in for some stick now from any irish modellers reading this . :O 

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Looking really good there. It's amazing how just a little bit of greenery and scenery can suddenly lift the appearance of any layout
It's as if it's all suddenly coming together just that bit more....

Really liking the look of this smashing little layout. At first, I thought that Irish loco looked a bit too big for the scene. But I do like the look of it.
Always had a soft spot for the livery, and somehow it just sits nicely in that setting :)

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post-26535-0-19608800-1516048164.jpgHi  chris  I have only started to do curved back scene's on the last 3 layouts I have  built I think they give a much better look . hope this gives you a idea of how I do it . 1st I all ways use hard board I find it bends well . I cut it to the height I want and pin and glue it along the back battern of the layout base. half way a long I mark were I want the curve to start . and just saw level with the top of the base board ,hope fully the 2 pics show howpost-26535-0-84245800-1516049496_thumb.jpgpost-26535-0-44178200-1516049610_thumb.jpg I do bend the hard board very slowly as to much strain will cause it to break . more pins glue and more batterns  brace the back to make it all strong .

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Yes i agree my  sentinel will end up a buffer stop I never really had much luck with short wheel base shunters  which is a shame as the layout was built for that type of locos in mind . wonder if a more expensive decoder would fix problem ?

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Thanks for the 'how to' with the backscene, they definitely look better. About the Sentinel, how does it run on DC? I could be wrong but as I understand a better decoder wont cure any running problems that were there before fitting.


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Good point steve . it was some time ago  i run the loco in on DC on a rolling road  but as i think about it doint think i was that pleased at the result but i will remove decoder and check again . A modern Hornby 08 would not go a miss on the layout for the shunting

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