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Not Getting Answers for Questions I Post

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Hi all,


I'd like to start off by saying I'm a little annoyed that when I ask something or even when I post on one of my own threads I get no replies, just a few views. At first there will be one or two (sometimes not very helpful) replies and in most cases I reply back and get NO reply. This has been ongoing and I've been tempted to post about this several times before. I may just be impatient at times but in a few instances I've had a good response or two within a few days of posting.


Ok, rant over.


I hope I haven't caused any conflict by posting this,



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Difficult one this one. BUT there could be several reasons.

Firstly by no means everyone is looking at the forum on a daily basis, many probably weekly or even less often.

Secondly maybe no one has a suitable answer or does not know the answer. I do look at your posts sometimes but if I have nothing useful to say I don't reply. There's hundreds of posts on here and many don't get a response or much of one.

Thirdly the subject may have been done to death on previous threads and if no one has any further information they won't respond.

You complain about 'not very helpful replies' but that may be all the respondent knows.

It is of course possible that no one is really interested in the subject anyway


In short that's the nature of forums.



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Which particular topics are you referring to?  


I've checked out the intermediate DMU car conversion, which seems well trafficked, I'd be interested to see what other questions are lying fallow out there in forum vacuum....

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  • RMweb Gold

I am of the opinion that if people don't know the answer, or cannot add any more information, then they shouldn't answer.  I seem to suffer the opposite (fortunately not on this forum, railway modellers seem to be more helpful) in that some people feel they have to say something, even if they cannot contribute anything.  Probably the most common ones I seem to get for queries on other forums is:   "I don't know the answer to your question but  ......"  another one is: " have you tried Googling it?"

Edited by Royal42
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Here's another reply for you!


Looking at that list of topics you have started - I think you have done very well to get that many replies!


I sometimes think it's disheartening not to get a reply or even a rating especially when one goes to the trouble of trying to help answer a problem or question.  But hey, that's the nature of an open forum.  As has been already pointed out, some folk don't have the knowledge of your particular subject.  I'd rather get no answer than a load of waffle of even worse, incorrect information!


Now, I'll stop waffling!  :no: 

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  • RMweb Premium

You're definitely operating in a very specific niche of the hobby, so I'd not be too disheartened that you often don't seem to get many responses. You need to consider the pool of people who can answer any potential questions you have. If it's "what does LNER stand for?", it's rather larger than "how many pieces of ballast were laid cumulatively in 1992?". However if an answer to the latter is what you require then it's of no use whatsoever knowing that people can answer other questions!


I personally cannot stand "I don't know the answer, but someone else will be along soon who does" as a response. It's prolific on another forum I'm a member of, and elicits a near homicidal reaction in me!

You do seem only to have a couple of threads with no other respondents, and now you've got another response here which is just basically rambling. I'd not take it personally.

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When I ventured rather gingerly into the world of contemporary Spanish railway modelling a while back, initially the silence was deafening. As has been mentioned earlier, I'm another one who reads a lot of threads but doesn't reply just for the sake of replying. If I don't have anything to contribute or any specific answers to specific questions, what would be the point? I could reply and take the thread off-topic, and perhaps throw in the odd reference to sausages and Brexit, but really, that would be helpful how?

I'd maybe consider changing your virtual deodorant brand if you'd started 30 topics and not had a single reply, but looking at your content, that's hardly the case.

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  • RMweb Gold

Many (though by no means all) of the threads you have started are of a style that is rather loosely defined, "kite-flying", about "might-have-been" prototypes, or permutations of the three; e.g. your latest one speculating, in very general terms, about the nature and extent of foreign design influences on UK railways.


All a bit too non-specific for me to want to get involved. I thought it was just me, but maybe it isn't............


My policy with all threads is, if I'm not stimulated to contribute or gleaning information of interest to me (and ideally, both) after one page of posts, to "ignore this topic"


No offence intended and, I hope none will be taken. Regards




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